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1 Introduction to SELinux David P. Quigley National Security Agency National Information Assurance Research Laboratory (NIARL)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Introduction to SELinux David P. Quigley National Security Agency National Information Assurance Research Laboratory (NIARL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Introduction to SELinux David P. Quigley National Security Agency National Information Assurance Research Laboratory (NIARL)

2 2 Flawed Software ● Do you run any of the following? – Firefox: CVE-2010-0159, -0160 – OpenOffice: CVE-2010-0136 – Java: CVE-2010-0886, CVE-2010-0887, CVE-2010- 0094, CVE-2010-0840 (Javacalypse!) – Samba: CVE-2010-0926 – Apache Tomcat: CVE-2009-2902 ● Applications will always have flaws ● We shouldn't need to trust them with complete access to our data

3 3 The Problem: A Flawed Foundation ● Security of computing systems fundamentally limited by an insecure foundation ● Operating system (OS) provides the foundation – Separating data and processes – Protecting application security mechanisms ● Mainstream OSes lack adequate security mechanisms – No protection against flawed or malicious applications – Weak mechanisms for separation

4 4 Why secure the OS? ● Can't we just use virtualization instead? – Doesn't address the need for controlled sharing – Doesn't protect the data as it is being processed – Still need to protect shared services and control plane – Limited scalability and flexibility – Secure OS still plays a critical role in overall solution ● Virtualization can be useful in combination with a secure OS, not as a substitute for it

5 5 Discretionary Access Control (DAC) ● Typical form of access control in operating systems. ● Decisions based on user identity/ownership. ● Users and their programs are free to change access rules (e.g. file modes, ACLs). ● No protection against malicious and flawed software. ● Coarse-grained privilege, prone to escalation.

6 6 Mandatory Access Control (MAC) ● Historically limited to separate “trusted” operating systems. ● Decisions based on security labels. ● Access rules defined by admin/organization. ● Control over all processes and objects. ● Can confine malicious and flawed software. ● Can enforce system-wide security requirements.

7 7 Flexible MAC: Uses ● Contain the damage from 0-day exploits. ● Reduce the need for immediate security patching. ● Enable safe co-location of services. ● Sandbox applications. ● Enforce legal restrictions on data. ● Protect the integrity of data and applications. ● Enforce invocation of critical processing. ● Enforce separation of duty requirements.

8 8 How do I get SELinux? ● SELinux isn't a distribution by itself but a security enhancement to Linux that can be enabled by your distribution or vendor (or yourself if you are very motivated)

9 9 How Do I know if SELinux is on? ● /usr/sbin/getenforce [user@localhost ~]# getenforce Enforcing ● /usr/sbin/sestatus [user@localhost ~]# sestatus SELinux status: enabled SELinuxfs mount: /selinux Current mode: enforcing Mode from config file: enforcing Policy version: 24 Policy from config file: targeted

10 10 Enforcing vs Permissive ● Enforcing – Perform access checks and enforce failures – Reports each failure in audit logs ● Permissive – Perform access checks but does not enforce denials – Reports access failures in audit logs only once per type of failure – Does not provide real protection

11 11 Abstractions ● Security context – Contains all security attributes relevant to policy – Only interpreted by security server ● Object security class – Identifies the kind of object, e.g. regular file, directory, device, local socket, TCP socket, etc ● Access vector – Related set of permissions for the operations on a given class, e.g. read, write, execute, connect,...

12 12 SELinux Context -rw-r--r-- root root system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0 /etc/passwd DAC Components Security Context system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0 UserRoleTypeMLS

13 13 Displaying Contexts ● Your Shell: ● Files: ● Processes ● Also netstat -Z and pstree -Z $ id -Z staff_u:staff_r:staff_t:s0 $ ls -Z /bin/bash system_u:object_r:shell_exec_t:s0 /bin/bash $ ps -Z LABEL PID TTY TIME CMD staff_u:staff_r:staff_t:s0 17166 pts/7 00:00:00 bash staff_u:staff_r:staff_t:s0 17207 pts/7 00:00:00 ps

14 14 Changing Contexts (Files) ● Files ● Files (Across relabeling) $ touch /tmp/myfile $ ls -Z /tmp/myfile unconfined_u:object_r:user_tmp_t:s0 /tmp/myfile $ chcon -t user_home_t /tmp/myfile $ ls -Z /tmp/myfile unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 /tmp/myfile $ touch /var/cache/myfile $ ls -Z /var/cache/myfile unconfined_u:object_r:var_t:s0 /var/cache/myfile $ semanage fcontext -a -t user_home_t /var/cache/myfile $ restorecon /var/cache/myfile $ ls -Z /var/cache/myfile system_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 /var/cache/myfile

15 15 Changing Contexts (Other) ● Your Shell ● A program (temporarily) $ id -Z staff_u:staff_r:staff_t:s0 $ newrole -r sysadm_r Password: $ id -Z staff_u:sysadm_r:sysadm_t:s0 $ runcon system_u:system_r:crond_t:s0:c0.c255 /bin/bash $ id -Z system_u:system_r:crond_t:s0:c0.c255

