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PHYS 155 – Introductory Astronomy observing sessions: - observing sessions: Sunday – Thursday, 9pm, weather permitting

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Presentation on theme: "PHYS 155 – Introductory Astronomy observing sessions: - observing sessions: Sunday – Thursday, 9pm, weather permitting"— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYS 155 – Introductory Astronomy observing sessions: - observing sessions: Sunday – Thursday, 9pm, weather permitting - Exam - Tuesday March 20, - Review – Monday 6:30-9pm, PB 38 Thursday 03/15/2007 Marek Krasnansky

2 Models of the solar system –Geocentric –Heliocentric Kepler's laws

3 Models of the Solar System ● Successful model has to explain observations Experimental observations: motion of the Sun, Moon and planets movement on the ecliptic eclipses relative speed, how much they move with respect to each other retrograde motion Venus, Mercury – always close to the Sun phases of the planets stellar parallax

4 ● on the ecliptic everything orbits in one plane ● Venus, Mercury – always close to the Sun ● relative speed ● distances from the Earth – closer objects move faster Motion of the Sun, Moon, planets

5 Eclipses the Moon orbits around the Earth

6 Retrograde Motion Motion that is backward compared to the norm; we see a planet in apparent retrograde motion during the periods of time when it moves westward, rather than the more common eastward, relative to the stars. retrograde motion

7 Phases of Venus Crescent phase – Venus between the Sun and Earth – Galileo Galilei – the first to observe gibbous phase of Venus Moon: Venus:

8 Stellar Parallax Parallax - the apparent motion of a relatively close object with respect to a more distant background as the location of the observer changes. - The apparent shift in the position of a nearby star (relative to distant objects) that occurs as we view the star from different positions in the Earth's orbit of the Sun each year. Stellar Parallax

9 Geocentric Models - Ptolemy the Earth (Geo, in Greek) – in the center, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn the simplest model can't explain retrograde motion – Epicycle (Ptolemy) Discrepancies between the predicted and true positions of the planets artificial, the planets orbit around empty space

10 - all planets (except the Earth) orbit around the Sun - the Sun and Moon orbit around the Earth - can not explain stellar parallax (not observed at that time) Geocentric Models - Tycho Brahe

11 Heliocentric Models - the Sun (helios, in Greek) in the center - Aristarchus, Copernicus - planetary orbits – circles - naturally explains everything we need - not more accurate than Ptolemy's model

12 Johannes Kepler (1546 - 1601) Believed Copernicus was correct. Worked very hard to see if Tycho’s data matched with Copernicus’s theory. Realized that the orbits cannot be perfect circles. The orbits were elliptical. Discovered 3 mathematical laws of planetary motion.

13 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion Kepler's first law: Kepler's first law: The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus. Kepler's second law: Kepler's second law: As a planet moves around its orbit, it sweeps out equal areas in equal times. Kepler's third law: P - is a planet's orbital period in years a – semimajor axis of a planet's orbit in AU.

14 Astronomical Unit (AU) ● a unit of length defined by the distance from the Earth to the Sun 1 AU = 150 million kilometers = 93 million miles

15 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

16 Ellipse F1, F2 – foci (focus) a – semimajor axis b – semiminor axis e - eccentricity

17 Ellipse ● Drawing an ellipse with a string of fixed length ● Eccentricity describes how much an ellipse deviates from a perfect circle

18 Kepler's First Law The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus. animation

19 Kepler's Second Law As a planet moves around its orbit, it sweeps out equal areas in equal times. Kepler's Laws animation - planets move faster near perihelion and slower near aphelion

20 Kepler's Third Law Kepler's third law

21 Kepler's Third Law

22 Generalizing Kepler's Laws - Kepler's laws - apply to the solar system, the Sun is in the focus - can be derived from Newton's law - more general result – applicable to any orbiting objects

23 Generalizing Kepler's Laws Kepler's first law - the orbits are ellipses, the center of gravity is in the common focus - Orbits can also be unbound parabolas and hyperbolas Kepler's third law G – gravitational constant M 1,M 2 - masses of the orbiting objects

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