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Mysteries Of Space Uncovered by Flora and Rose. Milky way Our galaxy that we live in is called the milky way. In the Milky Way, there is; the Sun, Mercury,

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Presentation on theme: "Mysteries Of Space Uncovered by Flora and Rose. Milky way Our galaxy that we live in is called the milky way. In the Milky Way, there is; the Sun, Mercury,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mysteries Of Space Uncovered by Flora and Rose

2 Milky way Our galaxy that we live in is called the milky way. In the Milky Way, there is; the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Our planet Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto the dwarf planet. Did you know that it would take 100,000 years for light to travel across our galaxy? Light travels really really really really really really fast. That's how big our galaxy is.

3 The Asteroid Belt The main Asteroid belt is 329,115,316 to 478,713,186 km away from Earth, in other words it is two and a half times as far away as the Earth is from the sun. The asteroid belt can be divided into to pieces, the inner and the outer belt. The inner belt is formed with asteroids and the outer belt with something else with a few asteroids.

4 Black holes Black holes are holes in space that have an extremely strong gravitational force that pull anything in that goes near it. They do not suck. They are also very very cold. There is 3 types of black holes: Stellar, supermassive and the intermediate. The supermassive black holes ( S.M.B.H ) are the largest sort of black hole there is. Each S.M.B.H has hundreds of thousands to billions of solar masses ( M ☉ ) and is in the middle of almost all well known galaxies such as the Milky way.

5 Stars and Constellations A star is a ball of gas in space. A constellation is a group of stars in the sky that when put together, they make an image. Did you know that scientists estimate that there is more stars in the sky that grains on the earth? Thats a lot of stars. Here is some facts that you might not know: every star you see in the sky are bigger and brighter than our sun, the sun is really a dwarf star, that stars do not twinkle and blue stars are really the hottest so red stars are really the coldest. Our galaxy contains about 200 billion stars.

6 The order of the planets Do not be mistaken,the planets are not in a straight line.The opposite in fact. The order of the planets from the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In between these amazing planets are dwarf planets such as Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea and Eris. A dwarf planet is a really small planet. Don’t be fooled, the space in between each planet is not to scale. If you were to make the solar system to scale with earth the size of a marble, you would need 7 miles of space! Did you know that the sun is not really a planet, it is a star.

7 Moon: Facts Did you know that there is more than 1 moon? Each planet has lots moons. The second largest moon is almost the size of Mercury and that moon belongs to Jupiter. That moon’s name is Callisto. Moon: Facts

8 Comets Comets are mostly made of: ice, rock and small amounts of dust. Some famous comets are: comet Halley, Lovejoy, Hyakutake, Hale- bopp, Mcnaught, etc. Comets are big rocks that move really fast in space.

9 Sun/Sol: facts Sun/Sol facts As you already know, that sun is very hot, but how hot? Well, it’s 5,500c and the temp inside the sun can reach to…..50000 c!!!!!!! Did you know that the sun is really a dwarf star and that every star we see in the sky is bigger and brighter than our sun!!

10 Mercury: Facts Day: 58 Earth days and 12 hours. Year: 88 Earth days. Size: 4,900 kDay: 58 Earth days and 12 hours. Year: 88 Earth days. Size: 4,900 km across. Features: Cliffs, The Caloris Basin and Deep craters with ice ice in them. Temperature: 427c during the day and 183c at night. m across. Day: 58 Earth days and 12 hours. Year: 88 Earth days. Size: 4,900 km across. Features: Cliffs, The Caloris Basin and Deep craters with ice ice in them. Temperature: 427c during the day and 183c at night. Mercury: Facts

11 Venus: Facts Day: 243 Earth days. Year: 225 Earth days because the planet spins so slowly that one day on Venus is more than one Venus year, and just to confuse you some more Venus spins backward compared to all the other planets. Size: 12,100 km across. Features: Volcanoes are Venus’s main feature they are not erupting at the time but may start any moment. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of beauty. Temperature: Around 500c and the hottest place in the solar system not counting the sun. Other: It is impossible to live on Venus because it is so hot and the gravitational pull is so strong, it will squash you. Day: 243 Earth days. Year: 225 Earth days because the planet spins so slowly that one day on Venus is more than one Venus year, and just to confuse you some more Venus spins backward compared to all the other planets. Size: 12,100 km across. Features: Volcanoes are Venus’s main feature they are not erupting at the time but may start any moment. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of beauty. Temperature: Around 500c and the hottest place in the solar system not counting the sun. Other: It is impossible to live on Venus because it is so hot and the gravitational pull is so strong, it will squash you. Venus: Facts