16 16 Policy ● What is it? – Rules governing interactions on the system – Information about initial label states – Mappings of roles and users ● Where is it? – /etc/selinux/

17 17 Dissecting a Policy Directory ● policy/ – Contains compiled policy loaded into the kernel ● modules/ – Policy store containing all modules and local modifications – Manipulate only using semodule and semanage ● contexts/ – Initial labeling information for security aware user space applications

18 18 4 key causes of SELinux errors ● Labeling Problems ● A confined process is configured in a way different then the default SELinux expected ● Bug in Policy or an Application ● Your machine has been compromised

19 19 Labeling Problems ● Every process and object on the system is labeled ● If labels are not correct access may be denied ● Causes – Alternative paths (semanage fcontext) – Files created in wrong context (restorecon) – Processes started in wrong context

20 20 Non-Default Behavior ● SELinux needs to know how a confined daemon is configured ● Booleans – Allow option functionality to be enabled ● Non-default directories – Need to ensure files are labeled properly ● Non-default ports – Need to ensure ports labeled properly

21 21 Bugs in Policy/Apps ● SELinux policy bugs – Incomplete policy (unusual code path) – Unknown application configuration ● Application bugs – Leaked File Descriptors – Executable Memory (execmem) – Badly built libraries (execmem and others)

22 22 Bugs in Policy/Apps (2) ● Options – Report bugs in bugzilla ( Best long term solution) – Create a policy module ( Temporary fix) ● Labeling is correct? No appropriate booleans? – Use audit2allow to create a policy module ● Examing resulting policy – Make sure it's safe – Ask for help (#fedora-selinux and mailing lists) #grep httpd /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M myhttpd # semodule -i myhttpd.pp

23 23 Your machine has been compromised ● Current tools not good at differentiating – Warning signs: a confined domain tries to: ● Load a kernel module ● Turn off SELinux enforcing mode ● Write to etc_t or shadow_t ● Modify iptables rules ● Sendmail ● others – You might be compromised

24 24 Tools ● Auditing – ausearch, aureport, auditctl, audit2why ● Policy Management tools – semodule, semanage, {get,set}sebool ● Policy Querying Tools – sesearch, sediff, apol ● Policy Generation Tools – audit2allow, sepolgen ● GUI Tools – setroubleshoot, system-config-selinux, apol

25 25 Common SELinux Recipies ● Move files to non-default locations ● Adding an audit rule ● Apache configuration ● Samba configuration ● FTP configuration

26 26 Files in Non-default Locations ● Problem: Labels on new directories might not match what the policy expects for the program ● Solution: semanage fcontext Add a new equivalence $ semanage fcontext -a -e /var/www /srv/www Modify an existing equivalence $ semanage fcontext -m -e /var/www/ /srv/www Delete an equivalence $ semanage fcontext -d /srv/www Restore the file labels to test $ restorecon /src/www

27 27 Getting Full Paths in AVC Denials ● Problem: AVC denials only list the last path component. This is a problem in the case of directories like public_html. ● Solution: Adding an audit rule will turn on full path resolution ● Set once at runtime: ● Set Persistently $ auditctl -w /etc/shadow -p wa $ echo "-w /etc/shadow -p w" >> /etc/audit/audit.rules $ service auditd restart

28 28 Apache Configuration ● To the console!! – Labeling the public_html directory correctly – Allow the Apache HTTP Server to connect to your database server – Allow the Apache HTTP Server to run CGI scripts – Allow the Apache HTTP Server to send mail – Using an NFS or CIFS home directory

29 29 Samba Configuration ● To the console!! – Sharing non-home directory files – Sharing files with Apache, FTP, and Samba – Sharing home directories with Samba – Home directories are on a Samba server

30 30 FTP Configuration ● To the console!! – Executing a FTP daemon in the ftpd_t SELinux domain for FTP servers – Reading and writing objects through FTP – Hosting user directories using FTP – Storing virtual FTP users in a database

31 31 Policy Development ● Starting with sepolgen ● Per domain permissive mode ● Adding rules with audit2allow

32 32 SEPolgen ● CLI and GUI program to generate a simple policy module ● Questions asked to include common policy sections ● Creates a script for generating more policy rules using audit2allow

33 33 Permissive Domains ● Allows a single domain to be placed in permissive mode instead of the entire system ● In policy – permissive myapp_t; ● At runtime $ semanage permissive -a myapp_t $ semanage permissive -d myapp_t

34 34 Audit2allow ● Generates rules based on AVC denials ● Can inspect rules in generated te file ● Never run with the same -M name twice (will override old module) # audit2allow -l -a -M local ******************** IMPORTANT *********************** To make this policy package active, execute: semodule -i local.pp

35 35 Resources ● SELinux Project Wiki – ● Dan Walsh's Blog – ● Fedora SELinux Mailing List – ● NSA SELinux Mailing List –

36 36 Questions?

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