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IMPROVING BENEFITS ACCESS Use - A Free Comprehensive Screening Tool Mary Kay Browne Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPROVING BENEFITS ACCESS Use - A Free Comprehensive Screening Tool Mary Kay Browne Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPROVING BENEFITS ACCESS Use - A Free Comprehensive Screening Tool Mary Kay Browne Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging – Director of Special Projects 116 Pleasant, Suite 306, Easthampton, MA 01027 413-923-4161

2 Presentation Outline 1. Report on the economic insecurity of older adults in our state 2. Describe key features of a free comprehensive benefits screening tool (BCU) 3. Identify ways you can incorporate benefits screening into your work Outreach Screening Counseling and Assistance Advocacy 2 2014

3 The Problem Elder Economic Insecurity is the highest in Massachusetts than any other state. The gap between average monthly income and typical, basic and necessary expenses is just over $9,800/year (2013) 3 2014

4 Elder Economic Security Standard Index Elder Index defined: It is a measure of income that older adults require to meet the basic and necessary costs of living, including housing, health care, food, transportation and all other essentials (clothing, telephone, household supplies). How to use the Elder Index : It should be used by policy makers, leaders in the advocacy community, and the public at large in place of the Federal Poverty Level standard which is based upon food costs only, without regard for higher health care costs for people with Medicare or local variations in housing costs 4 2014

5 It captures the basic and necessary expenses of retired adults, aged 65+, who are enrolled in Medicare It was designed to increase the public’s understanding of what a retired older adult needs to meet his or her basic needs – without public or private assistance. 5 2014

6 Key Findings from Elder Index for MA 63% of elder-only households in MA are economically insecure. 91% of Hispanic households are economically insecure 81% of African-American households are economically insecure 64% of elder women and 53% of elder men in MA are economically insecure. 6 2014

7 Oct/Nov 7 Single Elder (MA 2014)Elder Couple (MA 2014) Expenses/Month ly and Yearly Totals Owner w/o Mortgage Renter, one bedroom Owner w/ Mortgage Owner w/o Mortgage Renter, one bedroom Owner w/ Mortgage Housing (inc. utilities, taxes & insurance, rent, mortgage) $697$1,048$1,665$697$1,048$1,665 Food $252 $463 Transportation $261 $404 Health Care (Good) $473 $946 Miscellaneous $337 $502 Elder Index Per Month $2,020$2,371$2,988$3,012$3,363$3,980 Index Per Year $24,240$28,452$35,856$36,144$40,356$47,760

8 Monthly ExpensesElder PersonElder Couple Elder Standard /Month Housing, Food, Health Care, Transportation, and Miscellaneous Renter 1 bedroom Owner w/o mortgage Owner w/ Mortgage Renter 1bedroom Owner w/o mortgage Owner w/ Mortgage $2,371$2,020$2,988$3,363$3,012$3,980 Elder Index Standard/Year $28,452$24,240$35,856$40,356$36,144$47,760 Average Annual Social Security Benefit $15,528/per person $23,388/ per couple Average Social Security Benefit as a percentage of the Elder Index (EI) Standard SS = 54% EI SS = 64% EI SS = 43% EI SS = 58% EISS = 65% EISS = 49% EI Source of Fact Sheet: McCormick Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies; Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts – Boston. Prepared for Wider Opportunities for Women and the MA Association of Older Americans, Inc. (2013 Figures from WOW and SSA) 8 2014

9 HOW TO MOVE FORWARD Use Comprehensive Benefits Screening to Map Options for Older Adults 9 2014

10 What Should We Do to Reduce Economic Insecurity? Incorporate use of the Elder Economic Security Standard Index (“Elder Index”) into your economic case work, case management and policy advocacy work.  Conduct comprehensive benefits screenings.  Use MCOA to screen for eligibility in public and private benefits programs. MCOA  Assist with applications 10 2014

11 Main Features of ( 1. Performs comprehensive screenings accurately. 2. Makes screening very easy – 1 screen for multiple programs. 3. Assesses eligibility for both federal and state, public and private support programs. 4. Includes many applications (in English plus other languages) which can be downloaded, saved and/or filled out before printing. 5. Produces comprehensive personalized report with details on each program the consumer appears eligible for, with local contact information, web sites, application forms, etc. 11 2014

12 12 2014

13 Key Public Benefits Screening Key Public Benefits screening (15 minutes) helps people find and enroll in the following benefits: 1. Medicare Extra Help for Prescription Drug Costs for People with Limited Incomes and Resources 2. Medicare Savings Programs (QMB, SLMB, and QI-1) 3. State Pharmacy Assistance Programs (Prescription Advantage) 4. Medicaid 5. Supplemental Security Income (SSI), including state supplements 6. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 7. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) 8. State Property Tax Relief/Rebates 13 2014

14 Additional programs screened for by the Comprehensive Questionnaire 1. Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage 2. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) 3. HUD and Section 8 4. Cash Assistance Programs 5. Discount Telephone Service 6. Caregiver Support and Homecare Programs 7. Veterans Benefits 8. Drug Manufacturer’s Patient Assistance Programs 9. Drug Discount Cards 10. Health Insurance Information and Counseling (SHINE) 11. Discount Programs for recreation, transportation, and utilities 12. Education and Information Programs 13. Vocational Rehabilitation Services 14. Volunteer Services September 14

