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Education and Research in Biosystems Engineering in Europe; a Thematic Network ERABEE - TN Dissemination & Exploitation Dept. of Natural Resources Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Education and Research in Biosystems Engineering in Europe; a Thematic Network ERABEE - TN Dissemination & Exploitation Dept. of Natural Resources Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education and Research in Biosystems Engineering in Europe; a Thematic Network ERABEE - TN Dissemination & Exploitation Dept. of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering, AUA, Greece 4 rd ERABEE Workshop, November 16th-17th, 2009, Valletta (Malta)

2 Responsible Working Group: WG5 Käis L., Estonia Kic P., Czech Republic Lakota M., Slovenia Nozdrovicky L., Slovakia Panagakis P., Greece (WG co-leader) Aguado P., Spain (WG co-leader) Silva J. R., Portugal Tantau H., Germany Weingartmann H., Austria Aerts J. M., Belgium Atanasov A., Bulgaria Attard G., Malta Birzietis G., Latvia Bjugstad N., Norway Böttinger S., Germany Douzals J. P., France (WG leader) Griepentrog H., Denmark Ishpekov S., Bulgaria

3 Dissemination: key questions to consider European Commission Education and Culture Dissemination and Exploitation of Results

4 Dissemination: what should this plan cover? A dissemination plan must include: Project website – including design, hosting and management Straightforward, ‘start-up’ leaflet explaining project aims in all partner languages A database of key project personnel/contacts, which can be updated as the project progresses Production and publication of regular printed and/or electronic newsletters – many EU-funded projects produce final reports in brochure form or an extensive project book containing all major results and outcomes

5 Dissemination: what should this plan cover? Dissemination conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings to coincide with key project milestones. A final conference to discuss dissemination of results has become a popular end-of- project activity Public relations activities, to include writing and distribution of press releases/packs, placing of articles in relevant trade journals, etc. Items must be newsworthy to receive unpaid-for publicity – it is worth remembering that news media has no duty to publish press releases, whole or in part Emphasise the need for all partners to take an active role in spreading the news about the project in their own spheres and countries. A good plan can also help the whole team arrange major events such as a dissemination conference well in advance.

6 ERABEE Dissemination Plan  Identify likely dissemination target groups  Define possible dissemination actions to be used in disseminating ERABEE objectives and outcomes, as applicable  Allocate specific dissemination activities to each partner of the project, based on coordinated by the WG leader actions-plan and the identified opportunities  The WG leader prepares a time-table for the specific dissemination activities of the plan and the editing of the corresponding dissemination material and report

7 ERABEE - Target Groups Universities (that offer or could offer Biosystem Engineering studies) University academic staff (involved in Agricultural or Biosystem Engineering studies) University managers/administrators Related academic associations Related professional associations Related organisms o the public sector Related companies of the private sector Students and students associations Related thematic networks and projects

8 Dissemination Methods-Tools 1.Newsletters 2.Enrichment of the project’s web-site and links 3.Face to face meetings and conference presentations at the professional societies in Europe and elsewhere 4.Materials that can be shared with extension services 5.Discussion groups within academic communities 6.Discussion papers or briefs for policy makers 7.Articles in peer-reviewed journals and magazines 8.Direct contacts with industries and industrial associations 9.Participation in exhibitions and trade shows and fairs 10.Upload information on EVE, the e-platform for the dissemination and exploitation


10 1.The web-site ( was completed and updated and at the moment contains the following information: Definition of Biosystems Engineering in 27 partner languages General information concerning the Thematic Network Coordinator and partners Synergies (Related organisms, associations and networks) Meetings (past and future) Publications (three meeting proceedings and six papers) Dissemination actions (25 activities) Announcements related with the ERABEE Thematic Network An up-to-date Web-based data base Confidential area Summary of the outcomes presented in the last workshop (May 2009)

11 2. A ‘University – Enterprise Cooperation’ questionnaire was developed 3.One Paper in Engineering Journals 4.Two Papers in Conferences 5.Five Newsletters 6.Two Presentations in Workshops 7. One presentation uploaded in web sites 8. One article in University Publication 9. Two articles during university briefing 10. Two participations in Workshops and Fora Five synergies with other related TNs 11. Standing Committee of the Association for European Life Sciences Universities (ICA) 12. Discussion groups within Academic communities (2 activities) 13. Direct contacts with Industries and Industrial Associations Summary of the outcomes presented in the last workshop (May 2009)

12 New outcomes All ERABEE members were reminded (9-10-2009) to send to WG5 leader any information concerning dissemination or exploitation activities Synergies with other related TNs: Invitation to Prof. G. Augusti (EUR-ACE SPREAD coordinator) during Working Group leaders meeting (Rome, February 2009) to give a speech on ‘European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes: the EUR-ACE system and possible interactions with ERABEE’ Plenary lectures in conferences: Briassoulis, D. 2009. Education and Research in Biosystems or Agricultural and Biological Engineering in Europe. In: General Assembly of the Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA) and ICA- CEDIA Conference. Leuven, Belgium. June 2009. Comparetti, A. 2009. Report from :TECHNOTN 09 Forum, ICA-CEDIA Conference, 9th AIIA National Conference In: General Assembly of the Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA) and ICA-CEDIA Conference. Leuven, Belgium. June 2009. Briassoulis, D. 2009. The emerging discipline of Biosystems Engineering in Europe. V Congreso Nacional y II Congreso Ibérico AgroIngeniería 2009. Lugo, Spain. September 2009.

