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Tri-C A WTRI REHEARSAL. What we have learned so far  Many community colleges are experiencing the manner in which they are reimbursed. Rather than “butts.

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2 What we have learned so far  Many community colleges are experiencing the manner in which they are reimbursed. Rather than “butts in seats” they are being paid for successful graduations.  Tri C is attempting to increase the Graduation rate from X% to Y% through improving the “guidance” process by standardizing the approach among the various people who provide guidance,  Guidance counselors  Faculty  Deans 

3 Students who attend community colleges are at risk for not graduating Specific constraints with remedies  Lack of prep for college work  Lack of major  Financial issues  Family responsibilities  Employment schedule  Ignorance about the “path” to graduation; what you have to do when.  Fuzzier constraints with no clear remedies  Lack of social support at school (like-minded friends)  Unsupportive home environment  Unrealistic expectations (plans to be a doctor in two years).

4 The game  The particpants will have to increase the rate of graduation of “students” by doing two things:  Identifying problems and coming up with a solution for students who come to them for guidance  The students will not know what they need. Rather, their situation will be seeded with issues that the counselor has to find.  They will have to review the records of students in their caseload and identify students at risk and reach out to them.  They will get points based on how well they address the issues; the points will roll up to a probable graduation rate.

5 Artifacts in the exercise  Event Generator has created 30,000 students.  Demograpics of Tri-C used  Fields can be added  Each student has clear and fuzzy issues that the counselor has to find  Some students are “new” and other are “in process”

6 Tools and technologies  We don’t know yet if we can use My Tri-C and the degree works.  We need some way to represent student records  An access database, but preferably the student system with fake students  We need degree works to create schedules and sync them back to student records

7 What are the goals?  Graduation rate of 22% to 35%  Identify 100% of the issues that are fixable that are barriers to graduation  Address 100% of these issues  Identify 100% of the subtle issues  Address when you can  Manage about 12 students each one hour game period.  How long the exercise?

8 Flow of the play Hour One: Planning and review the materials Hour Two: exercise begins; 4 hours; one short break End of day: one hour of debrief. Day two: Hour one: review results and prepare presentation: 1. what happened and why? 2. What’s the plan for a better result? 3. How will be know we are succeeding?

9 Taking bus maintenance to the next level On Door initiative Rehearsal. You work for a large, distributed community college with 40,000 students. Recently, federal and state subsidies for your school are undergoing a change. Rather than being based on successful enrollment, subsidies will be contingent on student success, in other words, the completion of degrees, certificates or successful transfer to a four year school. You will be assigned to work in a guidance function. You will work as a large team, but you will also have a partner that you can share your work with. The caseload and student visits may require two people, so you have to coordinate and communicate well. Important to note, this is not a competition within the team. You and your partner are also responsible for the whole team’s success. A number of other functions are available to you and you may have to interface with them for help.

10 A number of other functions are available to you and you may have to interface with them for help. 1.Student affairs 2.Counselor 3.Transfer processing 4.Faculty 5.Enrollment 6.Dean 7.Administrator 8.Success Specialist 9.Staff lounge However, you will all be accountable for the success of the students assigned to your total team, regardless of what other functions you involve to help them..

11 Your goals: Progress associated with a 35% of students completing degrees or transferring successfully to four years in three years.

12 How will you do this? In general, there is a set of factors associated with success, and conversely, a set of factors that put students of risk for not graduating. Your job is to look for these factors and make sure that students get help with challenges and that they are increasingly exposed to success factors. You need to be proactive. Looking for the risk factors in students who come to you is not enough. You must examine the data you have on students and see if you can see issues that could be preventing them from graduating. It is up to you to help. You can ask the student to come in or communicate with them via email. However, it is your responsibility to see that the student got the email and that the issues is addressed.

13 We have attached some information you need to review 1.A database of all the students at the college. 2.The list of students assigned to you 3.Access to degreeworks and My TriC 4.The orientation kit that all students get and that help them begin the process of enrolling, registering for classes and so on 5.A list of all the services available to help students and any special requirements for accessing them. 6.A scoring scheme. Not all students will graduate during the exercise, but every positive action you take has a value to increasing the probability of the student’s success. Therefore, you will get credit for students who are more likely to graduate because of actions you have taken

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