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“Injecting” Interest in Patient Education in the M1 Year LuAnne Stockton, B.A., B.S. Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Janet Raber, B.S.N.,

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Presentation on theme: "“Injecting” Interest in Patient Education in the M1 Year LuAnne Stockton, B.A., B.S. Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Janet Raber, B.S.N.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Injecting” Interest in Patient Education in the M1 Year LuAnne Stockton, B.A., B.S. Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Janet Raber, B.S.N., R.N. Summa Health Systems STFM Annual Conference on Patient Education Orlando, FL November 18, 2005

2 Objectives Upon completion of this presentation, the participants will be able to:  Discuss an educational strategy for introducing concepts of patient education to undergraduate medical students  Define potential objectives for an undergraduate patient education curriculum  Identify benefits of early integration of patient education concepts and skills into the medical school curriculum

3 Lectures Topics – M1 Definition of patient education Adult Learning Principles Health Belief Model Barriers to patient education Educational assessment – knowledge, skills, attitudes Patient noncompliance Informed Consent Negotiation

4 Lecture Topics – M2 Review of M1 material Literacy Health Literacy Stages of Behavior Change

5 Evolution of M1 Lecture  Topics between M1 and M2 have switched  Request for the lecture to be more interactive  Students don’t like role playing and we are not good actresses  Skill training is interactive  Incorporate the concepts of patient education into a skill training session

6 Implementation of “New” Method Introduce idea of learning a new skill/difficulty for patients Ask students to pick up a syringe without any further instructions and to inject themselves with a 30ga needle attached to an empty insulin syringe Wait for the reactions Stop process and investigate student’s immediate feelings Identify barriers to the students performing task

7 Implementation of “New” Method, continued Proceed with lecture At end, provide instructions for injections and encourage students to give selves an injection First year – asked informally how many gave the injection Second year – requested students to complete survey

8 Survey At the beginning of the lecture, I was comfortable with the thought of giving myself an injection. 12 34 5 Strongly Disagree Unsure or AgreeStrongly agree disagree neutral This lecture was effective in meeting the stated objectives. 12 34 5 Strongly Disagree Unsure or AgreeStrongly agree disagree neutral This lecture increased my interest in patient education. 12 34 5 Strongly Disagree Unsure or AgreeStrongly agree disagree neutral

9 Survey, continued I will be comfortable in incorporating patient education into my future patient encounters. 12 34 5 Strongly Disagree Unsure or AgreeStrongly agree disagree neutral At the end of the lecture, I was comfortable with the thought of giving myself an injection. 12 34 5 Strongly Disagree Unsure or AgreeStrongly agree disagree neutral Did you give yourself an injection? (Circle one) YesNo

10 Responses n=57 At the beginning of the lecture, I was comfortable with the thought of giving myself an injection. Strongly disagree26 Disagree12 Unsure or neutral9 Agree5 Strongly agree5

11 Responses n=57 This lecture was effective in meeting the stated objectives. Strongly disagree1 Disagree2 Unsure or neutral6 Agree40 Strongly agree8

12 Responses n=57 This lecture increased my interest in patient education. Strongly disagree3 Disagree2 Unsure or neutral13 Agree34 Strongly agree5

13 Responses n=57 I will be comfortable in incorporating patient education into my future patient encounters. Strongly disagree1 Disagree0 Unsure or neutral2 Agree36 Strongly agree17 No answer1

14 Responses n=57 At the end of the lecture, I was comfortable with the thought of giving myself an injection. Strongly disagree7 Disagree12 Unsure or neutral13 Agree17 Strongly agree7 No answer1

15 Responses n=57 Did you give yourself an injection? Yes24 No33

16 Comparison of before and after lecture I was comfortable with the thought of giving myself an injection BeforeAfter Strongly disagree267 Disagree12 Unsure or neutral913 Agree517 Strongly agree57

17 Comments I have many piercings. I doubt I’m a fair and unbiased representative. Plus, my dog is diabetic and I do this 2x a day. It didn’t hurt. They should use that little needle for everything. Good lecture. I liked the needle idea. Demonstrated point well. I am glad I tried it. (Didn’t hurt at all!!)

18 Comments I might give it to myself later. I would have done it if I personally removed the needle from sterile packaging. Maybe I’ll try it soon. Offer me incentive (like candy) and I’ll poke myself! Interesting!

19 Comments No point- (in response to the statement #5: At the end of the lecture, I was comfortable with the thought of giving myself an injection) Just not comfortable with the thought of giving myself an injection. Could handle if someone else did it on me. It didn’t hurt!!

20 After the lecture  M1  M2 - Assignment

21 Questions, Answers, Discussion

22 Conclusions Benefits to inclusion of patient education in undergraduate medical school Thanks for coming We hope you got the point!

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