13 New outcomes Articles in conferences: 1. Aguado, P.; Guerra, M. And Tascon, A. 2008. La regulación de los nuevos títulos de Ingeniero Técnico Agrícola e Ingeniero Agrónomo. Comparación con la situación actual (regulation of the new university studies of Technical Agricultural Engineer and Agricultural Engineer. A comparison with the current system) In: VII meeting about teaching and research in agricultural and forestry disciplines. Almeria, Spain, September 2008. 2. Briassoulis, D.; Panagakis, P. and Nikopoulos, E. 2009. Meeting the needs of the biobased economy through τhe evolution of the emerging Biosystems Engineering studies in Europe. In: International Symposium on Green Energy, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 28-29 May 2009 3. Comparetti, A. and Febo, P. 2009. “University - Enterprise Cooperation” in Biosystems Engineering : an ERABEE Thematic Network European survey. In: ICA-CEDIA Conference. Leuven, Belgium. June 2009. 4. Briassoulis, D. and Panagakis, P. 2009. Emerging discipline of Biosystems Engineering in Europe..ASABE 2009 Annual International Meeting.Reno, USA. June 2009 5. Briassoulis, D.; Panagakis, P. and Mostaghimi, S. 2009. A uniform framework for compatible programs of Biosystems Engineering. ASABE 2009 Annual International Meeting.Reno, USA. June 2009 6. Comparetti, A.; Febo, P.; Orlando, S. and Scarascia Mugnozza G. 2009. Dall’Ingegneria Agraria all’Ingegneria dei Biosistemi: didattica e ricerca in Europa e negli USA. In: 9th National Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural Engineering - AIIA. Ischia Porto, Naples, Italy. September 2009. 7. Farkas, I. and Seres, I.. 2009. Doctoral School Program in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. In: Physics – Research and Education International Scientific Conference 2009.Nitra, Slovakia, October, 1st, 2009. 8. Ayuga, F.; Briassoulis, D.; Aguado P.; Farkas, I.; Griepentrog, H. and E.Lorencowicz. 2009. Third cycle studies on the new emerging discipline “Biosystems Engineering” in Europe, an ERABBE Thematic Network survey. In: International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2009). Madrid, Spain. November 2009.

14 New outcomes Attendance to conferences: Conference on "Defining Quality - The Relevance of Field-specific Approaches to Quality Assurance in Higher Education" 02-03 November, 2009, Bonn, Germany. Jointly hosted by: AEC, ASIIN e. V., ECTNA, ENAEE, EQANIE, FEANI, SEFI Newsletters 4th ERABEE Newsletter ICA, Association for European Life Sciences Universities. e- NEWSLETTER - July 2009, Page 6. In this newsletter some information about the ERABEE Thematic Network and about the 3rd meeting hold in Uppsala are published. Links in webs: Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA). April 2009. Face to face contacts

15 Exploitation: what should a plan cover? Exploiting results means looking beyond generating publicity to actually encouraging stakeholders to use or further develop project results. It must offer a flexible approach, taking account of the key stages of the project and information flows to and from external parties. This will help partners to tailor their products in such a way as to make them relevant beyond the life of the project. Understanding the target groups in terms of their requirements, motivation and expectations is essential. Even apparently minor things should be taken into account. For example, during the course of its work, the project team may find that a key target group does not use the internet, preferring instead to read hard copy. Therefore, the emphasis could switch to spending a little more on printed publications than e-communications. The identification of target groups does not stop at the planning stage of a project.

16 Exploitation: what should a plan cover? Partners should generally keep on identifying groups and organizations that could potentially be interested in their products and determine whether any modifications would be required for them to be able to exploit it. Project partners should also think about exploitation in its broadest sense as they look to transfer results and policy lessons to regional, national and European authorities. They must think about how best to spark the interest of policy-makers who might not necessarily be in the loop when it comes to communicating specific project results.

