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GPS radio occultation lecture 2 Extended applications
Sean Healy NWP SAF lecture 2, March 16, 2016
Contributions from Chris Burrows Ian Culverwell Stig Syndergaard
Hans Gleisner Torsten Schmidt Paul Poli Adrian Simmons Uli Foelsche Mark Ringer Mohamed Dahoui
Some useful presentations on GPS-RO applications
See presentations at: EG, Atmospheric Studies with GPS-RO Bill Randel (NCAR) Tropopause studies with GPS-RO Torsten Schmidt (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam) Gravity wave studies using GPS-RO Feiqin Xie (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi) Planetary boundary layer studies with GPS-RO
Outline Aim: provide an overview of GPS-RO applications. First time I’ve given this lecture, so I hope it’s a clear story. Recap from lecture 1 GPS-RO information content, key characteristics core region, etc. As you might expect, many applications are related to the GPS-RO measurement characteristics in the core region. Use in climate reanalyses (e.g., ERA-Interim)/climate monitoring. Forecast verification with GPS-RO, testing NWP/climate models. Outside the core region Planetary boundary layer height estimates from GPS-RO. Surface pressure information from GPS-RO. Briefly Space weather/ionospheric applications. Summary
Recap GPS-RO measurements are useful because they complement satellite radiances. Assimilation without bias correction Good vertical resolution.
GPS-RO and IASI: 1DVAR simulations
Healy and Collard 2003, QJRMS: Power to resolve a peak-shaped error in background: Averaging Kernel. IASI Expected retrieval error: RO+IASI RO RO Background IASI
Recap GPS-RO measurements are useful because they complement satellite radiances. Assimilation without bias correction Good vertical resolution The information content is largest in the “core region”, between 7-35 km, and we see a large NWP impact on upper-tropospheric and lower/middle stratospheric temperatures.
Climate reanalysis applications
Climate reanalysis applications
We have only had large quantities of RO since It is likely to become more useful for climate monitoring as the time-series lengthens. Claim: GPS-RO measurements should not be biased. It should be possible to introduce data from new instruments without overlap periods for calibration. No discontinuities in time-series as a result of interchange of GPS-RO instruments. Bending angle time series derived from the ERA-Interim reanalysis can be used to investigate this claim.
Global bending angle (o-b)/b departure statistics from ECMWF operations for Aug.20 to Sept. 20, 2009
I am always a bit uneasy about saying GPS-RO are bias free.
Global bending angle (o-b)/b departure statistics from ECMWF operations for Aug.20 to Sept. 20, 2009 I am always a bit uneasy about saying GPS-RO are bias free. This difference in (o-b) statistics was traced to a smoothing of the COSMIC phase delays. Corrected in 2009. GRAS COSMIC-6 COSMIC-4
Consistency of GPS-RO bending angles (ERA-Interim Reanalysis, Paul Poli)
Provided by Paul Poli. This is a very nice plot. We already use the operational GPS-RO bending angles in ERA Interim and we have recently published a paper showing the impact (Poli et al, 2010). GPS-RO cleaned up stratospheric biases in ERA Interim in the same way it did in operations. One of the most important measurement GPS-RO measurement characteristics in this context, is that the measurements are unbiased and therefore different in instruments should have the same characteristics. Instruments should be interchangeable, without the need for overlap periods for calibration. At the ECMWF/GRAS SAF seminar in June 2008, we were able to show that the COSMIC/GRAS bending angle (o-b) biases differed derived from operations. The difference was small, only ~ %, but it was noticeable in the bending angle statistics. Bending angles are not the raw measurements, they require some pre-processing, but this was a surprise. EUMETSAT (Christian Marquardt) and UCAR (Sergey Sokolovskiy) identified the cause (how the phase delays were being smoothed in the processing) in early 2009, and a change to the operational COSMIC processing was made in October 12, We can see from the long ERA Interim time series how the COSMIC/GRAS bias (o-b) biases have converged since this change. ERA Interim is useful, because the NWP system is constant. The GRAS biases have changed because the mean state has changed as a result of the COSMIC changes. Important for climate/reanalysis applications. Value of workshops bringing NWP users and data providers together!! Obviously, we will be using reprocessed COSMIC data for the next ERA CLIM reanalyses. Generally, As the time series of the GPS-RO measurements grows we can anticipate that GPS-RO observations will have an increasingly prominent role in climate monitoring and reanalysis applications.
