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SLEEP DISORDERS. INSOMNIA Sleep Disorders pp. 155-157.

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2 INSOMNIA Sleep Disorders pp. 155-157

3 What is Insomnia? “…is an experience of inadequate or poor quality sleep as characterized by one or more … sleep complaints.” - National Sleep Foundation - National Sleep Foundation

4 Sleep Complaints characteristics of insomnia  Difficulty initiating sleep  Difficulty maintaining sleep  Waking too early in the morning

5 Types of Insomnia  Acute Insomnia  short term – due to temporary situation  Stress  change/loss in a job or relationship  jet lag  lasts up to a month  it is treatable  prescription medication can help the problem

6 Types of Insomnia  Chronic Insomnia  long-term – experienced for a month or more  could be caused by  medical issues  physical or psychological conditions  another sleep disorder  medications  substances (drugs)  no known cure

7 Facts about Insomnia  70 million Americans are affected.  Direct costs of insomnia = $14 billion/year.  Indirect costs add up to $28 billion/year.  58% of adults in the U.S. experience symptoms a few nights a week.  Insomnia comes from the Latin “in” = no and “somnia” = sleep

8 Narcolepsy Sleep Disorders pp. 155-157

9 What is Narcolepsy? “… a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain’s inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally.” -National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

10 Characteristics of Narcolepsy  fleeting urges to sleep throughout the day  sleep may last from a few seconds to several minutes  rarely, sleep may last for an hour or more  involuntary sleep episodes  drowsiness during the daytime  frequent awakenings during nighttime sleep

11 Who Gets Narcolepsy?  1 in every 2,000 Americans  135,000 individuals nationally  1 in 500,000 in Israel  1 in 600 in Japan  affects genders equally

12 What are the Symptoms?  Excessive Daytime Sleepiness  experienced by nearly all patients  typically the first noticeable sign  described as  a lack of energy  a depressed mood  extreme exhaustion  Experience involuntary sleep episodes  no more than seconds at a time

13 When do Symptoms Appear?  first appearance is between 10-25 years old  can appear earlier/later in life  symptoms tend to worsen two/three decades after initial diagnosis  appearance in school-aged children  connection to childhood behaviors  attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

14 Video Clip of the Week

15 Sleep Apnea Sleep Disorders pp. 155-157

16 What is Sleep Apnea? “… potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. The risks of undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea include heart attacks, strokes, impotence, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and heart disease.” - Stanford University’s Center on Sleep Disorders

17 Causes of Sleep Apnea  Sleep apnea occurs when enough air cannot move into your lungs while you are sleeping  This happens when…  your throat muscles and tongue relax more than what is normal  your tonsils and adenoids are large  you are overweight  small airway size in the mouth and throat

18 Characteristics of Sleep Apnea  Breathing stops or becomes very shallow while you are sleeping  10-20 seconds or more  20-30 occurrences per hour Sleep Apnea - Snoring and Gasping Sleep Apnea - Snoring and Gasping  Insufficient amount of air flows into your lungs  amount of oxygen in your blood may drop  Normal breaths start with a loud snort or choking sound

19 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Mask is worn over your nose during sleep Mask is worn over your nose during sleep Air is blown into your throat at a preset pressure level Air is blown into your throat at a preset pressure level The forced air acts to keep your throat open The forced air acts to keep your throat open

20 Apnea Mouthpiece  Adjusts your lower jaw and your tongue to help keep your airway open while sleeping  Decreases the resistance to breathing – increases the air flow into your lungs

21 Facts about Sleep Apnea  More than 12 million Americans have Obstructive Sleep Apnea  Sleep apnea is more common in men  1 in 25 middle-aged men have sleep apnea that causes them to be sleepy during the day (1 in 50 women)  Sleep Apnea is more common in African Americans, Hispanics and Pacific Islanders

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