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Presentation No. 7 Part Two Section VIII “Close of Probation for the 11 th -hour church and the Truth preached 3 ½ years prior to its close” 2
Meditation Thought: TN5: 25.1: For one to ask, Why did God allow errors to creep in among His people, and to be so widely circulated? would be at the same time to ask, Why did He permit errors to come in among His ancient people to such an extent that they finally so obscured from view the very focal point of the entire ceremonial system -- the great Infallible Waymark, the long expected Son of God -- that not only was He lost sight of but also, when He did come, was rejected and crucified between thieves! TN5: 25.2: The reason that the Jewish people were led into this dark and tragic course was that they rejected and killed the prophets, whom God sent to correct their erring ways, "till there was no remedy." 2 Chron. 36:16. The experience of the church today has paralleled at every point that of the Jews. In fact, "Said the angel, 'Ye have done worse than they'." -- Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 129. Even from the very beginning, Israel of today has said of the Testimonies: "...we will believe that portion which we think is of God, and will not heed the other." -- Id., p. 234. Meditation Thought: TN5: 25.1: For one to ask, Why did God allow errors to creep in among His people, and to be so widely circulated? would be at the same time to ask, Why did He permit errors to come in among His ancient people to such an extent that they finally so obscured from view the very focal point of the entire ceremonial system -- the great Infallible Waymark, the long expected Son of God -- that not only was He lost sight of but also, when He did come, was rejected and crucified between thieves! TN5: 25.2: The reason that the Jewish people were led into this dark and tragic course was that they rejected and killed the prophets, whom God sent to correct their erring ways, "till there was no remedy." 2 Chron. 36:16. The experience of the church today has paralleled at every point that of the Jews. In fact, "Said the angel, 'Ye have done worse than they'." -- Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 129. Even from the very beginning, Israel of today has said of the Testimonies: "...we will believe that portion which we think is of God, and will not heed the other." -- Id., p. 234. 3
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month SR2: 185.3 “..…. At the beginning of the judgments of God they saw their mistake and rushed for the ark of safety, but it was beyond their reach for they knew nothing of the message, and by the time they acquired it (filled their lamps with oil), there had been a delay, the angel had passed "through the city, through Jerusalem," the church -- the sealing was finished, and probation for the church had closed -- the door was shut. Thus they were left out. Then they came with these words: "Lord, Lord, open unto us, But He answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not." "Appoint his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." What a disappointment that will be! 4
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month TN3: 89.4: Doubtless to some, these numerical equations will seem strange---as strange as the thought of the earth's revolving on its axis was to the world of the Dark Ages! It is the incredibilities of today, however, that are the taken-for- granted realities of tomorrow. So, though at present time little do we know of the many Bible numerics and their veiled code of truth, not so is it always to be, for God has placed them along the Bible's highways and byways of Truth, as signposts calculated to point and to illuminate the Royal Road to the Kingdom. ……. GC 399.4: In like manner, the types which relate to the second advent must be fulfilled at the time pointed out in the symbolic service. …… 5
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month SR2: 220.3: Is there any way whereby we can determine the time of the opening of the seal, and the commencement of the judgment for the living? If God so faithfully revealed to the living the commencement of the judgment for the dead, it cannot be possible that He would keep secret the time of the judgment for the living. If He did, we would have no present truth in the time of the last seal; neither could there be justice in such secrecy, nor could such judgment be legal. Therefore, a revelation of the judgment for the living, is of as great importance as the revelation of the gospel itself. For the judgment (blotting out the sins) is the crowning act in the gospel of Christ. Thus we conclude that when the seal is opened, and the judgment for the living begins, we must know it. The day of atonement in its type proves the same, for the Israelites were well informed of the event, their duty, and the consequence. 6