GPS-RO and the bias correction of radiances
“Bias correction schemes for satellite radiances need to be grounded by a reference.” The reference measurements are often called “anchor” measurements. “Recommendation to NWP Centres to identify part of global observing system (e.g. high quality Radio-sondes, GPS Radio Occultation) as reference network which is actively assimilated but NOT bias corrected against an NWP system.”
VarBC is used at ECMWF Dee, QJRMS (2007), 131, pp 3323-3343
Bias corrected radiances are assimilated. VarBC assumes an unbiased model. In the 4D-Var, we minimize an augmented cost function, where the bias coefficients are estimated.
Experiment removing GPS-RO from ERA-Interim (Dec. 08, Jan-Feb 09)
Impact on bias correction. E.g., globally averaged MetOP-A, AMSU-A channel 9 bias correction. GPS-RO assimilated We have numerous examples, this example is taken from ERA Interim. The black line is the bias we apply with and without GPSRO assimilated. The difference in the bias correction is comparable to the standard deviation of the first guess. In fact, Gabor’s latest work also suggest sthat GPS-RO the most important anchor measurement in the stratosphere. Ie, more important than radiosondes for anchoring radiances. Presumably this is because of numbers/globally distributed etc. No GPS-RO Bias correction applied to radiance
GPS-RO have improved the consistency between climate reanalyses in the upper-troposphere and lower/middle stratosphere Compare ERA-Interim and the JRA-55 reanalysis
Values are relative to ERA-Interim means for 1981-2010
GPS-RO and extratropical-mean temperatures from ERA-Interim and JRA-55 Values are relative to ERA-Interim means for
Climate monitoring applications
GPS-RO for climate monitoring Simulation study using the Hadley Centre climate model
Simulation studies to assess: potential of GPS-RO for detecting climate trends information content of GPS-RO in relation to other sensors Simulations use: Met Office Hadley Centre coupled climate model (HadGEM1) Climate change scenario (A1B) for 2000 – 2100 Forward modelling of the GPS-RO bending angles Forward modelling of MSU/AMSU brightness temperatures Provided by Mark Ringer (Hadley Centre)
Initial comparison with observations
Bending angle trends 2001 – Courtesy of Torsten Schmidt, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany.
Trends in the tropics may be detectable in about ~15 years
Detection times (95% confidence intervals) 26 km: 9.4 – 11.7 years 20 km: 13.6 – 18.7 years 12 km: 14.6 – 18.2 years
The RoTrends Project
ROtrends collaboration
RO community started comparison of different processing centres in 2007 (ROtrends). Main aim is to validate RO as a climate benchmark, identifying the impact of processing assumptions (structural uncertainty). ROtrends partners: DMI, JPL, GFZ, UCAR, WEGC, and EUMETSAT Common focus on CHAMP data, Aug 2001 to Sep 2008 Aiming at improved understanding of structural uncertainty while still keeping the algorithm/software development independent 1st Round: profile-to-profile comparison between processing centres main results described in Ho et al. [2012] 2nd Round: comparison of monthly mean climatologies main results described in Steiner et al. [2013]
Initial RO-CLIM data set
CHAMP zonal monthly mean data: 5 deg x 200 m, 8-30 km, global coverage To be provided with error characteristics and sampling-error corrected means To be provided as an ensemble of 5 or 6 data sets Currently no single community RO data set – discussions ongoing Planned to be released during 2015 (following re-formatting, documentation, etc) Current focus: a) multi-mission inter-comparisons, b) high-altitude initialization
Structural uncertainty: upper-level initialization
Good agreement between ROM SAF and UCAR raw bending angles. Upper level bias between optimized and raw bending angles, leading to biases in refractivity and dry temperature. Blue lines: mean, st. dev. Red lines: median, MAD
Structural uncertainty: upper-level initialization
Same as previous slide, but only including high-latitude data. Blue lines: mean, st. dev. Red lines: median, MAD
Structural uncertainty: upper-level initialization
Same as previous slide, but only including high-latitude data. Blue lines: mean, st. dev. Red lines: median, MAD
Aim: Produce GPS-RO datasets and software for testing climate models
CFMIP Observation Simulator Package (COSP) (see A. Bodas-Salcedo et al, 2011: COSP: Satellite simulation software for model assessment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 92, 1023–1043. doi: Satellite simulator package that enables testing climate models in measurement space using forward models. We have recently introduced the 1D bending angle operator into this package. Work in progress, but the aim is to enable GCM developers to test their changes against robust GPS-RO climatologies.
One month of comparisons against COSMIC measurements.
Provided by Alejandro Bodas-Salcedo.
