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Why do people stay long after the coffee runs dry and the program is over? Jacob Browne, Jefferson County Public Library Kim Larson-Cooney, Arapahoe Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Why do people stay long after the coffee runs dry and the program is over? Jacob Browne, Jefferson County Public Library Kim Larson-Cooney, Arapahoe Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do people stay long after the coffee runs dry and the program is over? Jacob Browne, Jefferson County Public Library Kim Larson-Cooney, Arapahoe Community College

2 Goals Identify Third Places in your community Understand the benefits: individual, communal and organizational Advocate for older adult Third Places Develop innovative ideas of creating a Third Space

3 Introduction Where do you go to hang out, Have a friendly chat, and See some friends? Your home away from home? Not work (productive space) Not home (personal private space) But social space

4 Attributes of Space Playful Modest Casual Inclusive Accessible Neutral Ground Safe

5 Attributes of Place Friendly recognizable faces Value and protective of the space Inclusive people Value your humanity, not your role in society

6 Barriers Some Older Adults face Transportation Cost Literacy (digital literacy, internet literacy) Isolation High bar of entry We need more Third Places in Jefferson County

7 Benefits Individual Mental and physical health Social integration Restorative Reliable sense of security and fun outside of the home

8 Community Benefits Community is social Community health Community survivability Sustainable – reliable communities

9 Organizational benefits Shared ownership of space Social capital Reliable community participation Community feedback

10 Creating Space: Focus on: Neutral ground, accessibility, safety Social equalizer, modest setting, playful To welcome a Third Place To attract: Inclusive regular people How the interact with the space you create

11 Arapahoe Community College Model How did ACC start creating a welcoming environment for older adults? What tangible and intangible benefits has ACC seen? What advise can ACC give to other organizations for creating welcoming environments?

12 Other older adult third place organizations APEX PARK AND RECREATION Open and easily accessible Inviting atmosphere encouraging loitering Offers drop in games, discussion and activities JCPL PROGRAMMING Book Clubs Discussion events Crafting clubs

13 Innovative Space Think different about Third Place JCPL’s Dial a Book Club Creating a virtual Space for a Third Place Online communities

14 Ideas?

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