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Media Literacy Media is means, or methods, of communication that influence people. Examples of media are TV, newspaper, radio, movies, and magazines. Literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Literacy Media is means, or methods, of communication that influence people. Examples of media are TV, newspaper, radio, movies, and magazines. Literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Literacy Media is means, or methods, of communication that influence people. Examples of media are TV, newspaper, radio, movies, and magazines. Literacy means knowing how to read or analyze information. Media literacy means knowing how to analyze media. Our new unit is about media literacy.

2 Media Companies Media companies, like all companies, need money. The newspaper company Washington Post pays reporters to write stories. The television channel NBC pays for shows on that channel. The radio station 99.5 FM pays radio announcers. Always Remember: Television stations, radio stations, and newspapers need money!

3 Advertisements Media companies need money. How do they get money? Newspapers, television shows, magazines, and radio get money from advertisements. An advertisement is support for a product or service that costs money. An ad is an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine. A commercial is an advertisement on television or radio. Note: If you have a company, you can pay a television station, magazine, or newspaper for an advertisement! Question: What is the goal of an advertisement?

4 Commercials Commercials advertise products and services. Watch these commercials: Happiness Machine The Friendly Twist Sing for Me

5 Results After watching these Coca Cola commercials, how do you feel? What words and images made you feel this way? Do these commercials tell you about the ingredients in Coca Cola? The taste? The health benefits or risks? What is the message of these commercials?

6 Video Now, watch this video about soda:

7 Results How do you feel about soda after watching this video? What words and images made you feel this way? Did this commercial tell you about the ingredients in Coca Cola? The taste? The health benefits or risks? What is the message of this video?

8 Media Messages: Definition The commercials and video we watched are examples of media messages. A media message is a message that a company or person communicates through media.

9 Media Messages: Goal The goal of media messages is to persuade the audience to do something, buy something, or believe something. Persuade: Influence, convince, or make a person believe an idea or opinion

10 Persuade, Persuasive, Persuasion Persuade (verb): To influence, convince, or make a person believe an idea or opinion Persuasive (adjective): Able to persuade Persuasion (noun): The act of persuading; being persuasive

11 Comprehension Check Which word completes each sentence? 1.The commercial wasn’t very _______________ because the acting was bad. 2.The art of _________________ takes years to understand! 3.The movie about war _________________ me to feel differently. 4.In a ____________________ essay, writers use facts to support an opinion. 5.The news report was factual, but the images were emotional and __________________.

12 Persuasive Techniques: Types Media messages use various persuasive techniques to persuade audiences. Audience: Viewers, readers, or listeners Techniques: Methods, means, or ways

13 Persuasion Techniques: Examples Association: When the audience begins to mentally link the product to certain ideas, words, or images  Coke=_________________  Nike=_________________ Bandwagon: Everyone agrees, so you should too  9 out of 10 people choose our product in a taste test! Testimonial: Beautiful or famous people support (or endorse) the product Emotional appeal: appeals to the emotions or feelings of the audience Ethical appeal: Make the product seem good or morally right Logical appeal: Makes the product seem logical; uses evidence Red herring: Takes audience’s attention from a bad detail to a good detail

14 Persuasion Techniques: Quiz Watch these videos. Which persuasion technique(s) does each use? Mountain Dew: Nike: Commodore 64 computer: Honda:

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