NWP forecast verification in the stratosphere
Verification with GPS-RO in the stratosphere
Stratospheric forecasts are usually verified against analyses or radiosondes. Some model changes can lead to big analysis differences, so having the option of verifying against obs. is important. BUT, in the southern hemisphere, ECMWF only verifies against ~40 radiosonde sites, over land. GPS-RO data are globally distributed, and reasonably good quality. We can now verify a “day-n” forecast against GPS-RO bending angle profiles or the corresponding “classical” retrievals, assuming it is valid below ~5 hPa.
An example A recent operational upgrade improved the stratospheric forecasts, with BIG improvements for sudden stratospheric warming events. North pole day-6 forecast departures statistics for all GPS-RO data. Statistics for period Dec 20-30, 2014. (ie first forecast valid Dec 26)
Forecast step, day-5 (O-F)/σ_o
GPS-RO retrieval with a-priori coming from a 6hr forecast
The agreement between GPS-RO and 6hr forecast in the upper stratosphere / stratopause region is because the 6 hr fc is used in the GPS-RO retrieval
GPS-RO retrieval with a-priori coming from a 6hr forecast
The agreement between GPS-RO and 6hr forecast in the upper stratosphere / stratopause region is because the 6 hr fc is used in the GPS-RO retrieval
EXAMPLE 2.5 months of statistics Mapping the bending angle information to temperature space. We’ve integrated the temperature retrieval into the statistics package. See both the bending angle and temp. statistics Confident in the quality of the temp. retrievals from the tropopause up to ~10 hPa.
Novel (surprising) applications: PBL height estimates, surface pressure information
Novel applications: Deriving planetary boundary layer information from GPSRO measurement
Some papers have suggested that we should be able to derive information on the height of the planetary boundary layer from the GPSRO bending angle and refractivity profiles. Sokolovskiy et al, 2007, GRL, 34,L18802,doi /2007GL030458 VonEngeln et al, 2005, GRL, 32, L06815,doi /2004GL022168 The central idea is that you see big changes in the bending angle and refractivity profile gradient across the top of the PBL.
Sokolovskiy et al, (2007) It is a very interesting idea, which still needs to be investigated further. Horizontal gradient errors. Meaning of PBL height averaged over km?
Horizontal gradient error simulations Gradients in the ionosphere!
Red=L1 Green=L2 Blue=corrected Black no-iono simulation From Zeng et al, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, , 2016. Recall: Ionospheric gradients causing a PBL height error!
Surface pressure information from GPS-RO
Measuring or retrieving surface pressure information from satellite radiances has been discussed for many years (Smith et al, 1972). The GPS-RO measurements have a sensitivity to surface pressure because they are given as a function of height. Hydrostatic integration is part of the GPS-RO forward model. If we increase the surface pressure the bending angle values increase. Can GPS-RO constrain the surface pressure analysis when all conventional surface pressure measurements are removed?
NH 12 hour PMSL forecast scores
Mean GPS-RO included. The GPS-RO measurements manage to stabilise the bias. Standard deviation
Space weather/ionospheric applications
Retrieval methods are similar to the classical retrieval
Bending is small and is usually neglected The excess phase delay: These can be directly assimilated into ionospheric data assimilation systems neutral electron density
Why is the ionospheric work of interest to us?
If we want to improve upon the standard ionospheric correction for neutral applications: we need to include some a-priori information about the ionospheric state. One idea is the direct assimilation of L1, L2 bending angles by estimating the ionospheric model parameters as part of the 1D-Var retrieval.
Model ionosphere: electron density
Single Chapman Layer (Chapman 1931) ne(r) = TEC/√(2πeH2) · exp(½(1 – u – e-u)), where u = (r – r0) / H. 3 parameters: TEC = ∫ ne dr r0 = peak height H = ionospheric scale height Not much hope of retrieving an electron density profile, so model ion with 3 params: {TEC, R0, H}. Explain why long tail and short nose. (Chapman’s paper largely connected with impact of variation of sec(zenith) term in front of the exponentiated exp. This formula for normal incidence.)
First application The ionospheric correction becomes part of the forward modelling. The retrieved ionospheric parameters can be discarded. L1, L2 bending angles look reasonable but more work required here. Background: unifrom T & q exponential N and α.
Summary A comprehensive set of talks on the applications of GPS-RO data can be found at: Many current applications are related to the GPS-RO measurement characteristics in the core-region. Impact in reanalysis established. We expect the GPS-RO climate applications to increase as time-series lengthens. Novel applications PBL heights, surface pressure. Use of GPS-RO for ionospheric applications, and we are expecting increased collaboration between the ionospheric and neutral at. Communities.
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