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Fit For Life. Blood Pressure When your heart beats, blood is forced through the blood vessels and your blood pressure is at its highest. We call this.

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Presentation on theme: "Fit For Life. Blood Pressure When your heart beats, blood is forced through the blood vessels and your blood pressure is at its highest. We call this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fit For Life

2 Blood Pressure When your heart beats, blood is forced through the blood vessels and your blood pressure is at its highest. We call this the Systolic Pressure. When your heart is relaxed the blood pressure falls. This is called the diastolic pressure. Units are mmHg (millimetres of Mercury) 130 mmHg / 75 mmHg Systolic Pressure (Heart Contracting) Diastolic pressure (Heart Relaxed)

3 Heart Animation

4 Blood Pressure Systolic (mmHg) Diastolic (mmHg) Normal 13075 High 160105 Low 9040

5 High Blood Pressure Causes? Age, Diet – High in Salt, Weight, Alcohol, Stress. High Blood pressure increases the risk of blood vessels bursting. If this happens in the brain it can cause brain damage (Stroke). Brain cells in the immediate area usually die within a few hours. Strokes can impair speech, vision, movement or memory, depending on where in the brain it happens. Some people recover completely, while others die after very severe strokes.

6 Stroke Damage

7 Damage to Kidneys High blood pressure can also lead to Kidney failure Dialysis Machine

8 Low Blood Pressure Can also present problems Less oxygen gets to the brain so can result in people getting dizzy spells when standing up quickly. Fingers and toes may not get enough blood resulting in damage to the cells.

9 What happens when you exercise? Muscle cells carry out an increased rate of aerobic respiration to release more energy. This means the cells require more oxygen and glucose. Heart pumps faster to send more blood, containing oxygen and glucose to the cells. You also increase your breathing rate to get more oxygen into your body.

10 Aerobic Respiration Glucose + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy Write the balanced Symbol Equation for Aerobic Respiration. C 6 H 12 0 6 + 60 2 6H 2 0 + 6C0 2 + ENERGY

11 Wow Factor Sprinters in a 100m race do not usually Breathe during the race! They are not taking in Oxygen! How are they able to release energy without oxygen?

12 Anaerobic Respiration Aerobic respiration (with oxygen) cannot sufficiently meet the energy needs of a person who is exercising intensely, e.g. 100m Sprinter. In addition to aerobic respiration, the person also needs to carry out anaerobic respiration (without oxygen). Anaerobic respiration releases some of the energy from glucose without the need for oxygen.

13 Practical

14 Anaerobic Respiration Glucose Lactic acid + Energy Releases less energy from Glucose than aerobic respiration. Some of the energy remains locked up in the lactic acid.

15 Lactic acid Lactic acid builds up in muscles. Acts on pain receptors causing muscle soreness and fatigue. The reason for your muscles hurting is to act as a warning that your body is reaching its limits. Pain barrier – If athletes allow the lactic acid to build up to too high concentrations, enzymes which catalyse the respiration reaction will become inhibited. Respiration will slow down, less energy will be released and the person will collapse due to lack of energy.

16 Problems! The lactic acid produced by anaerobic respiration needs to be broken down by the Liver and this requires oxygen. You therefore have to continue to breathe deeply for a while after exercising, to supply the oxygen to rid the body of lactic acid. We call this extra Oxygen required after exercise to break down the lactic acid your ‘Oxygen Debt’. Only once we have got rid of this lactic acid will the breathing and heart rate return to normal.

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