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Promise Zones Welcome Webinar for Promise Zones June 20, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Promise Zones Welcome Webinar for Promise Zones June 20, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promise Zones Welcome Webinar for Promise Zones June 20, 2016

2 Overview of Presentation Introduction to Promise Zones Promise Zones Operational Structure Looking Ahead/Next Steps for Promise Zone Designees Designation Agreement

3 Promise Zones is… A White House Initiative A Collaboration between Key Federal Agencies A Place- Based Initiative

4 Promise Zones Designees – Round 1, Round 2, & Round 3 West Philadelphia Kentucky Highlands San Antonio Eastside Los Angeles Choctaw Nation Pine Ridge, South Dakota Sacramento Minneapolis Hartford Camden South Carolina Low Country St. Louis Indianapolis Turtle Mountain Band, North Dakota Atlanta Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico Spokane Southwest Florida Nashville San Diego Evansville Los Angeles

5 Promise Zones Goals Create Jobs Increase Economic Opportunity Improve Educational Opportunities Reduce Serious or Violent Crime Leverage Private Capital

6 High Need, High Capacity Communities Increased Opportunity for Residents & Accelerated Community Revitalization Federal Promise Zones Support Promise Zones –Theory of Action

7 Promise Zone Benefits Federal staff on the ground to help connect with resources 5 AmeriCorps VISTA members Preferred access and technical assistance to more than 35 federal programs Business hiring tax incentives, if enacted by Congress More Information: zones/federal-partner- funding-and-technical- assistance-opportunities/

8 Promise Zones Federal Partners U.S. Department of Agriculture – Lead efforts to support rural and tribal Promise Zones U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Leads efforts to support urban Promise Zones U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Treasury U.S. Department of Interior U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Economic Development Administration Corporation for Community & National Service National Endowment for the Arts Small Business Administration General Services Administration Environmental Protection Agency Institute of Museum and Library Services Delta Regional Authority Appalachian Regional Commision More information on Federal Partners: opportunities/ opportunities/

9 Promise Zones Designees Number of Designees Urban, rural, and tribal communities Total 22 Promise Zones Round 1 (2014): 5 Round 2 (2015): 8 Round 3 (2016): 9 Designation Duration10 Years Qualifying Criteria Contiguous geography encompassing one or more census tract (exception: Tribal) Population: Rural/Tribal: Less than 200,000 Urban: 10,000 – 200,000 Overall poverty rate or Extremely Low Income Rate Rural/Tribal: At or above 20%; PZ must contain one census tract at or above 30% Urban: At or above 33% Local leadership (Mayor) must demonstrate support Lead Organizations May be local or tribal governments, or housing authorities or nonprofit organizations

10 OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE How Promise Zones Federal Support Structure Works

11 Promise Zones USDA Relationship Structure Promise Zone Coordinator & Partners Federal Community Liaison with USDA (Rural Development) USDA Desk Officers Washington D.C. Local Community Primary Federal Contact Federal Resources Federal Field Staff Communication is always a two way street. Federal Community Liaisons inform federal agencies’ staff about Promise Zone’s partners goals and needs, and they inform Promise Zone partners about federal agencies’ funding and technical assistance opportunities. National Staff: SBA, EDA, DOC, DOL, Treasury, ED, DOJ, DEA, CNCS, DHS, NEA National Staff: HUD, DOT, EPA, DOD, DOE, DOI, HHS

12 Federal Community Liaisons Community Liaisons are based in the field so they can regularly meet with Promise Zones’ designees and help them identify how they can use federal resources to achieve their goals. Community Liaisons: Participate Manage & Facilitate Support Consult Educate Troubleshoot

13 Promise Zones Designee Federal Community Liaison Federal Community Liaisons How can I get funding to renovate a commercial building? How can I use my CF funds more effectively? What are current best practices for combating truancy? Federal Community Liaisons help Promise Zone designees find answers to a wide variety of questions. What grants are available to improve educational attainment?

