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RTOS Implementation - 2006. 12. 18. - Yeon YoonMo.

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Presentation on theme: "RTOS Implementation - 2006. 12. 18. - Yeon YoonMo."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTOS Implementation - 2006. 12. 18. - Yeon YoonMo

2 Focus RTOS context switch process from the bottom up used example The FreeRTOS Atmel AVR microcontroller port WinAVR development tools

3 The RTOS Tick time measurement is needed sleeping task : waking time blocked task : maximum waiting time tickmeasure time using a tick count variable

4 Tick ISR

5 GCC Signal Attribute interrupts written in C A compare match event on the AVR timer 1 peripheral __attribute__((signal)) modifiedregister that gets modified during the ISR is restored to its original value when the ISR exits a 'return from interrupt' instruction (RETI) to be used

6 code output

7 GCC Naked Attribute entire contextPerforming a context switch requires the entire context to be saved explicitly save all registers → some registers being saved twice The 'naked' attribute prevents the compiler generating any function entry or exit code

8 code output (naked)

9 save & restore context portSAVE_CONTEXT() portRESTORE_CONTEXT()

10 FreeRTOS Tick Code void SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A( void ) __attribute__ ( ( signal, naked ) ); void vPortYieldFromTick( void ) __attribute__ ( ( naked ) ); void SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A( void ) { vPortYieldFromTick(); asm volatile ( "reti" ); } void vPortYieldFromTick( void ) { portSAVE_CONTEXT(); vTaskIncrementTick(); vTaskSwitchContext(); portRESTORE_CONTEXT(); asm volatile ( "ret" ); }

11 The AVR Context

12 Saving the Context

13 Restoring the Context

14 Detailed Example a context switch on the AVR microcontroller two tasks low priority : task A high priority :task B

15 Step 1

16 Step 2

17 Step 3

18 Step 4 Incrementing the Tick Count after the TaskA context has been saved vTaskIncrementTick(); TaskBreadyTaskB(higher priority) to become ready to run vTaskSwitchContext() ;

19 Step 5

20 Step 6

21 Step 7

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