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Career & Technical Education Update – Weslaco ISD Ed Garcia, CTE Specialist Region One Education Service Center August 16, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Career & Technical Education Update – Weslaco ISD Ed Garcia, CTE Specialist Region One Education Service Center August 16, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career & Technical Education Update – Weslaco ISD Ed Garcia, CTE Specialist Region One Education Service Center August 16, 2016

2 Today’s Focus The role of Career & Technical Education in preparing students to become college & career ready. Regional Labor Market 16 Career Pathways Review of Endorsements for HS Graduation

3 State CTE Plan & Texas Education Code Provide opportunities for all students to: Manage the dual role of family members and wage earner. Gaining entry-level employment in a high skill, high-wage job or continuing the student’s education at the postsecondary level. Gain Competencies leading to academic & technical skill attainment. Industry recognized license, or certificates at post secondary level. Opportunities to earn college credit. Participate in CTSO’s.

4 CTE Making a Difference


6 Labor Market Facts Texas Workforce Commission Technical employment is the fastest growing segment of the labor market. 25% all jobs require 2-yr./or 4-yr. degree Fasting growing high-skill, high-wage jobs require an associate’s degree. College graduate earn 84% more than HS graduates.





11 11 The Jobs Students Want Aren’t What the Texas Market Needs - 2012 Top Occupations by Student Interest Sports Athlete Doctor Multi-Media Artist Truck Driver Forensic Science Tech Veterinarian Lawyer Registered Nurse Actor Musician/Singer Top Occupation by Labor Market Demand Teachers, K-12 Health Services -Nurses Customer Service/Sales Managers- all types Accountants Computer System Analysis Construction/Maint. Mgrs. Computer Specialists Software Engineers Engineers Management Analysis Truck Drivers Oil Field Specialists

12 Skills Gap Mike Rowe, known as, the Dirty Jobs Guy, explains the Skills Gap problem the United States is facing today’s workforce in this video.Skills Gap





17 Labor Market 2020 25%+ growth Texas Target Industries: #1 - Education Cluster #2 - Health Science Cluster #3 - Human Services RGV Target Industries: #1 - Health Service Cluster #2 – Human Services & Education Cluster #3 - Business Mgmt/Adm. Cluster

18 Largest Employers in RGV -McAllen -Edinburg -Mission -Weslaco -PSJA EMSI, SOCRATES, & TEA AEIS 5/2016

19 21 st Century Skills & Attributes Educator Self-Assessment Oral & Written Communication Critical Thinking Problem-solving Collaboration across networks Curiosity & imagination Initiative & Entrepreneurialism Agility & Adaptability Hope & Optimism Self-regulation Empathy & Global Stewardship Resilience Grit Vision for the Future

20 Texas Employers say they want… 1.Good communication skills  Explain who you are?  Explain what you do? To a coworker or customer  Explain what you need? From a coworker or customer  Ability to listen to instructions? 2.Critical think skills. (If, you are explained a sequence of event, can you determine what will probably happen next?) 3.Technical knowledge( Degrees are needed for half of all job openings) 4.Can-do attitude/pleasant attitude. ( Workers who can focus and are engaged in their work. 5.Can work with people who are of different age, race, gender and educational level than you? Are you friendly and efficient with others? Are you

21 Students & Employment – Entitlement Creed by Eric Chester &

22 CTE is learning that Works Learning opportunities for Students: Dual Credit Industry Certifications Work-based Learning Internships Practicum's Apprenticeships Career Preparation(Co-op)


24 Programs of Study in Texas 122 Models are available at Models illustrate various career goals in all 16 career clusters Components: Middle school connection Requirements for High School Graduation Plan Secondary Certification Extending learning opportunities, including CTSOs College Credit Opportunities Postsecondary linkages Career opportunities from entry level to advanced Professional associations

25 The Framework Connection to Post-Secondary and/or Employment (Dual credit*Articulated Credit*Certifications) Individual Coherent Sequence of Courses (A Plan for Each and Every Student) Career Clusters (AchieveTexas) Career Assessment 25

26 The Birth of Endorsements House Bill 5  School districts must offer courses that allow a student to complete curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement  A district that offers only one endorsement must offer the multidisciplinary studies endorsement  All students entering grade 9 in 2014-2015 must enroll in courses necessary to complete the Foundation School Program and at least one endorsement

27 State Curriculum Requirements: ENDORSEMENTS STEM Business and Industry Arts and Humanities Public Services Multidisciplinary Studies

28 Endorsements By Chapter and CTE Subchapter Multidisciplinary Advanced Courses Foundation subject areas Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Dual Enrollment Career Technical Education (Ch. 127, Ch 130 and innovative courses) Final Course from O-Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Computer Science (select courses) Science (Ch. 112) Mathematics (Ch. 111) Other Business and Industry Career Technical Education Final Course from A-Agriculture Food and Natural Resources B-Architecture and Construction C-Arts, A.V Technology and Communications D-Business Management and Administration F-Finance I-Hospitality and Tourism K- Information Technology M- Manufacturing N- Marketing P-Transportation, Distribution and Logistics English Elective Credits (select courses) Technology Applications (select courses) Public Services Career Technical Education Final Course from E-Education and Training G-Government and Public Administration H-Health Science J- Human Services L- Law, Public Safety, and Security JROTC Arts and Humanities Social Studies (Ch. 113 & 118) LOTE (Ch. 114) American Sign Language (Ch. 114) English Electives (select courses) Fine Arts (Ch. 117) Other A student may earn an endorsement by successfully completing the curriculum requirements for the endorsement, four math credits, four science credits and two additional elective credits. If a campus only offers one endorsement, it must be a multidisciplinary endorsement. House Bill 5 Section 16 STEM Algebra II required Physics and chemistry required to earn a STEM endorsement



31 Labor Market Data Resources Texas Workforce Comission Labor Market Career Info. Reality Check Achieve Texas Association for CTE Texas Labor Market Info. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor and Statistics Generation Texas Texas Genuine RGV-Lead Labor Market Rep. HS Graduation Plan -Sample radplan.asp radplan.asp


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