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GeoServer: Past, Present and Future Andrea Aime - OpenGeo Justin Deoliveira - OpenGeo.

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Presentation on theme: "GeoServer: Past, Present and Future Andrea Aime - OpenGeo Justin Deoliveira - OpenGeo."— Presentation transcript:

1 GeoServer: Past, Present and Future Andrea Aime - OpenGeo Justin Deoliveira - OpenGeo

2 Releases since FOSS4G 2007 GeoServer 1.6.0 vs GeoServer 1.7.0 – feature comparison – performance comparison One year at a glance

3 One year of releases SEPT 07 OCT 07NOV 07DEC 07 JAN 08 FEB 08 MAR 08APR 08 MAY 08 JUN 08JUL 08 AUG 08 1.6.0- beta3 WMS speed- ups SEPT 08 1.5.4 Bug fixes 1.6.2 Security fixes 1.6.3 Watermarking Limit SRS list KML speed- ups 1.6.4 Bug fixes 1.7.0- beta1 Per layer security WCS 1.1.1 WFS 1.1 + xlink 1.7.0- beta2 More per layer security options KML superoverlays 1.7.0-RC1 Bug fixes GDAL based readers 1.7.0-RC2 Bug fixes 1.7.0-RC3 Bug fixes 1.6.0 Security fixes 1.6.0- beta4 Bug fixes 1.6.0-RC1 Bug fixes 1.6.0-RC2 Bug fixes 1.6.0-RC3 Bug fixes 1.6.5 Bug fixes

4 GeoServer WFS 1.0 WMS 1.1 PostGIS DB2 Oracle MySql Shapefile ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ArcSDE WFS PNG, GIF JPEG TIFF, GeoTIFF SVG, PDF KML/KMZ GML2 GML3 GeoRSS GeoJSON Raw vector data Server s Styled maps DBMS Vector files WFS 1.1 WCS 1.0 GeoTIFF ArcGrid GTopo30 Img+world Mosaic Pyramid Raster files Raw raster data GeoTIFF ArcGrid GTopo30 Img+World 1.6.0 beta3

5 GeoServer GeoWebCache WFS 1.0 WMS 1.1 PostGIS DB2 Oracle MySql Shapefile ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ArcSDE WFS PNG, GIF JPEG TIFF, GeoTIFF SVG, PDF KML/KMZ GML2 GML3 GeoRSS GeoJSON CSV/XLS Raw vector data Server s Styled maps DBMS Vector files WFS 1.1 WCS 1.0 GeoTIFF ArcGrid GTopo30 Img+world Mosaic MrSID JPEG 2000 ECW,Pyra mid Raster files Raw raster data GeoTIFF ArcGrid GTopo30 Img+World 1.7.0 WCS 1.1 GWC KML superoverlays Google maps tiles

6 Using JMeter to generate load against a local GeoServer Using a XP Pro box, 3GB memory, 3Ghz dual core processor Rising number of concurrent requests, reports average response time (lower bars are better) Quick performance comparison WMS requests against a shapefile layer (the topp:states demo layer, see the benchmark presentation for details) Using 6 different tiles of 256x256 size, png encoding, antialiasing

7 Quick performance comparison WFS requests against a PostGIS layer (a copy of the topp:states demo layer, same 6 tiles but in GML) – WMS requests against a 6000x4800 GeoTiff, extracting 256x256 tiles at various resolutions

8 Per layer security WFS reprojection GDAL raster drivers, raster symbolizer GeoWebCache, KML SuperOverlays... New features in detail

9 Per layer security Ability to specify access rule on a layer by layer basis Simple configuration based on a list of rules following this template: namespace.layer.mode=role1,role2,... A name, or * to mean “any” r: read w: write The roles that will be authorized to access the data under this rule

10 Per layer security, example *.*.r=* *.*.w=NO_ONE private.*.r=TRUSTED_ROLE private.*.w=TRUSTED_ROLE topp.districts.w=LEGISLATORS Basic read only lock down Per layer overrides

11 GDAL integration By means of the ImageIO-ext library, GeoServer can now support MrSID, JPEG 2000, ECW and a subset of other GDAL supported formats Requires platform dependent binary extensions, available only for Windows and Linux at the moment (contributions welcomed!) Very good performance, see the benchmark related presentation ECW reader not included in the standard download due to licensing issues geo-