15 Eligibility Criteria Foundational Age Type of housing Marital status Veteran’s Status Need help with personal care The Big Three Areas: 1. Household income 2. Household assets and 3. Household expenses 2014 15

16 How to Add Benefits Screening to your Work Flow 1. Complete the Key Benefits Only screening OR the Comprehensive questionnaire, depending upon consumer needs and time for interview (15 minutes or 25-30 minutes) 2. Complete in face to face interview OR pre-print the questionnaire for consumer to complete on their own and bring/mail back to your office. Support staff enter data into screening tool and publish personal report. More experienced benefits counseling staff review the report with individuals. 16 2014

17 Results Presented in a Personalized Report Report includes fact sheets on each program that the consumer appears to be eligible for, including: Program descriptions Program web sites Application forms in multiple languages Local phone and office contact information Details on the enrollment steps Information about citizenship, if relevant Details about any documentation needed for application process. 17 2014

18 18 2014

19 19 2014

20 Go to Web Site Demonstration September 20

21 BCU supports I&R Specialists in Roles Professional I&R services help people better understand their problems and make informed decisions about possible solutions. I&R specialists within COAs, AAAs, ILs and other agencies help individuals, families and communities identify, understand and effectively use the programs that are part of the human service delivery system. Specialists may advocate on behalf of those who need special support, and reinforce the individual’s capacity for self reliance and self-determination through education, affirmation, collaborative planning and problem solving. BCU’s personalized reports honors these professional ethics. 21 2014

22 I&R Service Standards, cont. At the regional level, I&R services facilitate long-range planning by: tracking requests for service, identifying gaps and advocating for service needs Benefits Check Up includes robust reporting tools that will strengthen your local advocacy efforts. It's simple and free and always includes the most up- to-date information. 22 2014

23 Full Sequence 1. Give questionnaire to consumer to complete 2. Consumer gathers information on key sections: 1. Monthly household expenses, income amounts, assets values 3. You or an assistant key answers into BCU 4. You and consumer review screening results 5. Publish some or all fact sheets 6. Provide counsel, discuss priorities, consumer decides on a course of action 7. Take action 23 2014

24 1. Enter “test case” for all practice sessions. 2. Work through the screening questions. Notice how “help boxes” explain what is meant by questions Some boxes are pre-filled based upon previous answers to speed up the process. Note you may return to previous answers, once all questions are answered, and modify any that are incorrect. 3. Generate a full list of results – use fact sheet links to key web sites, applications, contact information, etc. 4. View both the html and pdf versions of the final report. 5. Visit the Applications Center See all the MA applications on file. Then, search by drug names to find manufacturer discount program applications. 6. Visit the SNAP Map and open up the MA SNAP Application. 24 2014

25 EMBRACE CHANGE Adopt SMART plans (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) to achieve your goal. 25 2014

26 Integrate Benefits Check Up into your practices Begin using the screening tool. Decide how to incorporate using BCU into your case management, consumer counseling and assistance practices. AND Set a specific numeric goal for your (personal or agency) benefits screening work, such as: “I (my agency) will conduct benefits screens for 5 (or 10 or 20) people each week during the next 26 weeks.” 26 2014

27 Hire a “Benefits Access Aide ” is easy to use – requires basic computer literacy and good interviewing skills. Boost your screening activity by recruiting a worker (volunteer or paid) to serve as a Benefits Access Aide. Download a Volunteer Recruitment Packet from Job Description Direct Recruitment Letter Fact Sheet about 27 2014

28 Right Person for Each Role An Aide could work by appointment with consumers or behind the scenes. The Aide frees up more experienced staff (social workers, care managers and I&R specialists) to focus their talents upon helping consumers to : prioritize action steps, follow through in contacting agencies, or complete applications. 28 2014

29 Inform the Public about this Great Tool Support the state-wide campaign to promote to individuals. Refer consumers and caregivers to it, to access it from home on their own Post posters Print articles about elder economic insecurity and assistance options that can help.* Add a link to BenefitsCheckUp from your agency web site* Add the URL to your email signature * * all available at on home 29 2014

30 Outreach Tools are Available! MCOA has on its web site for your use: Fact sheet for consumers who may use it on their own Articles for local newsletters to consumers An internal staff memo for the board members, staff and volunteers of your agency about BenefitsCheckUp, asking them to expand consumer awareness of it by word of mouth. A Stakeholder outreach letter for you to send to local elected officials, social services colleagues, medical providers, and other stakeholders. Tell them about the benefits screening tool and encourage them to refer individuals to use it on their own ( or to contact your agency for 11x17” Poster 8x11” Flyer Available at on home 30 2014

31 Work to Increase Benefits Access Services Talk with your social services colleagues about economic case work in your area. Find out: What is being done now in screening and application assistance? What more could be done to help older adults learn about and enroll into benefits programs? 31 2014

32 The Last Word The health, well-being, and independence of older adults and people with disabilities in Massachusetts depends, in part, upon each of us finding ways to reduce the economic insecurity they wrestle with every day. Let’s use these tools to provide more benefits access services!!! THANK YOU 32 2014

33 IMPROVING BENEFITS ACCESS Mary Kay Browne Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging 116 Pleasant, Suite 306, Easthampton, MA 01027 413-923-4161

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