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Core Curriculum Assessment Reports – Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions For more information, or help with assessment planning, implementation,

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1 Core Curriculum Assessment Reports – Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions For more information, or help with assessment planning, implementation, and/or analysis, contact: Karen Dennis Core Curriculum Assessment Reporting Cycle Core Curriculum Drop Box

2 Core Curriculum Assessment Reporting Cycle If your department is asked to report Core assessment results this year, remind your colleagues that your Fall semester report will be due to the CRC no later than February 1, and Spring reports are due before June 1. You will need to receive their Core Goals assessment results before these dates. If your department is asked to report Core assessment results this year, remind your colleagues that your Fall semester report will be due to the CRC no later than February 1, and Spring reports are due before June 1. You will need to receive their Core Goals assessment results before these dates.

3 Click through to the answer for each question. (Please note: “department” should be understood as “department or program.”) How can I clarify which of our courses are Core-certified, and in which learning goal(s)?How can I clarify which of our courses are Core-certified, and in which learning goal(s)? I understand the Core goals assessment reports are on a 3-year cycle. Where can I find that schedule?I understand the Core goals assessment reports are on a 3-year cycle. Where can I find that schedule? How is this different from the annual assessment report required in SAS? Does the 3-year cycle mean we only have to assess Core goals every 3 years?Does the 3-year cycle mean we only have to assess Core goals every 3 years? Our department will file Core assessments this year. When are they due? Who collects Core goals assessment results? How do faculty report them? Do PTLs and annuals have to report Core assessment results? Some of our Core-certified courses are cross-listed: which department should collect and report the Core goals assessment results?Some of our Core-certified courses are cross-listed: which department should collect and report the Core goals assessment results? We’re starting to do Core assessments: can we submit some results and get feedback, even if this is not our reporting year?We’re starting to do Core assessments: can we submit some results and get feedback, even if this is not our reporting year? continued….

4 Should we file one report combining assessment results from all the course sections, or separate reports?Should we file one report combining assessment results from all the course sections, or separate reports? Can we report assessments for multiple Core goals on a single form, or do we need a separate form for each goal in the course?Can we report assessments for multiple Core goals on a single form, or do we need a separate form for each goal in the course? Is it OK to assess just a sample of students for the Core goal(s)? Where can I find the Core Assessment Report form(s)? Where can I find the Core assessment rubrics? Do we need to submit the course syllabi? I thought that was required, but it’s not on the reporting form.Do we need to submit the course syllabi? I thought that was required, but it’s not on the reporting form Are there any guidelines for formats and names when filing Core Goals Assessment Reports?Are there any guidelines for formats and names when filing Core Goals Assessment Reports? How long should we keep the Core assessment results in our files? We’re working on Core assessment reports and have more questions…We’re working on Core assessment reports and have more questions… Continued… click through to the answer for each question. (Please note: “department” should be understood as “department or program.”)

5 How can I clarify which of our courses are Core-certified, and in which learning goal(s)? Each semester, the CRC sends a reminder about Core assessment to all departments with any Core-certified courses (even those that are not in their reporting year of the cycle). A list of the Core goals certified in each of the courses is included. reporting year For additional course lists, contact Karen Dennis at Please note: all Core courses also are listed on the Academic Services website at, under each of the categories they satisfy (e.g., 21 st Century Challenges, Natural Sciences, Arts & Humanities, etc.) However, that “student view” does not include details of the specific Core goals – when in doubt about which learning goals they should assess, faculty should consult with the UGD and/or the CRC to clarify. Core goals Back to list

6 I understand the Core goals assessment reports are on a 3-year cycle. Where can I find that schedu le? The Core Assessment Reporting Cycle can be found on the website of the SAS Office of Undergraduate Education ( Assessment Reporting Also on that page…  Core Curriculum Assessment Report (form) Core Curriculum Assessment Report (form)  CRC Rubrics for Core Curriculum Goals CRC Rubrics for Core Curriculum Goals  Faculty Guide to Core Certification Faculty Guide to Core Certification  Core Curriculum Drop Box – instructions Core Curriculum Drop Box – instructions …and other Core Curriculum resources. Back to list

7 SAS asks for annual reports from all departments, including updates on assessment progress over the year. That report should primarily focus on the assessment of student learning outcomes for your program learning goals, at or near completion of the required curriculum for your major(s). Core goals assessments in required courses of your major(s) and/or minor(s) may be part of that report, of course, but are not its focus.program learning goals SAS Program Assessment ReportsSAS Program Assessment Reports are due to the SAS Office of Undergraduate Education by June 15. For assistance on any aspect of planning, implementing, analyzing, and/or reporting your assessment results, or to arrange individual or group training sessions on assessment, contact Karen Dennis at How is this different from the annual assessment report required in SAS? Back to list