17 ERABEE Exploitation Plan A.Identify likely exploitation target groups (i.e. Professional Societies, Universities offering Biosystems Engineering studies, European and National accreditation bodies, Student Associations, Industrial sector, etc.) B.Define possible exploitation actions to be used in exploiting ERABEE final / successful outcomes, as applicable C.Allocate exploitation activities to sub-groups of partners, based on coordinated by the WG leader actions-plan and the identified opportunities D.The WG leader prepares a time-table for the specific exploitation activities of the plan and the editing of the corresponding exploitation material and report

18 Exploitation Methods-Tools 1.Questionnaire to enterprises: all partner Universities should circulate the final questionnaire to enterprises and companies with which they have regular contacts 2.Implement the results of USAEE-TN: Partner Universities (i.e. University College Dublin, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the University of Leon and the University of Rousse) have volunteered to participate in: Pilot EurAgEng Recognition process Pilot EUR-ACE Accreditation process 3.Use of the ERABEE TN information and results to develop and justify new university studies about Biosystem Engineering

19 Exploitation Methods-Tools 4.Develop exploitation synergies with other Institutions, Thematic Networks and/or US Universities aimed at establishing more efficient exploitation strategies 4.Develop synergies with research projects about innovation in education

20 Exploitation Outcomes New scientific and teaching sector: In Italy, the Agricultural Engineering scientific and teaching sector is being re-modulated and updated: it was changed into the new sector “Agricultural, Forestry and Biosystems Engineering” The new scientific and teaching sector “Agricultural, Forestry and Biosystems Engineering”, both in the form and the contents, is the result of a process promoted by the Italian representatives of ERABEE (G. Scarascia Mugnozza and P. Febo). The new scientific and teaching sector was approved by all the delegates of AIIA participating to this conference and, then, sent to the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, in order to be evaluated, eventually modified and divulgated.

21 Exploitation Outcomes New degrees and doctorates in Biosystems Engineering: University of Leon (Spain) - University Master in Biosystems Engineering - Doctorate in Biosystems Engineering Both the information of the ERABEE TN and the project POMSEBES were used to justify their interest in the corresponding proposals. This information was also used to develop the contents of the programs of studies. Synergies with research projects about innovation in education: ATLANTIS – TABE - Transatlantic Biosystems Engineering Curriculum and Mobility Research Project -University of Leon - “Analysis of the procedures and tools for the adaptation of the engineering studies to the international and national labour market”

22 Future Dissemination Conferences Agroteknikk 2009 (Lillestrøm, Norway, 19th – 22nd November 2009) XI International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education Ilhéus, Bahia – Brazil, on March from 07 to 10, 2010. Doctoral and postdoctoral professional development in Agriculture and Life Sciences; Challenges for the next decade (Gent, Belgium, 7-10 April 2010) 17th CIGR World Congress (Quebec, Canada, 13th-17th June 2010) ASABE Annual International Meeting (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania June 20 th –23 rd, 2010) Engineering Education 2010 (Birmingham, U. K., 6 - 8 July 2010) EurAgEng 2010 (Clermont-Ferrand, France, 6 th – 8 th September 2010) IEEE Engineering Education 2010 (14-16 April 2010 in Madrid/Spain) IGIP- SEFI Annual Conference 2010 (19th to 22nd September 2010, Trnava, Slovakia)

23 Future Dissemination Journals JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION - United States – English – Impact 1,093 – 27th place of 112 in Education and Educational Research in Social Science Disciplines (JCR) JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION - United States – English – Impact 1,25 – 18th place of 112 in Education and Educational Research in Social Science Disciplines (JCR) JOURNAL OF PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND PRACTICE – United States – English – Impact 0,161 – 22nd place of 23 in Education in Scientific Disciplines (JCR)

24 Other activities Assign sub-groups of partners for some dissemination actions Incorporate acreditation experiences Incorporate report and publications to show the evolution of Agricultural E S to Biosystem E S all over the world. Identify national key actors of interest regarding ERABEE TN objectives and set up a communication plan Improve the information/coordination with other WG Each partner may identify key-locks at national level (educational bodies, industrial and professional sector, academics) Show the potential/real interest of industrials or professional opportunities of the sector

25 Dept. of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering, AUA, Greece Timetable - II TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE FINAL REPORT BY 10.2010 3P 15 - Preparation of an updated, guide / platform 09/2010UNIBAAll partners UPDATING 4Synergy of WG5 with WG1, WG2, WG3 and WG4 for organising and carrying out dissemination and exploitation activities  Provision of information and feedback in support of the operational objectives of Work-package DISS-EXP 09/2010WG5 Members WG5 members In progress 5WG5 Final Report to be submitted to the coordinator by the WG leader on the following Newsletters / Conferences / Meetings / Leaflets / Booklets / Include user as research partner / Local translation of Scientific publications / Conferences /Networking activities/ Websites /Personal contacts/ Meetings / International and regional fora/Organization conferences and parallel events / MEDIA / Website links 09/2010AUAWG5 members 1st Progress Report 2nd Progress Report Final R. PENDING

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