12 Earth: Facts Day: 24 hours. Year: 365 days or in a leap year, 366. Size: 12,700 km across. Features: The Ocean - 71% of the Earth is water, bushland and forests. The other 29% is made made stuff. Earth is the only planet not named after a Roman or Greek God/Goddess. Temperature: Hot near the equator and cold near the North or South pole. Day: 24 hours. Year: 365 days or in a leap year, 366. Size: 12,700 km across. Features: The Ocean - 71% of the Earth is water, bushland and forests. The other 29% is man made stuff. Earth is the only planet not named after a Roman or Greek God/Goddess. Temperature: Hot near the equator and cold near the North or South pole. Earth: Facts

13 Mars: facts Day: 24 Earth hours and 37 minutes Year: 687 Earth days Size: 6,800 km across Features: The Marina Valley, which is the longest valley in the solar system ( 6.4 km deep and 241 km wide - 4 times longer and 6 times wider than the Grand Canyon. Dried up rivers and lakes from when Mars was still full of water billions of years ago. Temperature: -30c / very cold Day: 24 Earth hours and 37 minutes Year: 687 Earth days Size: 6,800 km across Features: The Marina Valley, which is the longest valley in the solar system ( 6.4 km deep and 241 km wide - 4 times longer and 6 times wider than the Grand Canyon. Dried up rivers and lakes from when Mars was still full of water billions of years ago. Temperature: -30c / very cold Mars: Facts

14 Jupiter: Facts Day: 9 hours and 54 minutes Year: 11, nearly 12 Earth years Size: 69,911 km Features: The Great Red Spot, which is actually the top of a large cyclone.. Temperature: -145c but the planet is famous for changing temperature constantly Other: Jupiter was named after the Roman ruler of the Gods

15 Saturn: Facts Day:10.7 Earth hours Year: 29.4 Earth days Size: Diameter is 74,904 miles or 120, 540 km Features: Saturn as you probably already know has a large ring around it. Saturn has 62 moons. Saturn was named after the Roman God of harvest. Temperature: The surface temperature is - 139c Day:10.7 Earth hours Year: 29.4 Earth days Size: Diameter is 74,904 miles or 120, 540 km Features: Saturn as you probably already know has a large ring around it. Saturn has 62 moons. Saturn was named after the Roman God of harvest. Temperature: The surface temperature is - 139c Saturn: Facts

16 Uranus: Facts Day: 17.2 Earth hours Year: 83.8 Earth years Size: The diameter is 31,766 miles or 50,826 km. Features: Uranus was named after the Roman God of the sky. The outer layer of Uranus is made up of: Hydrogen helium and methane gases. The inner layer is made up of water, ammonia and methane slush. Uranus has a rocky core. Uranus and Neptune are very much like twins because they are both made up of the same features. Did you know that Uranus and Neptune both have dark, thin ring around them? Temperature: The surface temp is: -197c and that is EXTREMELY cold Day: 17.2 Earth hours Year: 83.8 Earth years Size: The diameter is 31,766 miles or 50,826 km. Features: Uranus was named after the Roman God of the sky. The outer layer of Uranus is made up of: Hydrogen helium and methane gases. The inner layer is made up of water, ammonia and methane slush. Uranus has a rocky core. Uranus and Neptune are very much like twins because they are both made up of the same features. Did you know that Uranus and Neptune both have a dark, thin ring around them? Temperature: The surface temp is: -197c and that is EXTREMELY cold Uranus: Facts

17 Neptune: Facts Day: 16.1 earth days Year:163.7 Earth days Size: Diameter is 1,429 miles or 2,300 km Features: layers of hydrogen, helium,methane gases, water, methane ice, ammonia and the inner core is made of rock. Neptune was named after Roman God of the seas. Neptune has 19 moons. Uranus and Neptune are very much like twins because they are both made up of the same features. Did you know that Uranus and Neptune both have dark, thin ring around them? Temperature: The temperature on Neptune is very very cold. Day: 16.1 earth days Year:163.7 Earth days Size: Diameter is 1,429 miles or 2,300 km Features: layers of hydrogen, helium,methane gases, water, methane ice, ammonia and the inner core is made of rock. Neptune was named after Roman God of the seas. Neptune has 19 moons. Uranus and Neptune are very much like twins because they are both made up of the same features. Did you know that Uranus and Neptune both have dark, thin ring around them? Temperature: The temperature on Neptune is very very cold. Neptune: Facts

18 Dark Matter and Dark Energy Dark matter, an explanation Invisible dark matter makes up most of the universe – but we can only detect it from its gravitational effects Regular matter is the stuff we can see that makes up things such as rocks, trees, stars and planets. A less simple word for regular matter is baryonic matter, it is named baryonic matter because it is made of particles called baryons. Nobody knows exactly what dark energy is made of but energy has enough force to repel gravity. The Earth is 74% dark energy, 22% dark matter and 4% visible/regular matter

19 Bibliography Websites Books Space, stars and slimy aliens - Horrible science A short history of nearly everything - Bill Bryson Wonders of science - space

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