8 There’s a distinction to be made between "minimum requirements" and "best practices." The minimum requirement is to assess and report Core goals outcomes in the reporting year. The reports should analyze any improvements observed; any modifications adopted in light of the results in the prior report; and any plans for further changes. This is all the CRC must see.reporting year "Best practice" is to assess the Core goals each time the course is offered. This is the best way to determine whether students effectively meet the learning goals every time, and how aggregate student outcomes may be changing over time. In this case, a department can report Core assessments in either of two ways: 1)Submit assessment results to the CRC every year. In the reporting year, provide a substantive narrative analysis of the results, and of actions taken to improve student achievement of the Core goals; include observations on the effectiveness of changes that were made in response to earlier assessment results.reporting year 2)Every 3 years, in the reporting year, provide a longitudinal report with the Core assessment results from all three years of that cycle, and all this information and analysis.reporting year, Back to list Does the 3-year cycle mean we only have to assess Core goals every three years?

9 Our department will file Core assessment results this year. When are they due to the CRC? The department’s reports to the CRC should be filed as soon as possible after the end of the Fall and Spring semesters, and before these deadlines:  Fall semester courses –reports are due to the CRC before February 1;  Spring semester - reports are due to the CRC before June 1. The reports filed by the Undergraduate Chair/Director should provide a substantive narrative analysis of the results, and of actions taken (and planned) to improve student achievement of the Core goals. It’s especially important to analyze the effectiveness of any changes that were made in response to earlier Core assessment results. Core Curriculum Drop Box (instructionsCore Curriculum Drop Box (instructions) Back to list

10 Who collects Core goals assessment results? How do faculty report them? The Undergraduate Chair/Director (UGD) will collect the assessment results for your department’s Core courses, and file the reports in Sakai, through the Core Curriculum Drop Box (see instructions)in SakaiCore Curriculum Drop Box (see instructions For each Core-certified course, the faculty should submit a Core Curriculum Assessment Report to the UGD before the end of the semester. Core Curriculum Assessment Report If yours is one of the departments due to report Core assessment results to the CRC this year, your UGD will need your report(s) well before the following deadlines:due to report  Fall semester reports are due to the CRC before February 1;  Spring semester reports are due to the CRC before June 1. Back to list

11 Do PTLs and annuals have to report Core assessment results? No matter who teaches a course, if it’s in the Core, it should be assessed for student achievement of the Core goal(s). We can’t exclude sections taught by PTLs and annuals from the Core reporting requirements any more than we can exempt these sections from any other academic the Core In fact, assessment practices can be a valuable way to assist adjunct faculty and coordinate their work. They can be given ‘pre-packaged’ tools, such as sample assignments &/or common exam questions, with the relevant Core Rubrics and some departmental scoring guidelines. SAS departments that have done this find it helps ensure that all course sections meet their standards for student learning outcomes.Core Rubrics To facilitate faculty use of rubrics for Core and other learning goals assessment, SAS OUE partnered with OIRT to develop a rubric tool in Sakai which is pre-populated with the Core Rubrics. This can be customized to add course-specific & criteria, or used to design rubrics from scratch.Core Rubrics Detailed instructions about using this tool are in the HELP section in Sakai and on the OUE website: Using Rubrics in SakaiUsing Rubrics in Sakai Back to list

12 Some of our Core-certified courses are cross-listed: which department should collect and report the Core assessment results? The Core Curriculum Assessment Report should be filed with the home department of the faculty teaching the course (or that originated the course).Core Curriculum Assessment Report These Core assessments results should be shared with any cross-listing department(s), especially if the course is part of the required curriculum for the other majors and/or minors, or the teaching rotates among the departments. Back to list

13 We’re starting to do Core assessments: can we submit some results and get feedback, even if this is not our reporting year? Absolutely. The CRC is happy to receive Core assessment results at any time, and to provide feedback to faculty and to departments. Core assessment results For this, send the report(s) - with “DRAFT” in the file name(s), and your questions – to Karen Dennis, at Back to list

14 Should we file one report combining assessment results from all the course sections, or separate reports? The reports to the CRC should aggregate Core goals assessment results from all sections of a course.reports If substantially different questions and/or assignments were used in different sections, you may want to attach them, and indicate this in the Assessment Prompt box on the report form Please do not combine results for different Core goals in one summary. You may either:Core goals duplicate the Summary Assessment grid on a single form, so there is one for each Core goal * ; orform one for each Core goal file a separate form for each learning goal.form * The Core Assessment Report Form (ALL goals) has a grid for each goal: delete those that don’t apply to create a custom form for your course(s).Core Assessment Report Form (ALL goals) Back to list

15 To report results for multiple Core goals in a course, you may either:Core goals  duplicate the Summary Assessment grid on a single form, so there is one for each Core goal * ; or…form one for each Core goal  file a separate report form for each form * The Core Assessment Report Form (ALL goals) includes a grid for each goal: delete those that don’t apply to create a customized form for your course. Please do not combine assessment results for multiple Core goals in a single summary line.Core Assessment Report Form (ALL goals) If you report results for multiple Core goals on a single report form, please indicate whether:Core goalsreport form  a single prompt (assignment) was used to assess multiple goals, such as t + u + v [WCD];  different questions and/or assignments were used to assess each goal. You may duplicate the Assessment Prompt box for this purpose. Back to list Can we report assessment results for multiple Core goals on a single form, or do we need a separate form for each goal in a course?