12 Raster symbolizer support Significantly improved, now supports: – color ramp – band selection – contrast enhancement – opacity and gamma correction Extract gray channe l Appl y color map geo-

13 Default grayscale DEM output Applying a ColorMap DataSource: GTOPO30 in a single file, JPEG2000 lossless compression, 166.392x21.587 pixels, 386MB (‏

14 GeoWebCache integration GeoServer GeoWebCache Persistent raster/KML tile cache Caches tiles as used by most common slippy map interfaces Ideal for layers that rarely change Delivers raster/KML tiles to: – OpenLayers – Google Maps and Google Earth – Microsoft Virtual Earth Speeds up data delivery by a factor or 10-100

15 KML SuperOverlays Problem: you have a huge data set you want to display on Google Earth – the generated KML is simply too big – the features you want to display have a clear hierarchy – zoomed out, you want to display only the most important ones, – less important should appear progressively, as you zoom in, while leaving the important ones visible – of course, everything should happen in the most fluid way

16 KML SuperOverlays Solution – create a pyramid like structure – have Google Earth regions drive what is visible at each scale – use a tile cache to maximize delivery speed This requires GeoServer 1.7.0 and the GeoWebCache plug-in

17 KML superoverlays A sample from the global biodiversity database (, distribution of the Cape Hope Squid (Loligo Vulgaris Reynaudi)

18 Improved preview Play with tiling, antialiasing, format and map size Issue dynamic filters on your data

19 Other improvements Significant ArcSDE improvements – Less connections used during normal operation – Supports versioning, read and write against the default version – Uses native ArcSDE transactions on write Support for Xlink in WFS 1.1 Fully new WCS 1.1 module (GeoServer being the reference implementation of it)

20 New user interface REST configuration API Brand new Oracle data store N-dimensional rasters WPS 1.0 and more... What's cooking?

21 New user interface Developed in collaboration with interface and interaction designers Fully AJAX based Most functionality within a few clicks from the root of the administration interface Service extensions can now plug in their extra configuration UI Based on the open source Wicket framework (

22 New user interface

23 REST configuration Prototype worked on during the last year Allows full programmatic configuration using simple REST calls (e.g., mass configuring 100 layers, adding new data as it comes in, etc.). Will be further developed in the 2.0.x series

24 New Oracle data store Current Oracle data store giving you headaches? Try the new one: – Full rewrite – Deeper testing – No more date/time/timestamp issues – Better security – Better performance – Support for some 3D geometry structures The base for a new series of database backed data stores (yes, PostGIS, I'm looking at you!) ‏

25 Forget flat rasters... Support for N-dimensional coverages (3d + time) Full WCS support, mapping slices using WMS time and elevation parameters Being coded right now in a branch geo-

26 SLD visual editor

27 Web Processing Service 1.0 A new WPS 1.0 plug-in is sitting in the GeoServer community area Finally some spatial analysis! At the moment, only sample processes – simple addition – geometry union, intersection But with an API that allows you to build new ones, so jump in!

28 KML in 3D Add a third dimension in your KML files Extrudes support

29 And more! Google searchable datasets: – Following the KML super-overlays work, make the datasets searchable by Google – Very interesting if you need to disseminate big amounts of data in a way that allows most people to find them and import them in Google Earth Complex features – CSIRO ( is poking GeoServer in an attempt to add complex features – Next year might come with big suprises


31 Because I always want to say more than what presentation time allows for... Extra slides

32 WFS: full reprojection support Have your client work in a completely different projection than the data native one: – Reproject WFS output to another spatial reference system – Insert data in SRS other than the native one – Express filters in an SRS other than the native one E.g., make a OpenLayers web based editing client and use Google tiles (in spheric mercator projection) as a backdrop Works even with WFS 1.0 (as a custom extension) ‏

33 GeoServer (back and forth on the fly reprojection)‏ Google Maps servers OpenLayers Vector data (4326)‏ Backgroun d tiles GetFeature (geometrie s in 900913)‏ Raster data (4326)‏ Transactio n (geometrie s in 900913)‏ GetMap (custom backgroun d overlays)‏

34 Security: access modes GeoServer GetCapabilities R1 GetMap (securedLayer) R2 Client

35 Security sandwich WMS WCSWPS Data catalog Custom protocols OGC service security layer Data security layer

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