7 th Seal Opened SR2: 215.3: “Now let us consider the truth as taught by the last seal. Note carefully the order of each act. The seal is opened, and silence follows, for it reads: "and when he had opened the seventh seal there was silence." ………. The silence was followed by the angel coming to the altar with the censer, after he offered the prayers of the saints. And then he filled the censer with fire, and cast the fire to the earth and again the voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. This is the exact order of each event. {SR2: 215.3} SR2: 220.3: Is there any way whereby we can determine the time of the opening of the seal, and the commencement of the judgment for the living? If God so faithfully revealed to the living the commencement of the judgment for the dead, it cannot be possible that He would keep secret the time of the judgment for the living. If He did, we would have no present truth in the time of the last seal; neither could there be justice in such secrecy, nor could such judgment be legal. Therefore, a revelation of the judgment for the living, is of as great importance as the revelation of the gospel itself. For the judgment (blotting out the sins) is the crowning act in the gospel of Christ. Thus we conclude that when the seal is opened, and the judgment for the living begins, we must know it. …...” ½ Hour Silence Judgment of the Living (2 nd Judicial Session) SR2: 220.4: “The date of that most glorious event for the righteous, but exceeding solemn for the wicked, will be made known at the fulfillment of the following verse: "And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings and an earthquake." (Rev. 8:5.) …..” Rev. 8:5 Angel pour out the Holy Spirit on the saints after the ½ silence Rev. 8:5: Voices & thunderings & lightnings & an earthquake Passover Week 7
7 th Seal Opened 2TG41: 3.3: I am, however, certain that God will not keep us ignorant of the things we ought to know. If it becomes necessary for us to know ahead of time the day and hour of the purification of the church, the antitypical Passover, we will be told. Yes, we shall know at least as much in advance as Moses knew about the Passover in his day. He did not know months ahead the day and hour of the events that were then to take place, but he was instructed of his and of the people's duties and of what to expect from day to day. Neither did he know beforehand that they were to come up against the Red Sea, but as the cloud led them there, and as the Egyptians followed close behind, he was then told what to do. Moreover, at the time they crossed the Sea he did not know that they were to spend forty years in the desert nor that the grown-ups among them were to perish while on their journey to the Promised Land. ½ Hour Silence Judgment of the Living (2 nd Judicial Session) Rev. 8:4-5 Angel offered the saints’ prayers and Pour out the Holy Spirit on the saints Rev. 8:5: Voices & thunderings & lightnings & an earthquake Passover Week 8
7 th Seal Opened 2TG41: 3.3: “…. If it becomes necessary for us to know ahead of time the day and hour of the purification of the church, the antitypical Passover, we will be told. Yes, we shall know at least as much in advance as Moses knew about the Passover in his day. He did not know months ahead the day and hour of the events that were then to take place, but he was instructed of his and of the people's duties and of what to expect from day to day. …..” {2TG41: 3.3} ½ Hour Silence Judgment of the Living (2 nd Judicial Session) Rev. 8:4-5 Angel offered the saints’ prayers and Pour out the Holy Spirit on the saints Rev. 8:5: Voices & thunderings & lightnings & an earthquake Passover Week SR2: 220.4: “The date of that most glorious event for the righteous, but exceeding solemn for the wicked, will be made known at the fulfillment of the following verse: "And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings and an earthquake." (Rev. 8:5.) …..” 11 th Hour Church Purification Notice 9 th Hour Church Purification Notice 9
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month TN8: 71.1: As they "sent a message after Him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us," the only conclusion admissible is that shortly before His return, Christ shall inform His "citizens" that He is taking "the reins in His own hands" to set up His kingdom, and that they, upon hearing the announcement, shall refuse to submit themselves to the one through whom He is to rule. 10
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month Christ informing the Eleventh Hour Church for 3 ½ years beginning on the 16 th day of the 7 th month, that He is taking the reigns in His hand to set up His Kingdom. 11
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed TN8: 71.2: Observe that in the message which they "sent after Him," his servants did not say, "We will not have You to reign over us," but rather, "we will not have this man to reign over us." What they objected to was Christ's reigning over them through someone else. Clearly, then, before He is coronated, and prior to His return to reckon with His servants, He appoints a "man" to reign over them in His stead. Whereupon they say to Him, by their attitude and stand toward His message, "We will not have this man to reign over us," although "this man," as we now see, is the antitypical David (the "simple means"), the visible king. 12
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed TN8: 72.1: Thus when Christ returns and reckons with His servants, He rewards the faithful ones in proportion as they have increased the principal with which they started, but condemns those who have had no burden to work for souls and to advance His kingdom, and who have been content to let Him do without their services. For this unfaithfulness, He takes from them the "pound," (light of truth), with which He had entrusted them, showing thereby that all are to be held responsible "for every ray of light," for every lost moment, for every neglected opportunity. And those who will not have Him thus reign over them, shall, at His return, be slain before Him as were those who rebelled against God's government in olden times. 13
