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* What is the CIM program and who are the Patrons?

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Presentation on theme: "* What is the CIM program and who are the Patrons?"— Presentation transcript:

1 * What is the CIM program and who are the Patrons?
INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCRETE INDUSTRY CIMT 101 Student Objectives: * What is the CIM program and who are the Patrons? What Field trips and Plant Tours are involved? What is Professionalism?

2 The CIM Program What is the CIM Program?
In 1994, industry representatives approached Middle Tennessee State University officials about initiating the CIM Program. There is a need for : Broadly educated students Articulate graduates Grounded in basic math and science, Knowledgeable of concrete technology and techniques Able to manage people and systems Able to promote products or services related to industry

3 The CIM Program Because of the interest :
A substantial commitment from Industry Industry enthusiasm raised funds Providing individuals to maintain the curriculum Promoting CIM on a national level Establishing numerous scholarship opportunities; Mentoring students in the program; Providing paid internships throughout the country.

4 The CIM Program Who are the Patrons?
“Building the Dream of Concrete Professionals Through Higher Education” A group of concrete professionals Recognized as a 501 c (3) non-profit organization Serving the CIM Program and students Financial Marketing Mentoring Assistance

5 The CIM Program Who are the Patrons? Recruit Students
Arrange CIM Program promotion Provide consultants, assuring the Program meets industry needs Coordinate meetings and workshops Develop scholarship opportunities and endowments Help maintain the Curriculum Promote in state and national levels i.e. BASF Transit Mix Lafarge North America NRMCA Silvi Group Eastern Concrete Sika Inc

6 The CIM Program What field trip and Plant tours are involved?

7 Sahara Sand of Eagleswood Tour (Silvi Group, Inc)
Concrete Application I –CIM 210)

8 Sahara Sand of Eagleswood Tour (Silvi Group, Inc)
Concrete Application I –CIM 210)

9 Cement Storage Tanks (Silvi Group, Inc)
Concrete Application I –CIM 210)

10 Readymix Plant (Silvi Group, Inc) Concrete Application I –CIM 210)

11 Working Safely The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Sika Class Visit – Dr. Ketan Sompura (Advanced Concrete Testing – CIM 405)

12 Working Safely The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Forsgate Industrial Park (Concrete Application II) Ken Justice, PE. (NESCA) CIM 305

13 Working Safely The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Students observing placement of pervious concrete Ken Justice, PE. (NESCA)

14 Working Safely The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Students make their own sample of pervious concrete Ken Justice, PE. (NESCA)

15 Working Safely The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Rolling Pervious Concrete (Concrete Application II) Ken Justice, PE. (NESCA)

16 Overview of Presentation
Academic Year Course Activities Socials Research

17 Working Safely The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Socials with Sika Corp. (Michael Campion, Vice President and director of the concrete construction product)

18 Working Safely The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Socials with Silvi Group, Inc. (Bill Ryan from the Human Resource Department)

19 Working Safely The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Socials with Poster Presentation (Bill Ryan listens to students as they make their Poster Presentation)

20 Overview of Presentation
Academic Year Course Activities Socials Research

21 Testing of Emergency Admixtures Forta and CIM Learning Together
Gyasi Bryan-Smith Michael Ciallella Eric Miller Allyn Luke Bob Grace Marty Doody The Placement of Fast Track Concrete Research with Student (Concrete Application II and Concrete Properties and Testing ) Allyn Luke’s Research Project

22 Professionalism What is it : Dress Code Interviewing Do’s and Don’ts
Resume Writing Cover Letters Placement Office Services

23 Dress Code Solid color, conservative suit White long sleeve shirt
Conservative tie Dark socks, professional shoes Very limited jewelry Neat, professional hairstyle Go easy on the aftershave Neatly trimmed nails Portfolio or briefcase

24 Dress Code

25 Dress Code

26 Interviewing Do’s and Don’ts
Do take a practice run to the location where you are having the interview -- or be sure you know exactly where it is and how long it takes to get there. Do your research and know the type of job interview you will be encountering. Do dress the part for the job, the company, the industry. And do err on the side of conservatism. If you're not sure, you should consider reading our article, Do plan to arrive about 10 minutes early. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable. If you are running late, do phone the company. Do greet the receptionist or assistant with courtesy and respect. This is where you make your first impression. Don't chew gum during the interview.

27 Interviewing Do’s and Don’ts
If presented with a job application, do fill it out neatly, completely, and accurately. Do bring extra resumes to the interview. (Even better, if you have a job skills portfolio, do bring that with you to the interview.) Don't rely on your application or resume to do the selling for you. No matter how qualified you are for the position, you will need to sell yourself to the interviewer. Do greet the interviewer(s) by title (Ms., Mr., Dr.) and last name if you are sure of the pronunciation. (If you're not sure, do ask the receptionist about the pronunciation before going into the interview. Do shake hands firmly. Don't have a limp or clammy handshake! Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. And do remember body language and posture: sit upright and look alert and interested at all times. Don't fidget or slouch. Don't tell jokes during the interview. Do make good eye contact with your interviewer(s). Do show enthusiasm in the position and the company. Don't smoke, even if the interviewer does and offers you a cigarette. And don't smoke beforehand so that you smell like smoke. And do brush your teeth, use mouthwash, or have a breath mint before the interview.



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