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1 EcoGrid and Lake Metabolism –Prototype International Lake Observatory –Coral Reef Sensing –Meeting on 20 -21 September 2004 (plan global lake observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EcoGrid and Lake Metabolism –Prototype International Lake Observatory –Coral Reef Sensing –Meeting on 20 -21 September 2004 (plan global lake observatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EcoGrid and Lake Metabolism –Prototype International Lake Observatory –Coral Reef Sensing –Meeting on 20 -21 September 2004 (plan global lake observatory network; link coral reef experts) –Follow-on meeting March 2005 –Plan to have a separate mid-term (~July/Aug) meetings for Lake and Ocean, and a all-together meeting in PRAGMA 10. –Agricultural Applications –MetBroker: An Intelligent Data Broker for Virtual Integration of Heterogeneous Distributed Meteorological Databases –Ecogrid: A Product Identification System for Agriculture and Fishery. –PRIME 2005 Ecogrid & related issues

2 2 Lake Loop U.Waikato D.Hamilton Models NCHC F.P.Lin Maintain YYL Parallelize Codes U.Wisconsin T.Kratz Maintain Trout Bog Lake Metabolism UCSD F.Vernon, S.Peltier P.Arzberger ROADNet, Telescience Moore Fnd, PRAGMA Source: by Tim Kratz et al,

3 3 Mechanisms assumed for the high diversity in Kenting 1. Located on the top of the coral triangle --- world’s highest marine diversity region (East Indies) 2. Kuroshio current --- high temperature, high salinity and low nutrient 1.Diversified habitats substratum and topography) --- coral, rubbles, sand, estuary, sea grass, etc By Dr. R.F. Myers

4 4 Coral Reefs 1. Identify the science questions 2. Identify core variables for sensor measurment 3. Develop ‘roadmap’ for implementing scalable network Source: by Sally Holbrook et al,

5 5 Responses & Recovery of Coral Reef Ecosystems to Disturbances Specific Science Foci 1. Coral Bleaching 2. Ocean Acidification 3. Coral – Algal Phase Shifts 4. Outbreaks (e.g., disease, natural enemies) Overarching Science Theme Source: by Sally Holbrook et al,

6 6 Sensor Measured Variables PAR - surface PAR - surface UV - surface UV - surface Meteorological variables Meteorological variables Water temperature Water temperature Salinity Salinity Water O 2 Water O 2 Pressure Pressure Currents Currents PAR – at depth UV – at depth CO 2, pH PAM fluorometry Turbidity Nutrients (N, P) Video Core (can implement now) Desired (needs R & D) Source: by Sally Holbrook et al,

7 7 Plan for Global Lake and Coral Reef Observation AS/NCHC Meeting 7-0, Mar 2005 at San Diego supported by NSF, Moore foundation and PRAGMA 10 Lakes: New Zealand, Australia, Canada, US, Korea, UK, Finland,Taiwan 4 Coral Reefs sites: Breat Barrier Reef, World Bank Coral Reef efforts, US LTER, NOAA, TW LTER

8 8 MetBroker in Distributed Environment Broker Decision-Making Support Services Operational Products Operational Products Simulation Models Simulation Models Detailed Digital Forecast Detailed Digital Forecast Inference Engine DB Wrapper Item Definition OWL Station metadata RDF Metadata database Meteorological databases DB Wrapper 2. Request 3. Request metadata 4. Request data 1. Register (source: Yamakawa A., S. Ninomiya, NARO)

9 9 MetBroker Coverage (source: Yamakawa A., S. Ninomiya, NARO)

10 10 The Vision: Nerve ending of Taiwan in terms of Network (Last-Mile for TWAREN) Focus on National Ecological Observation for supporting sustainable development of the island. The Plan : 2003: Fushan, Nan-Jen-Shan, Kenting, Tatachia, Guan-Dai-Shi 2004: Yuan-yan Lake, Remote islands 2005: Coastal areas and Agricultural areas: Agricultural site (Dounan) Fishery site (Penhu) TERN: Kenting sites TERN: YYL sites TFRIN: Fishery sites MOA: Agricultural site Grid-Oriented Environmental Observation:

11 11 Carrot/Potato fields Lappa/Potat o fields 大東里水塔 斗南鎮行政區 Agricultural Observatory: reference site- Dounan ( 生產履歷 ) (~300 sites awaited: can we scale it u?)  PICNIC 有四個數位輸入,目前田頭里 接的感測器依序為:空氣溫度 / 光照計, 土壤溫度, 土壤溼度, 雨量計 Source: Jazz Wang ( 王耀聰 ), Ecogrid, NCHC 04-05

12 12 Fishery Observatory in Open Ocean ( 生產履歷 / 休閒漁業 ) (Fishery sites in plan: Pintong, Ilan and/or Penhu) (After Tim Acker et. Al., BioSonics Inc.) Wireless network antenna Fishery Platform/Observatory in Ocean Production management system Observational servers Source: Chi-Yuan Lin ( 林志遠 ), TFRIN ( 水試所 )

13 13 (2005.03.20, photo by 周秀美, NCHC)

14 14 PRIME  Telescience- co-viz using tdw using optical gigabit network in iGrid 05. (Charles; Optiputer)  Ecogrid: Smart field servers (Deniel)  Cytoscape extension in hyperbolic graph. (Shirley)

15 15 PRIME/iGrid 2005  Can we let students involved more in iGrid 2005?

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