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Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot of a Paper Airplane.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot of a Paper Airplane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot of a Paper Airplane

2 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot QUESTION: What will make the paper airplane fly farther?

3 RESEARCH We will use Paper Plane Pilot to simulate flying. This program uses the variables shape, mass (weight), launcher angle, and force to change the flight of a paper airplane. A VARIABLE is something that changes. Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot

4 PARTS OF THE SYSTEM: The parts of the system are the paper airplane, the launcher, a person to release the plane, and a test flight area.

5 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot OBSERVATIONS: 1.The airplane comes in 3 sizes: X-10, X-20, X-30. 2.Different masses can be added to the airplane:1 oz., 2 oz., 3 oz.

6 Analysis of Paper Plane PilotOBSERVATIONS: 3.The launcher can be angled: 10˚, 20˚, and 30˚. 4.The airplane can be released using different forces: 1, 2, or 3.

7 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot EVIDENCE OF AN INTERACTION: The airplane flies when it is released from the launcher.

8 HYPOTHESIS These are the variables I think will make the airplane fly farther: X-10 X-20X-30 1 oz. 2 oz. 3 oz. 10° 20° 30° 1 2 3

9 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot CHANGE A PART OF THE SYSTEM:

10 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot OBSERVE THE CHANGED SYSTEM: What happened? The X-30 shape caused the paper airplane to fly the farthest.

11 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot CHANGE A PART OF THE SYSTEM:

12 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot OBSERVE THE CHANGED SYSTEM: What happened? The mass of 1 ounce caused the paper airplane to fly the farthest.


14 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot CHANGE A PART OF THE SYSTEM:

15 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot OBSERVE THE CHANGED SYSTEM: What happened? The 10˚ launcher angle caused the paper airplane to fly the farthest.

16 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot CHANGE A PART OF THE SYSTEM:

17 Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot OBSERVE THE CHANGED SYSTEM: What happened? The force of 3 caused the paper airplane to fly the farthest.

18 CONCLUSION Analysis of Paper Plane Pilot

19 ANSWER THE QUESTION: The variables X-30, 1 oz. mass, 10˚ launcher angle, and force of 3 cause the paper airplane to fly the farthest.

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