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A Unique Global Health Clinical Elective Dilip Nair, M.D. Family and Community Health Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Marshall University.

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Presentation on theme: "A Unique Global Health Clinical Elective Dilip Nair, M.D. Family and Community Health Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Marshall University."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Unique Global Health Clinical Elective Dilip Nair, M.D. Family and Community Health Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Marshall University

2 1 st year Medical Students Global Health Clinical Field Experiences Knowledge Base Clinical Background Clinical Reasoning Time Constraints Psycho- socio- cultural determinants

3 FCH 735 1 week, 40 hours Summer between Medical School Year 1 & 2 6-12 students Single Instructor Successful*

4 Goal Display FCH 735 as a Distinctive Solution to a Specific Problem

5 Objectives Distinctive features of FCH 735? Educational challenges addressed ? Other applications?

6 Distinctive Features Organization of Course Content Pedagogical Methods

7 Organization of Content Behavioral FactorDisease Entities Poor Personal / Public Hygiene:  Food and water contaminated with human feces and urine  Contaminated fingers  Penetration of skin in contact with soil or water  Cholera  Typhoid fever  Dysentery (Shigellosis and Amebiasis)  Salmonellosis  Taeniasis  Paragonimiasis  Dracunculiasis  Ascariasis  Poliomyelitis  Trachoma  Hepatitis A/Hepatitis E  Viral gastroenteritis  Ancylostomiasis/ Necatoriasis  Strongyloidiasis  Schistosomiasis  Tetanus Overcrowding and Contact  Measles  Influenza  Tuberculosis  Leprosy  Scabies  Head lice  Epidemic typhus Habitat Overlap: Human w Animals'  Mosquito-transmitted illnesses  Other Arthropod- transmitted illnesses  Mammalian Illnesses  Envenomations  Infestations  Malaria  Yellow fever  Dengue  Filariasis  Onchocerciasis  Loiasis  African trypanosomiasis  American trypanosomiasis  Leishmaniasis  Scrub typhus  Rabies  Echinococcosis  Spider bites  Scorpion bites  Ant bites  Snake bites  Mites  Myiasis "Unsafe" Behavior  Hepatitis B/Hepatitis D  Hepatitis C  Other sexually transmitted infections  Trauma  Occupational illness  Environmental illness

8 Pedagogical Methods 3-part multi-modal sequence Recurrent Integrative Review

9 Pedagogical Sequence Part 1: Introductory Exercise Interactive lecture format Elicit students knowledge/experience Core Questions – Individual AND Community Whiteboard and Marker

10 Pedagogical Sequence Part 1: Introductory Exercise

11 Pedagogical Sequence Part 2: Reinforcement PowerPoint Slides Bulleted Format Core Questions – Individual AND Community Photos

12 Plasmodium falciparum—Clinical Abrupt onset Fever, chills, rigors  sweats (fever “breaks”) H/A Cough Myalgias Diarrhea Hepto-splenomegaly

13 Pedagogical Sequence Part 3: Application Aim: – Driving concepts home – Bringing material to life Full-orbed view Shortcomings and limitations Methods: – Case Reports – Essays and Perspectives – Personal Anecdote

14 Pedagogical Sequence # 3: Applications

15 Pedagogical Methods 3-part multi-modal sequence Recurrent Integrative Review – Scheduled – Impromptu

16 Recurrent Integrative Review Scheduled Review Sessions

17 Limitations True Success? Resource-Intensive Sharply-defined focus

18 Nair D., Erwin R. A Unique Global Health Elective for Pre-Clinical Medical Students. Medical Science Educator 2012; 22(3):90-95

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