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Bringing law to the Masses: Readership and The usage of Kawashima's theory in China and Japan Wei Guo Hokkaido University Hokkaido,Japan

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing law to the Masses: Readership and The usage of Kawashima's theory in China and Japan Wei Guo Hokkaido University Hokkaido,Japan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing law to the Masses: Readership and The usage of Kawashima's theory in China and Japan Wei Guo Hokkaido University Hokkaido,Japan ( ) The 4 th East Asian Law and Society Conference, 15/8/5 1

2 Outline What is the motivation for using Japanese legal theory? Japanese stuff, Legal system, Modernization, or others… 1.Background view: Legal Theory in Society 2.Defining Kawashima’s theory 3.Findings 4.Conclusion 2016/9/28 2

3 Background view(1) law as Communication  The societal function of law (Hoecke, 2002) 1 Structuring society “Political Power, Social Cohesion” 2Facilitating the individual life “Solving conflicts, Redistributing Goods and Services…”  The function of foreign legal theory 1Enriching our understanding of law (Oki,1992) 2Knowledge as law legal tradition/culture 3

4 Current Research focus on  Legal theory and the diffusion of law (Twining2006,Tamanaha2013) Law as social institution shaped by society,and shaping society Not only legal rules and concept -- any Legal phenomena or ideas can be the objects The product of culture, ideology,technology (interhuman behaviour ) 2.The translator communication model in Japan (Hasegawa,2009) Conditions of Translation for the Idea of Rights Intellectual elites with knowledge of Western politics and law The common structural features between the foreign and existing ideas Ideational expectation base on the political view of translators 2016/9/28 4

5 Objective Focus on Kawashima's theory which has a wider readership both in china and Japan. To examine and compare the extent of readers and how people locate Kawashima's theory. To discuss the conditions of acceptation of Kawashima‘s theory 2016/9/28 5 Mainly theoretical study Informal legal communication in detail

6 1.The case of Japan legal consciousness study from 2000 to 2015 Articles collected from CiNii Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator Using keyword ‘’ 法意識 ’’ ( legal consciousness ) 2. The case of china A review of research trends in Kawashima’s reader Articles from 2000 to 2014 collected from CNKI China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database Referring to Kawashima’s work The Frequency analysis for topics using paper abstract date (2000-2015) 2016/9/28 6 Research setting

7 Defining kawashima’ theory Type A Japanese Modernization Specialized legal thought (Free Will) in western "The spirit(belief) in legality"(1946) "Law and ethics in Civil society"(1950) Type B Society Really Traditional characteristics of Japanese and their influence on law-related behavior Empirical study style (sociology of law) Legal consciousness(Hou Ishiki ) Type C Legal methodology theory Judicial interpretation as science Predictable, Neutrality, cognitive science 2016/9/28 7

8 Kawashima and Foreign network (sender-receiver communication in first hand )  Using the foreign theory (American) to bring about social change(modernization) in Japan, as same as other contemporary scholars/intelligence.  Research trips in American and comparative study after 1950s  East-west pathway: He involved with 1980s legal reform(civil law) in China as consultant, but write few piece about Chinese law.  All types of Kawashima’s pieces were translated into Chinese selectively, with the book titled as Modernization and law( 现 代化和法 ) 2016/9/28 8

9 9 A time line until 2000 1946-1967 original Kawashima's work in Japan 1978 In the U.S John Haley "The Myth of the Reluctant Litigant" 1961-1969 In the U.S Kawshima's presentation in Harvard University,1961 3 English papers were published 1994 In China Kawashima(translated) "Modernization and law" 1970 19801990 2000

10 The case of Japan(legal consciousness study 2000-2015) (Titles of 184 articles in CiNii, keyword and situation analysis) 2016/9/28 10

11 Finding(1) The usage of Kawashima’s theory in Japan  Legal(libel) education and public lecture ‘Constitutional law’(45), ‘Japanese’(38), ‘high school student’(30) The symbolic role in consolidation of the social and legal system(verb)  Law in culture ‘survey’(35), ‘attitude survey’(20) Promoting the empirical and interdisciplinary Research The International attitude survey of contract, lawsuit and legal Consciousness(Japan Association of Private Law2005) which compared contract-consciousness with Japan, China and American. The approach to understand foreign legal system(‘China ’,’Chinese’) 2016/9/28 11

12 The case of China Analysis (1) (1114 articles in CNKI 2001-2015) 1) Multi-topic (33 categories) 2016/9/28 12

13 2) Sharing common issue Legal consciousness modernization, Legal faith, Right-consciousness, Legal culture, citizen spirit 3)timely political debate market economy, harmonious society, The core value of Socialism 2016/9/28 13 2000-2002 2005-2008 2009-20112012-2014 2003-2005

14 In some countries of East Asian,The development of civil society is limitied by those nation structures. Kawashima Takeyoshi said: We do not have civil society and modern nation which political institution is based on civil society. Because of such situation, dening individual freedom,even recalling the myth discourse of Medieval age is more easier to be accepted than the consciousness and ethics of modern law by people.As a result,the performance of legal system can not be supportted the personal consciousness, like the process of bottom-up.,but only the Top-down way by power. Changshan ma,Civil society and political nation:the funndation and limitations in rule of law,2001 Local study

15 Analysis(2) professional bias  Civil Law(1980-) Adiministrative Law(2000-) Judical system(1999-) 2016/9/28 15

16 Academic(Professional) view 2016/9/28 16 Citation number top 100 (73% published before 2005) Downloading number top 100 (827-4215)

17 Finding(2) How Chinese Readers locate Kawashima's theory. 1. Japanese Studies (87) vs. Local Studies(1027) Readers with a low interest about Japan /Japanese law, tend to examine the function of legal rule in some fields which never had been discussed in Kawashima’s original works. 2. The forms of communication in political public sphere Determining content of common values The Function of Education to create ‘’citizenship’’ 3. The gap between professional and layman Legal experts are likely to discuss legal concepts and legal techniques more recently The impact of Kawashima's theory is limited in real legal system. 2016/9/28 17

18 Conclusion and Discussion  The role of Kawashima’s theory in China and Japan are both linked to some collective goals and values. Kawashima’s theory is useful to creating and keeping social/community value.  The difference between Kawashima’s understanding lies at the habit of legal communication. Such as the level of legal professional development, where the legal authority comes from and how open the legal system could be.  The culture context in legal studies Truthful (US.) or Useful(China) Mix(Japan) 2016/9/28 18

19 Thank you for your kind attention! References Hoecke,Mark Van. (2002)law as communication, Oxford-Portland Oregon 大木雅夫 『 比較法講義 』( 東大出版会 、 1992 ) Twining,William. (2006) “Diffusion and Globalization Discourse, 47 Harv. Int’l. L.J.507, 508 Tamanaha, Brian Z.(2013 ) “The Third Pillar of Jurisprudent- Social Legal Theory “, Washington University in St. Louis Legal Studies Research Paper No. 13-04-01(2013) Hasegawa,ko.(2009)Between Rights and 'Kenri'“ E. Cashin-Retaine, ed., Legal Engineering and Comparative Law, Vol. 2, Schulthess 加藤雅信 「 特集 契約観 ・ 訴訟観・法意識の国際比較 ―21 世紀の日本・法曹教育の基礎を作るために ( 2005 年日本私法学会シン ポジウム )」 ジュリスト 1297 , pp45 - 103 19

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