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The Study of Stars, Galaxies,

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Presentation on theme: "The Study of Stars, Galaxies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Study of Stars, Galaxies,
Astronomy The Study of Stars, Galaxies, Planets, and More

2 The Solar System

3 The Solar System

4 The Sun is a star. Center of the Solar System 109 x bigger than Earth

5 The Solar System also has
asteroids and comets.

6 Asteroids are rocky. (They look like big potatoes.)

7 Comets have a lot of ice.

8 Comets also have rock, dust, and dirt.
They are called “Dirty Snowballs.”

9 Asteroids and comets orbit the Sun.

10 They point away from the Sun.
Comets have two tails! They point away from the Sun.

11 Comets leave behind dust and dirt.
Shooting stars are called “meteors.”

12 Making a Comet 100ml water 2) Some ammonia 3) some sand or dirt
4) crushed dry ice

13 I will wear gloves when I touch the ice.

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