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Do you know your dates? International Relations Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Collapse of Peace.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you know your dates? International Relations Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Collapse of Peace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you know your dates? International Relations Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Collapse of Peace

2 Start of WWI

3 End of WWI

4 Treaty of Versailles Paris Peace Conference – Allied leaders meet and draw up the Treaty of Versailles and other peace treaties.

5 Treaty of St. Germain – set up to deal with Austria

6 League of Nations set up to sort out disputes between nations fairly

7 Vilna dispute – Poland invaded the capital of Lithuania (Vilna). Lithuania appealed to the league – the league did nothing, Poland kept Vilna. FAILURE

8 Dispute over Upper Silesia – Both Germany and Poland wanted the region. A plebiscite was taken and it was split between the two countries. SUCCESS

9 Dispute over the Aaland Islands – Sweden and Finland wanted the islands and prepared to fight. Both appealed to the league. League gave them to Finland, Sweden accepted the decision. SUCCESS

10 Washington Conference – USA, Britain, France and Japan agreed to limit the size of their navies. SUCCESS

11 Rapallo Treaty – The USSR and Germany re-established diplomatic relations

12 French invasion of the Ruhr – money in Germany becomes worthless

13 Corfu Dispute – between Greece and Italy. Italian murdered in Greece – Mussolini wants compensation – took over Corfu. Greece appealed to League for help. It condemned Mussolini's decisions but Mussolini was given money in compensation. FAILURE

14 The Dawes Plan – to avert a terrible economic crisis in Germany, the USA lent money to Germany to help it to pay its reparations

15 The Locarno Treaties – Germany appears to accept the Treaty of Versailles SUCCESS

16 Geneva Protocol – Britain and France drew this up to state if two members were in dispute they would have to ask the league for help and accept the decision made. – however the Conservative government in Britain would not sign it. FAILURE

17 Bulgaria dispute – between Greece and Bulgaria – Greece invaded Bulgaria. Bulgaria appealed for help. The league condemned Greece and ordered them to pull out and pay compensation. Greece did so but ordered it was one rule for them and another for Italy. SUCCESS/FAILURE

18 Germany joins the League of Nations

19 The Kellogg Brian Pact – most nations agree not to go to war to settle disputes SUCCESS

20 The Young Plan – reduced Germany’s reparations payments

21 The Wall Street Crash – followed by worldwide economic depression

22 The Manchurian Crisis – Japan invades Manchuria and begins building a Pacific Empire FAILURE

23 Disarmament Conference – many countries, including Germany, Britain, France came together to discuss their armies. Hitler withdrew from the conference in Oct 1933 due to no one coming to an agreement over disarmament to Germany’s level. FAILURE

24 Japan leaves the League of Nations

25 Hitler becomes leader of Germany

26 Germany leaves the League of Nations

27 Germany begins to rearm

28 USSR joins the League of Nations

29 German troops enter the Rhineland – League should have stopped him but did not

30 Saar plebiscite held – 90% of the Saar vote to return to German rule

31 The Abyssinian crisis – Italy invades Abyssinia

32 Conscription reintroduced in Germany

33 Anti-Comintern pact – Germany and Japan sign a pact – its aim to limit communist influence around the world – aimed at USSR. The new alliance known as the Axis alliance

34 Italy leaves the League of Nations

35 Hitler tries out his new airforce, the Luftwaffe, in the Spanish Civil War

36 Union between Germany and Austria (anschluss)

37 Germany invades the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia

38 The Munich Agreement – Britain, France Germany and Italy met to decide the fate of the Sudetenland (Czech and USSR were not invited which greatly angered both). They agreed to give Hitler the Sudetenland.

39 Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia

40 Nazi-Soviet Pact – USSR and German join forces (even though they were enemies) to build themselves time before the eventual WWII

41 USSR leaves the league of Nations

42 Hitler invades Poland

43 Britain and France declare war on Germany

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