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 1SC3: 4.4: Christ has further illustrated this incident in the parable of Mark 13:34: "For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left His house, and gave authority to His servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch." "After a long time [from His ascension to the purification of the church] the Lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them." (Matt. 25:19.) Consequently, the period of His absence ends at the purification of the church at which time He reckons with His servants and, Himself, taketh charge of His flock. Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed 14
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month ABN1: 68.1: Indeed, in the very nature of the case, the Eleventh-hour Movement must triumph, for, being the last, the one to garner in the harvest, then should it fail, everyone in the world today would forever remain lost. Double, therefore, are the reasons that the Lord purposes it to stand. Thus the Davidians have been called to "the Kingdom for such a time as this." {ABN1: 68.1} Christ informing the Eleventh Hour Church for 3 ½ years beginning on the 16 th day of the 7 th month, that He is taking the reigns in His hand to set up His Kingdom. 15
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month ABN2: 28.2: “…... The Davidians therefore combine both, teaching the love of Jesus through the doctrines, and the way to the Kingdom through the prophecies. {ABN2: 28.2} Christ informing the Eleventh Hour Church for 3 ½ years beginning on the 16 th day of the 7 th month, that He is taking the reigns in His hand to set up His Kingdom. 16
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Activities in the Kingdom (First Fifty Days) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ Foolish Virgins Returned to find Probation Closed The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month 2TG43: 12.1: I say that if left in such an unhappy and unholy state the very elect would forever remain unclean and unsanctified -- deceived! And since the eleventh-hour servants, the Davidians, are the ones unto whom the message of this cleansing, "the Judgment of the Living," is committed, then those who on account of it are our enemies, those who are doing everything they can to keep the common people ignorant of the Truth and from coming in contact with It, are the very ones who are endeavoring to deceive "the very elect," if possible. Thank God that it is impossible. {2TG43: 12.1} Christ informing the Eleventh Hour Church for 3 ½ years beginning on the 16 th day of the 7 th month, that He is taking the reigns in His hand to set up His Kingdom. 17
Mal. 3:2, 3 -- "But who may abide the day of His coming? …..He shall purify the sons of Levi, ……." 2TG31: 4.2: At this coming He is not to take His saints to the mansions above, but He is to purify the sons of Levi -- the ministry; He is to destroy the leaders of idolatry. Since the purity of His servants is first to be restored, the restoration, therefore, commences in the Church. Thus is the Edenic state of peace and security to be restored, for we are told that-- Mal. 3:2, 3 -- "But who may abide the day of His coming? …..He shall purify the sons of Levi, ……." 2TG31: 4.2: At this coming He is not to take His saints to the mansions above, but He is to purify the sons of Levi -- the ministry; He is to destroy the leaders of idolatry. Since the purity of His servants is first to be restored, the restoration, therefore, commences in the Church. Thus is the Edenic state of peace and security to be restored, for we are told that-- 2TG43: 12.1: “I say that if left in such an unhappy and unholy state the very elect would forever remain unclean and unsanctified -- deceived! And since the eleventh-hour servants, the Davidians, are the ones unto whom the message of this cleansing, "the Judgment of the Living," is committed, …..” Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) 18
Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) 10 th day 1 st Month (Abib) Mar. 30 th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descen d to the earth to execut e judgme nt The wise virgins of the 11 th - hour Church go out to meet the Bridegr oom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. The Jewish Nation ’s Judgm ents Zeph. 2: 1-2 10 th day 1 st Month to 16 th day 1 st Month Mar. 30 th – Apr. 5 th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiri ng the extra oil, the sealing angel goes throug h the 11 th - hour church and seals the wise virgins. The wise virgins figurati vely go into the marria ge and probati on closes for the 11 th - hour church. Passover Week 15 th day 1 st Month to 21 st day 1 st month April 4 th –10 th 20_ _ The foolish virgins return on the 16 th day of the 1 st month to find the door shut, probation closed for the 11th-hour Church, the sealing over, and they were left without the seal. The LORD’s Supper 15 th day of 1 st Month 19
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