16 Where can I find the Core Assessment Report form(s)? The Core Curriculum Assessment Report form can be downloaded from the website of the SAS Office of Undergraduate Education ( Curriculum Assessment Report Please note that for courses with more than one certified Core goal, a version of the form is available that includes a grid for each goal: those that don’t apply can be deleted to create a custom form for your course. grid for each goal That master form is on the SAS OUE website, too: Core Curriculum Assessment Report (ALL goals) Core Curriculum Assessment Report (ALL goals) Back to list

17 The Rubrics for Core Learning Goals are included in the Faculty Guide to Core Certification.Rubrics for Core Learning Goals Faculty Guide to Core Certification The rubrics also can be downloaded directly from the website of the SAS Office of Undergraduate Education, and… …to facilitate faculty use of rubrics for Core and other learning goals assessment, SAS OUE partnered with OIRT to develop a rubric tool in Sakai which is pre-populated with the Core Curriculum rubrics. This can be customized to add course- specific criteria, or used to design rubrics from scratch.Core Curriculum rubrics Detailed instructions about using this tool are in the HELP section in Sakai and on the OUE website: Using Rubrics in SakaiUsing Rubrics in Sakai Back to list Where can I find the Core rubrics?

18 Is it OK to assess just a sample of students for the Core goal(s)? Yes – especially in courses with large enrollments, it may be most practical to assess a random sample of students. On the Core Curriculum Assessment Report form, you should describe how the sample was selected, and clearly indicate the number of students assessed on each specific Core goal.Core Curriculum Assessment Report formCore goal Please keep in mind, however, that we want to know whether students overall are effectively achieving the Core learning goals in all their courses, so it’s important that samples be substantial and reasonably representative.Core learning goals For help in determining an effective sampling approach in your course(s), contact Karen Dennis ( Back to list

19 Do we need to submit the course syllabi? I th ought that was required, but it’s not on the form. No – the syllabi are no longer required to be forwarded to the CRC along with assessment results. We strongly recommend, however, that departments archive the syllabi associated with these assessments each semester. This can be valuable in preparing the substantive narrative analysis of the results that is required in the reporting year of the Core assessment cycle: it may allow you to identify especially effective practices in course design and delivery that will be of value to your faculty as a whole. reporting year Back to list

20 Are there any guidelines for file format and names when filing Core Assessment Reports? Because a very large number of assessment results are filed each semester of the Core assessment cycle, please be sure that each report file name contains the following information:Core assessment cycle the full course number, including the subject code (e.g., “01-830-123”) the semester and year of the assessment results (e.g., “SP-14”), especially if your department is filing cumulative results only in the reporting year. Core Assessment ReportsCore Assessment Reports can be forwarded to the CRC as document files (*.doc, *docx, *.rtf etc.) or as pdfs, as is most convenient for the faculty and department UGD. Spreadsheet attachments are fine. The Undergraduate Chair/Director should submit the department’s aggregate assessment reports to the Core Curriculum Drop Box in Sakai.Core Curriculum Drop Box Sakai Back to list

21 How long should we keep the Core assessment results in our files? The minimum requirement is to retain your Core assessment results until your next reporting year in the assessment cycle, since each successive triennial report to the CRC will include an assessment of any modifications adopted since the previous report, and observed trends in student achievement of the Core goals.Core assessment resultsreporting year “Best practice" however, would be to retain the files for the lifetime of each Core-certified course, for longitudinal analyses of student learning outcomes in the course, and a source of information about students in your program overall.Core-certified course Please note: all reports and results submitted to the CRC are permanently archived in the files of the SAS Office of Undergraduate Education.SAS Office of Undergraduate Education For help in retrieving such files for your records, contact Karen Dennis, at Back to list

22 We’re working on Core assessment reports and have questions… who can help? For more information, or help with assessment planning, implementation, and/or analysis, contact: Karen Dennis Assistant Dean for Assessment, SAS Phone: 848-932-2278 Office of Undergraduate Education Office of Undergraduate Education School of Arts and Sciences 35 College Avenue, Room 201 Back to list

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