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STEM Activities to engage your children. Conversation Please keep side conversations to a whisper. If you have to take a call, step out into computer.

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Presentation on theme: "STEM Activities to engage your children. Conversation Please keep side conversations to a whisper. If you have to take a call, step out into computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEM Activities to engage your children

2 Conversation Please keep side conversations to a whisper. If you have to take a call, step out into computer lab or hallway. Help Questions are strongly encourage. Feel free anytime to stop and ask a question or give a comment. Just give me a signal. Activity We will learn how to engage our kids at home with fun, inexpensive, engaging activities Movement Please stay seated. If you need to use the restroom, they through the double doors down the green hall about 30 feet on the left. Participation We will have a presentation and then time to interact at your tables. Success You will leave here with a few ideas of how to stimulate your child while at home.

3 These ideas will help kids: Spark creativity and imagination Stimulate their minds Combat screen time Discourage laziness Promote problem solving Keep their minds active for hours Play and learning are natural partners. Our kids are growing up in the 21 st Century. We can consider play not as a distraction, but as a structured opportunity to reinforce the skill set necessary for 21 st Century. We can do this with S.T.E.M.!!! Today, we are going to learn some fun, inexpensive ways to play at home.

4 The S.T.E.M. initiative realigns traditional math and science education making career readiness a priority for all learners. It encourages a 21st century learning environment where students not only have the curiosity to wonder why, but the motivation to discover how. It allows our children to develop a solid foundation in the increasingly complex subject areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Video – Click on Picture

5 Engineering is the science or profession of developing and using nature's power and resources in ways that are useful to people. Engineers are people who solve problems and focus on making things work more efficiently and effectively. Engineers apply the theories and principles of science and mathematics to research and develop economical solutions to technical problems. One affordable way children can play and build as engineers at home is to create a Makerspace!

6 Maker Space (Maker Station, Tinker Stations,Hacker Stations) are creative, DIY spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn. At home, the goal of a makerspace is to let our children to learn through experimentation. Video – Click on Title

7 Getting Started Make a plan with your child. Make the maker station as simple or as complex as you want it Need an area of the home. Gather and organize materials Set rules and procedures for space. Teach how to use the space. Have Fun! Ways to Play 1. Work Alone Let Creativity Take Over Set Challenges Give Inspiration 2. Work Together Focus on Vocabulary Scaffold instruction Ask Questions Link to Learning Emphasis Academic Vocabulary Common Core State Standards

8 Pipe cleaners Containers (oatmeal or coffee) shoeboxes dowels plastic bread tabs wheels yarn string cotton balls popsicle sticks scissors fabric cardboard nuts bolts screws clothespins twist ties screwdrivers egg cartons straws hammers nails hot glue gun glue sticks magnets pliers cereal boxes tweezers lids wire trays bottle caps soda can tabs wire cutters masking tape buttons painters tape cans paper clips foil flashlights

9 Supplies needed 7 craft sticks 3 rubber bands a milk cap cotton balls {or other objects to launch} Directions Stack 5 craft sticks together, and rubber band the ends. Stack 2 craft sticks together, and wrap a rubber band around the very end. Separate the 2 craft sticks. Place the stack of 5 craft sticks between the 2 craft sticks. Wrap a rubber band around all of the craft sticks to hold the catapult together. Glue a milk cap {or something similar} on to serve as a launching platform. Push down on the top craft stick and release to launch an object from the milk cap. Link To Learning – Forces, Motion, Measurement Launch an object from the catapult multiple times and measure how far it travels each time. Launch different objects from the catapult and measure how far each object travels. Compare catapults. Build more than one catapult {the same or different design}. Launch the same object from each catapult and measure how far it travels. Make a Catapult

10 Supplies needed Straws (Bendable) Tape Scissors Straw Structures Link To Learning – Geometry, Engineering Design What shapes can you make? What do you have to do to the straws to get them to fit into one another? Can you make a standing structure?

11 Supplies needed Shoe String Plastic Cups Scissors Paper Clips String Telephone Link To Learning – Sound Waves Try to hear someone from another room Use different item other than plastic cup Try different string sizes and lengths Make different vibrations

12 Supplies needed Tissue Box Paper Towel Roll Rubber Bands Glue Scissors Pencil Tissue Box Guitar Link To Learning – Sound Waves, Engineering Design Use different rubber band lengths to get different sounds Learn a song to play Make a cool guitar design Make different size of guitars

13 Supplies needed Balloon (long works better) String Plastic Straw Tape Balloon Rockets Link To Learning – Forces and Motion Changes the length of the balloon Change the size of the straw Change the angle of the string

14 Supplies needed Rubber bands Straw Popsicle sticks Clay Foil Floating Boat Link To Learning – Properties of Matter – Buoyancy Which materials did you use? What materials were the most effective? See how many marbles your boat can hold Sponge Scissors Glue Jolly Ranchers (Optional)

15 Supplies needed Marshmallows toothpicks Marshmallow Structures Link To Learning – Engineering Design, Geometry Make a bridge Make a two or three story structure Make 2D and 3D Shapes Create a structure that can hold an object (example- empty pop can)

16 Supplies needed Large Paper Cup (any container) Newspaper Bag (produce bag) Duct Tape Pom-Pom Scissor Air Cannon Link To Learning – Forces and Motion Change the air pressure Measure how far the pom-pom travels Use a different size of bag and cup Make a foot launcher

17 Supplies needed Marble Legos Lego Mat Marble Maze Link To Learning – Engineering Design Make multiple designs Use a timer and time how long it takes to complete it Make a game at out it – make a point system and challenge family members.

18 Supplies needed Plastic Cup Sharpened Pencil Straight Straw Straight Pen Scissors Wind Vanes Link To Learning – Wind, Engineering Design Look For Patterns Make Predictions Collect Data Each Day Card Stock Paper Paper Plate Clay or Putty Marker Compass

19 Provided are some handouts that review the content from today. Review of STEM Makerspace- materials list Engineering Ideas from Today STEM Websites – with Play and Learn Ideas All of the information can be found on our Chameleon Website under the Library Tab. You can download and print the PowerPoint and Handouts today. The STEM ideas sheet will have direct links to the websites to save time

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