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Objective: Students will be able to interpret the archetype of the hero’s journey in order to identify and explain literary examples of each step. Journal:

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Students will be able to interpret the archetype of the hero’s journey in order to identify and explain literary examples of each step. Journal:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Students will be able to interpret the archetype of the hero’s journey in order to identify and explain literary examples of each step. Journal: Select one to write about. 1. Was there a time growing up that you knew your life had changed and would never be the same? When and Why? 2. Free Write

2 Before Reading & Watching Write “stereotype” for your next vocabulary word in your “Cornell Notes”. What does it mean? Share. The dictionary definition is: stereotype: a character who represents a trait that is usually attributed to a particular group Turn to pg. 26. Complete #1 immediately. (graded) #’s 2 and 3 will be discussed.

3 “Nacho Libre” The purpose for watching “Nacho Libre” is to follow an archetype through a hero’s journey. We will first discuss Luke Skywalker’s journey as a model. Turn to pg. 27. We will complete the section “In Your Own Words” (AKA paraphrase) for the 3 stages of a hero’s journey.

4 The Archetype of A Hero’s Journey FANTASY: Lord of the Rings Labyrinth The Odessy Mulan Willow Never Ending Story Crouching Tiger Ulysses The Wizard of Oz Beauty and the Beast SCIENCE FICTION: Any Star Wars or Star Trek movie E.T. The Extraterrestrial Back to the Future,1,2,3 Cocoon Dune Mad Max 1,2,3 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Stargate Alien The Matrix Each movie (archetype) on this slide, and the next all have the same storyline in essence of “A Hero’s Journey”. Remember: an archetype is a perfect or ideal example.

5 ROMANTIC HERO: Indiana Jones 1,2,3 Crocodile Dundee 1,2,3 Romancing the Stone MODERN VIGILANTES: Rambo 1,2,3 Dirty Harry The TerminatorCobra Death WishHudson Hawk Die Hard WAR: Apocalypse Now Platoon When We Were SoldiersIn Country The Thin Red Line The Archetype of A Hero’s Journey URBAN HERO: Midnight Cowboy Karate Kid 1,2,3 The Waterboy JawsThe Terry Fox Story Rebel Without a Cause The GraduateBethune Thelma and Louise Finding Forrester SUPERHEROES: Batman The X-menSuperman Spiderman Discuss which movies you have seen.

6 Star Wars : A Hero’s Journey STEP 1: DEPARTURE Call to Adventure R2D2's holograph of Princess Leia: classic princess in distress; Vision of Kenobie telling Luke to go to Degobagh and find Yoda. Refusal of Call Parental blocking figure; Uncle Owen- reminds Luke of familial responsibilities. Answering Call Luke returns to find family farm burned out by Imperial Stormtroopers; Luke has no reason to stay- Luke goes to Degobah

7 A Hero’s Journey STEP 2: INITIATION Road of Trials Luke's efforts to save Leia The beginning of Luke's training with Yoda Luke's rescue of Hans and Leia The Experience with Unconditional Love Finds Leia Learns Leia is his sister Tells Leia she is his sister Ultimate Boon Saves Leia and R2D2 with plans of Death Star Discovery of power of Force Mastery of power of Force

8 A Hero’s Journey STEP 3: RETURN Refusal of Return Han refuses to go back to Death Star Luke wants to stay to punish Obi-Wan Magic Flight/ Pursuit Millennium Falcon is an extraordinarily fast spaceship Rescue from Without Han comes back to protect Luke from fighters Leia comes back to rescue Luke from bottom of Cloud City Vader converts and kills Emperor to save Luke Han saves Luke from Darth Crossing Return Threshold Falcon escapes exploding Death Star

9 Watch & Work!! Each Stage is graded. Active Participation is graded. Neatness and conventions are graded. The hero’s journey is fascinating…ENJOY THE SHOW!! We will be stopping the film for discussion. We are watching the movie to enhance your knowledge for the EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT!

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