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Abstract Name Fabric Collage CFA I. SOL: Our Objective#1: To create a piece of non- objective abstract art that demonstrates use of all the elements and.

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Presentation on theme: "Abstract Name Fabric Collage CFA I. SOL: Our Objective#1: To create a piece of non- objective abstract art that demonstrates use of all the elements and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstract Name Fabric Collage CFA I

2 SOL: Our Objective#1: To create a piece of non- objective abstract art that demonstrates use of all the elements and principles to create a strong composition. Our Objective#2: To experiment with artmaking materials that are used as basic materials for fine art and fine craft making Our Objective #3: To understand the difference between objective (representational) and non- objective (non-represenational) abstract artwork.

3 Artist Guides: Cave Artists Contemporary Craftspeople Wassily Kandinsky

4 Beyond the Name… TINY TAPESTRIES 1. Build the skeleton of your design by drawing lightly your design that demonstrates the PRINCIPLES on your canvas (start by enlarging a favorite area from one of your previous non-objective works). 2. Determine the materials you primarily want to use. 3. Determine a COLOR PALETTE for your work and decide how the colors will change from your name design composition that influenced your plan… stains/paint/ink to create a basic color composition 4. Begin to add shapes in layers to your ground by applique/glazing/chine colle…continue to work within the color palette…create DEPTH in your composition here 5. Create DETAIL with line by sewing/stitching/gluing thread into the top layers of shapes and colors…continue to work within the color scheme…and demonstrate excellent CRAFTSMANSHIP 6. Enhance TEXTURES and VOLUME with final surface decisions by using more fabric/thread/ stuffing the fabric from the back to raise it or LAYERS of medium/ink










14 COLOR: Unity/Balance/Saturation

15 INCORPORATE SHAPE: Organic/Geometric/Defined/ Transluscent/Layered

16 DETAILED LINE: to accent/enhance: Movement/Rhythm/Unity

17 Use TEXTURE to: Determine final surface of work: soft/natural/hard/shiny/coarse/delicate….

18 9x9” finals

19 RUBRIC FOR PROJECT ____Non-objective composition ____Balance ____Emphasis ____Rhythm/Pattern/Movement ____Unified use of color palette to create a mood ____Use of materials to create depth ____Use of materials to create texture and detail ____Demonstrate ability to stitch and paint or stain to create depth and detail ____Strong craftsmanship in a piece that feels finished ____Work came in on time

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