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Developing a Five-Year ADRC Statewide Plan February 14, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Five-Year ADRC Statewide Plan February 14, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Five-Year ADRC Statewide Plan February 14, 2011

2 2  11 regional ADRCs serve the entire Commonwealth  ADRCs based on collaborative and equal partnerships among Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs)/Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and Independent Living Centers (ILCs)  All in various stages of refinement with original ADRCs boasting 6 years of experience  State supported grassroots, regionally-driven model  “No Wrong Door” decentralized partnerships

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4 - Key legislation passed in 2006—Equal Choice Law requiring pre-admission counseling - Collaboration with Care Transitions Forum - MA Homecare Association engaged Coleman model - ADRC Strategic Planning Process 4

5 Options Counseling: - State required to implement “pre-admission counseling” for all individuals seeking admission to a nursing facility, regardless of income - Piloted in three ADRCs for 2 years, now available statewide - Provided impetus for ADRC entrée to hospitals, rehab and skilled nursing facilities - Building ADRC staff expertise and skills in person- centered methodologies of assessment, information sharing, education, and decision support - Core function that lays foundation for access to so many other key initiatives such as care transitions, MFP, EBCDM, NH transitions/diversions 5

6 - Part of Care Transitions Forum spearheaded by the MA Health Data Consortium - Coalition of health providers, non-profit community organizations and State agencies with goal to improve health outcomes through improved care transitions - Two ADRC member agencies represented - Presentations to broad group on role of ADRCs in care transitions - Each ADRC engaged in some level of care transitions model development - MA Home Care Association sponsored two trainings in the Coleman CTI in May and November 2010 - MA recipient of recent Care Transition grant from AoA 6

7 Strategy #1: State leadership embrace vision and mission of ADRCs as community focal point for long term services and supports Strategy #2: “States” partner with community-based ADRCs to build strategic plan for weaving ADRCs into the “fabric” of the long term service and supports system Strategy #3: Position ADRCs within new/current initiatives 7

8 Strategy #4: State leadership continue to channel new and current initiatives through the ADRC Why? 1. Incrementally build capacity of ADRC to assume/refine responsibilities 2. Maintains ADRC as community focal point 3. Retains ADRC as important resource in eyes of state leadership 4. As ADRCs respond to new roles & responsibilities, confidence and experience grows- thus proving capacity, willingness, and effectiveness 8

9  For most states, building upon existing infrastructure(s) = existing funding source(s)  Offer/provide access to core services for individuals seeking LTSS, caregivers, and providers: ◦ Information, Referral & Assistance ◦ Decision Support/Options Counseling ◦ Service Facilitation ◦ Most importantly, they are the HUB OF THE WHEEL 9

10 - Currently wrapping up development of 5-year strategic plan—the MA “ADRC roadmap” for the future - Key component of discussion—what is the role of ADRCs in the broader system? Many key initiatives underway at State and Federal levels - Requires State direction, leadership and vision supported by ADRC commitment and creativity - What did the strategic planning prioritization process reveal? 10

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13  Add Transitions to “Core Functions” of ADRCs  Incorporate into strategic plan—developing common outcomes and measures for each, business practices, needed resources, and activities to accomplish outcomes  Created Outcomes & Data Workgroup to focus specifically on systems-level outcomes for ADRCs and for core functions—with Options Counseling to start  Build necessary evaluation plan to build state-level capacity to report on effectiveness and cost-savings of ADRCs to entire system 13

14  Heather Johnson, Consultant  Ruth Palombo, Assistant Secretary Executive Office of Elder Affairs  Ann Shor MA Rehabilitation Commission  Laura Connors, ADRC Statewide Coordinator

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