14 Desk Officers at USDA Headquarters Desk Officers at USDA in Washington D.C. help Federal Community Liaisons support Promise Zones by developing in-depth knowledge about different agencies’ programs. Desk Officers: Work with other federal agencies Promise Zone Point of Contact to answer technical questions Track funding opportunities Develop technical assistance opportunities Raise awareness of Promise Zones’ needs

15 Communication Desk Officers at USDA in Washington D.C. in coordination with Federal Community Liaisons support Promise Zones by keeping in regular communication with the Promise Zone Lead Organization. USDA Rural Development: Hold bi-weekly meetings as a collaborative page between designee and federal partners Collaborate with the PZLO on success stories and other outreach material Notify the PZLO if any federal officials will be traveling to the PZ Promise Zone Lead Organization: Participate in bi-weekly meetings Provide project information etc. to share via Success stories and outreach material Demonstrate challenges and successes of the PZ Outreach information is accurate and in line with PZ’s approved plan

16 Accountability Desk Officers at USDA in Washington D.C. in coordination with Federal Community Liaisons provide guidance on policy clarification and training, as needed: USDA Rural Development Provide guidance or training Mitigate future issues Inform PZLO of potential changes in policy, appropriations and authorizations for relevant federal programs Promise Zone Lead Organization Compliance with rules and regulations Ensure funds received are expended and in compliance with the laws, procedures etc. Seek policy clarification from USDA, if needed

17 LOOKING AHEAD/NEXT STEPS FOR DESIGNEES Setting the stage for success

18 Promise Zone Designees Beginning Steps: Setting up During the first six months, Promise Zones’ lead designees and key partners will lay the groundwork for their future work. They will: Hire staff to manage the initiative as necessary Develop internal & external communication plans Formalize organizational structure & working groups Onboard AmeriCorps VISTA Members

19 Promise Zone Designees Ongoing: Working with Partners Promise Zone partners – including local government leaders, non-profits, educational institutions, and more – work together in a coordinated fashion to drive community revitalization efforts. Promise Zone Lead Applicant and partners will: Identify community needs and challenges Apply for funding and implement strategies Track results

20 USDA Rural Development Technical Assistance Based upon the Promise Zone Designee’s approved plan, USDA Rural Development will proactively assist in delivering needed and technical assistance by: Introducing available capacity building grant and loan programs Matching training and T.A. needs with appropriate partners Working with programs and federal partners to improve access to funds via preference points etc.

21 Promise Zone Lead Organization certifies partners who will apply for federal grants with Promise Zone Preference points to support projects. RESOURCES: More information on certification form and process can be found at: special-consideration/ special-consideration/ San Antonio Promise Zone: LA Promise Zone: Certification Form provides evidence that: Partner organization is engaged in activities that further the purpose of the initiative Proposed activities reflect directly the goals of the Promise Zone Partner organization is committed to an ongoing relationship with the Lead Applicant Project Boundaries are: Solely or partly within Promise Zone boundaries Outside the boundaries, but provide direct definable benefits to the Promise Zone and its residents. Promise Zone Designees Partner Certification Process


23 Promise Zone Designees Long-Term: Data Collection and Evaluation Promise Zones Lead Organizations develop data collection and tracking plan Federal field-based community liaisons and federal desk officers track activities and results USDA, HHS and HUD assisting with data gathering and analysis tools

24 Promise Zone Designation Agreement Planning Training and Technical Assistance Financial Assistance Accountability Communication Performance & Data Evaluation

25 Looking Ahead: Schedule Thursday, 6/23/2016: – TBD: Tentative White House Webinar – 2PM: Tentative CNCS VISTAs Webinar Thursday, 6/30/2016: – 3PM: Promise Zone 101 – Part II Webinar: Lessons Learned and Best Practices Thursday, 7/7/2016: – 3PM: Introduction to Federal Financing Programs Thursday, 7/14/2016: – TBD: Tentative CNCS VISTAs Follow-up Webinar Thursday, 7/21/2016: – Individual Promise Zone Weekly Calls with Dedicated Desk Officer and Community Liaison September: – Promise Zone Kickoff Meetings in each Promise Zone Location

26 Thank you! For more information, please visit: me?navid=promisezones

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