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 The competitive balance proposal was adopted by the membership in 2014.  To complete the requirements of competitive balance, a rostering system was.

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2  The competitive balance proposal was adopted by the membership in 2014.  To complete the requirements of competitive balance, a rostering system was developed for schools to submit their rosters electronically to the OHSAA on an annual basis.  The rosters will be submitted by schools via ArbiterGame.  This slide deck will provide a step by step guide to entering rosters and submitting them to the OHSAA.  It is important to remember that roster data will always be collected one school year prior to application (i.e. Fall 2016 data is implemented during the 2017-18 school year.

3  A Competitive Balance Resource Center is located under the School Resources tab at:  This Resource Center includes: ◦ Competitive Balance 101 document ◦ Flow Charts for determining Tiers ◦ Worksheets to assist administrators in determining Tiers ◦ Q&A document for public, multi-high school public and nonpublic schools ◦ Other items of interest also found here

4  Click on Login

5  Enter ArbiterGame Log-in Information Click Sign In

6  Click on Students tab at the top of the page

7  Make sure “Student List” is highlighted in the subtab

8  THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO ADD STUDENTS AND ASSIGN THEM TO TEAMS IN THE SYSTEM: 1. (Slides 9-17) Individual student and team entry (effective for small teams or late roster additions) 2. (Slides 18-25) Mass student/team uploads through Excel spreadsheets  Two step process  First, mass upload of student information  Second, mass designation of student teams Other Information (Slide 26-29) Adding a student of a different gender to a team (Slides 30-33) Submission of Competitive Balance Information

9  To Add an Individual Student, click the green, “+New Student” button”

10  Enter information in the fields. Red * indicates required information. Always include a Student ID #, even if it is not indicated as “required.” This will assist in preventing the system from counting the same student twice.

11  Class requirements and physical requirements check boxes are simply included as part of other pieces of the ArbiterGame system.  These boxes do not have an effect on Competitive Balance computations or requirements.  However, they must be checked in order to continue in the process.

12  Scroll to bottom of page and click “Save Student”

13  Each student added shows up on the student tab home list  After the student is added to the student body, you must add the student to a specific team. Click on the Student’s Name to be taken back to the student record.

14  Determine which team(s) the students are on and assign them to each team by selecting “Add To Team” within the student’s profile.

15  Click the appropriate team for the student Note 1: A student can only be assigned to one team at a time using this method. Note 2: If a student needs to be added that is a different gender than is listed, see Slide #26.

16  Player Position and Jersey Number may be completed if desired. Tier is required to be selected. Select the appropriate Tier then click Save. See competitive balance definitions Many reference materials have been placed on the OHSAA website ( to guide the selection of the student’s proper Both position and jersey number are optional

17  Student is added to the Team. Click Save Student. If you make a mistake, click the trash can icon.

18  Multiple students can be mass imported through an Excel spreadsheet.  Click the small triangle next to “+New Student” and a small drop down menu will appear. Select “Import Students”

19  Download the template to your computer.  Import student information from your student record system at your school (DASL, Powerschool, etc.).  Required fields are the first 5 columns.  All other fields assist with making full use of ArbiterGame but are not required for competitive balance purposes.

20 Student ID is a critical part of the upload to ensure duplicate students are not recorded. Use the unique identifier present in your school’s enrollment system Do not delete columns from the spreadsheet! Again, only the first 5 columns are required. If you do not want to complete an optional field, simply leave it blank.

21  After saving the file to your computer (don’t forget where you saved it!), return to the import students screen.  Select “Browse” to find the file.  Once found click “Open.”  Filename will be on import students page.  Click “Upload.” Important: Do not delete columns in the spreadsheet This is only the first step of getting the students into the system. You must upload the team information as well in order to finish the rostering for competitive balance.

22  Mass uploading the students is just the first step  To designate the Competitive Balance tier, a student must be manually added to a team or the team may also be mass uploaded.  To mass upload a team, go back to the student list screen.  Click the arrow next to “+New Student” and select “Import Student Teams.”

23  Download the template to your computer.  Import student information from your student record system at your school (DASL, Powerschool, etc.).  Select the team and tier from the drop down list. You may wish to copy and paste large fields of data in the team and tier column to make the process quicker. All fields are needed for competitive balance purposes.

24 School Year, team and tier columns are drop down menus which can be selected and copied for large numbers of teams. All fields are required. Do not delete columns from the spreadsheet!

25  After saving the file to your computer (don’t forget where you saved it!), return to the import students teams screen.  Select “Browse” to find the file.  Once found click “Open.”  Filename will be on import students page.  Click “Upload” Important: Do not delete columns in the spreadsheet.

26  Skip to Slide 30 if you do not need to read about how to add students of the opposite gender.  First, made sure this student is already in your pool of students (See Slide 9). Next, click on the teams tab and then click on the jersey located by the respective team you want to add the student to (i.e. girl on baseball team)

27  You will be entered into the Roster tab with that respective team. Make sure the appropriate year is selected and click “Add Players.”

28  A box will pop up which enables you to add students to this team. Make sure the “All Students” box is checked and girls will show up for boys teams and vice versa. Add the student to the appropriate team.

29  After adding the student to the team, go back to the Students tab. Open the student’s profile and click on the appropriate team and assign this student an appropriate Tier. Click Save.

30  Once you have assigned all students to the appropriate Tier for each team, you will want to double check your data.  On the students tab, click the Competitive Balance subtab.  Select the sport to submit from the drop down list.

31  Carefully review the tier information by student  Final changes can be made by tier by selecting the drop down box under enrollment

32  Understand the certification and the penalties for submitting inaccurate or false data.  OHSAA will pull in the information after the deadline. The last data submitted prior to the deadline will be the data used for competitive balance.  Changes may be made by the school until the deadline.  After the deadline, the system is locked to edits and entry.

33  We recognize this is a new process and everyone is learning together  This is a beginning and not an end  We are here to help in whatever way we can  Issues are being cataloged for consideration by the Competitive Balance committee  Questions concerning: ◦ Student classification, school boundaries or other similar questions should be directed to Bob Goldring and Kristin Ronai. ◦ Technical entry and access to the Competitive Balance system should be directed to Jacki Windon.

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