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What is Stress? Stress is a natural response to the pressures of life. Stress prepares the body to react to a challenge. Stress can be good as well as.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Stress? Stress is a natural response to the pressures of life. Stress prepares the body to react to a challenge. Stress can be good as well as."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Stress? Stress is a natural response to the pressures of life. Stress prepares the body to react to a challenge. Stress can be good as well as bad.

2 What happens during periods of stress? Body’s Responses to Stress ◦ Muscles tighten to prepare for action. ◦ Sugar flows into the bloodstream for a quick burst of power. ◦ Breathing quickens to bring more oxygen to the blood. ◦ Pupils dilate to sharpen vision. ◦ Skin turns pale as blood is diverted to muscles and brain. ◦ Heart speeds to pump blood faster.

3 What happens during periods of stress? (cont.) If the problem is resolved, the body returns to normal. If the problem is unresolved, stress will continue and can build up over time. Exhaustion, poor health, even mental illness may result.

4 Signs of Stress Physical ◦ Headaches, stomachaches ◦ Trembling, nervous tics ◦ Teeth grinding ◦ Rise in accident-proneness ◦ Frequent urination, bedwetting

5 Signs of Stress (cont.) Behavioral ◦ Crankiness, laziness ◦ Anxiety, nervousness ◦ Poor eating habits ◦ Excessive TV watching ◦ Sleeping problems, nightmares

6 Communication is the Key Teach your child the following sings of stress: ◦ A pounding heart ◦ Fast breathing ◦ “Butterflies: in the stomach Help them identify the cause of the stress: an upcoming test? A fight with a friend? Encourage them to work out a plan to deal with the cause of the stress.

7 Some Sources of Stress for Children Death of a Loved One ◦ Make a point to teach children about death before the loss of a relative, friend or pet. ◦ Avoid terms like “going to sleep” etc. ◦ Answer questions honestly. It’s OK to say. “I don’t know” Parents’ separation or divorce ◦ Assure your children that they did not cause the divorce/separation, could not have stopped it, do not have to take sides, and will still be cared for

8 Some Sources of Stress for Children (cont.) Competition ◦ Organized sports, dance, music, etc., can cause stress ◦ Having a good time, not winning, should be the goal. ◦ Praise the child’s effort, especially after a loss. ◦ Be sure the child participates for enjoyment, not to please the parent. A New Sibling ◦ Spend time with each child ◦ Don’t’ compare children ◦ Don’t expect instant affection

9 Some Sources of Stress for Children (cont.) School ◦ Show interest in what your child does at school ◦ Praise Effort ◦ Be in touch with teachers, let them know if situations at home are causing stress ◦ Don’t put too much emphasis on grades “Growing Pains” ◦ Physical, social, emotional and intellectual changes ◦ Listen to children ◦ Encourage them to express their feelings, even if you disagree ◦ Allow them their feelings

10 Teach your Child Stress Management Deep breathing ◦ Relax body, close eyes, take slow breaths Exercise ◦ Game of tag, jump rope, bicycling, skating and other vigorous activities are a great way to “let off steam” Imagery ◦ Close eyes, breath deeply, and spend of couple of minutes in your “favorite place” recalling those sights, sounds, and scents.

11 Teach your Child Stress Management (cont.) Having a “Quiet Hour” ◦ Instead of television, radio or video games, write in journals, do a puzzle, or read. Set Goals ◦ Help your child prioritize all of the “jobs” in his/her life. Let go of some activities if it becomes too stressful. ◦ If your child becomes stressed because of a major project that is due in school, help them break it down into smaller chunks.

12 Help Your Child Become Flexible Leave time for unstructured play. Free time is essential for emotional growth and good mental health. Applaud success is all areas – not just in school or sports. Praise the ability to make friends, express feelings, do chores etc. Encourage the ability to welcome change, not fear it. Provide a range of experiences and activities as your child grows.

13 Reducing Stress Exercise together ◦ This can be fun and strengthen communication and family ties Eat Right ◦ Provide adequate servings from the 5 food groups Get Enough Rest ◦ Weariness can make anyone feel stress

14 Seek Help for your Child If stress becomes more than he or she can handle: ◦ Write or Call  Your child’s school  Your family physician or pediatrician  Your mental health center or association  A parent support group  Your priest, minister, or rabbi

15 Don’t Let Stress Hinder Your Child Know the signs: Teach them to your child so they can recognize them also Recognize the Causes: Take steps to reduce them. Show your child ways to manage stress. Practice stress management together. Get help if your child’s stress is out of control.

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