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Semantics Paper page 1 Figures: Metamodelling and Semantics…

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1 Semantics Paper page 1 Figures: Metamodelling and Semantics…

2 EmbeddingLanguage (Representational Language or Basic Medium) LanguageDefinition Interpreter limits limitedBy limits SentencesInLanguage Mapping UserInput Constraint Instantiate Maintain Delete Static Behaviour LanguageInstanceOf Check- Mapping Functionality Extent Intent Ontological- InstanceOf Create- Sentence Create- Language used: LanguageDefinition.eps

3 Embedding Language (Representational Language or Basic Medium) Computer Installed Modelling Language Language Defining Structure Static Behaviour Interpreter (M-MM) Constraints limits limitedBy limits Sentences In Language Language InstanceOf Computer Internal The interpreter establish the InstanceOf and might also check it. Mapping User Input mappedTo mappedFrom

4 Language Defining Structure Computer Internal + Surface Medium Language Medium Graphical Textual Interpreter Map concrete- Syntax abstract- Syntax :Language Defining Structure :Medium Language Interpreter Language Defining Structure Interpreter Medium Language used: surface.eps

5 MOF  MOF+OCLsubset+SEMsubset other view MOF  MOS + OCL MOS (= MOF-OCLsubset-SEMsubsetMOF+SEMsubsetMOS) SEMsubsetMOS including interpreter (giving instantiation sem…) (part of rep.language/embedding lang. ?) MOS SEMsubsetOCL (giving some OCL sem…) (MOS+)Unconstrained OCL (possibly OCL) …May be one more step to get OCL MOS OCL MOF SEM = part of platform SEMsubsetMOS SEMsubsetOCL SEMsubsetMOF= SEMsubsetMOS + SEMsubsetOCL? Probably not needed: SEMsubsetMOF_EXTRA?? MOS Used for creation of structure and attachment of semantics SimpleMOF

6 Unconstrained- MOFStructure Instantiation- Semantics Embedding- Language attachment attachedTo This could be some classes defined in Java. Only structure; is meant to describe classes etc. (e.g., class Class). This structure might have been instantiated from a predefined set of Java classes (e.g, slots storing values might have been instantiated from a Java class called Slot). Functionality that allows instantiation of the described structure. It must be tailored to the SimpleMOFStructure, e.g., class Property must be instantiated to an attribute description. It might be composed of Java objects with instantiation functionality. UnconstrainedMOF (a) (c) selectedStatic- Structure selected- Dynamics UnconstrainedMOF (b) instanceOf semanticReuse used: UnconstrainedMOF.eps

7 UnconstrainedMOF (a) (c) OCL- Semantics Embedding- Language selectedOCL- Dynamics Structure which is meant to describe the constructs of OCL. The semantics of UnconstrainedMOF is reused and will be applied when OCL sentences are stated. The semantics for evaluation of OCL sentences are found in the attached OCLSemantics. attachedTo attachment Unconstrained- OCL UnconstrainedOCL Unconstrained- MOF MOF Unconstrained- OCL MOF OCL Well-formedness rules are now included. The semantics of UnconstrainedMOF is reused. Well-formedness rules are now included. The semantics of UnconstrainedOCL is reused. (b) Unconstrained- OCLStructure used: UnconstrainedOCL.eps

8 OCL MOF UMLStructure OCL is included. OCL MOF RelationalDB- MetaModel Well-formedness rules are now included. OCL is included. RelationalDB- Semantics attachedTo attachment Embedding- Language (a) (b) UML- Semantics Embedding- Language attachment attachedTo UML used: UnconstrainedUML.eps

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