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Dr. HARI DATT PANDEY. Career Socially recognized means of livelihood, oriented towards professional development. Career Development Merit-based recruitment.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. HARI DATT PANDEY. Career Socially recognized means of livelihood, oriented towards professional development. Career Development Merit-based recruitment."— Presentation transcript:


2 Career Socially recognized means of livelihood, oriented towards professional development. Career Development Merit-based recruitment Placement (a right person in the right place) Well-spelled job responsibilities followed by the scientific appraisal system Well defined code of conducts/ethics Work environment

3 Learning organization Challenging job Adequate salary and employee benefits Job security and social security Job autonomy Predictable career path Opportunity for professional development Social prestige

4 Provisions in NCS Merit-based recruitment system Placement assigning job responsibilities Transfer/ deputation/ job enrichment/ job enlargement/ job rotation/ opportunity to work in international agencies Study leave and other sorts of leaves Training/ study/ observation study tour Exposure in national/international seminars/ workshops/ conferences Provision of promotion

5 Performance appraisal system Performance incentives Monetary and non-monetary benefits Social recognition Post-retirement social security Post-retirement challenging scope

6 Problems Merit-based vs. Inclusion Lack of well defined criteria for placement Transfer practices most debatable Unpredictable promotion system Lack of training need assessment Inadequate training Lack of the culture of the learning organization Work load (over or less) Non- transparent appraisal system

7 Limited use of performance appraisal Inadequate salary and employee benefits Inadequate work environment Excessive external pressure Lack of well defined responsibilities Responsibilities not backed up by adequate resources/ authorities Ambiguous work procedure Lack of sound relationship between employees and citizens Reward and punishment not based on performance

8 Adhoc legislation Decreasing people’s trust

9 Performance capability Ability to perform the assigned responsibilities meeting the pre-defined job standards:  quality  quantity  cost  time  behaviour  attitude  legitimacy  work procedure  consumer satisfaction

10 Pre-requisites for developing competitive performance capabilities Right sizing HRs Adequate placements of HRs Clearly defined job description Adequate education, training, skills and attitude Learning organization Scientific performance appraisal system Motivation (PRP, PRR, OHS, Job Security, Social Security, etc.) Conducive work environment

11 Strong and regular monitoring and evaluation mechanism Grievance redressal

12 Nepalese Perspective Job description not updated Lack of measurable performance indicators Lack of performance review meeting Inadequate performance feedback mechanism Training not based on TNA Inadequate work environment Low moral and low motivation Unionism/ Political interference Lack of objective criteria for placement and transfer

13 How and when promotion/ reward/ punishment? Lack of the conducive environment for professional development Different nature and status of customers Lack of job autonomy and innovation

14 Retirement / Post-retirement career Depends on the: Choice of the individual Professionalism developed by the individual Physical and mental health of the individual Family surrounding of the individual Condition of the society the individual dwells in Social relationships of the individual Political provisions Government policies Opportunities in civil society organisations and private sector

15 Existing policies for retirement career Gratuity/life-long pension/family pension Treatment facilities in the Civil Service Hospital at discounted rates Scholarships to the children of retirees Identity card and recognition to the retirees No objection to participate in political activities No objection to operate any business subject to register the business as per prevailing laws No objection to involve in civil society organisations Freedom to pursue research works/consultancy subject to not to disclose any sensitive information he/she holds because of his/her previous engagement in public service Can be nominated by the government in any constitutional body, committee, task-force, etc. Can be hired as an expert and consultant…

16 Could be better if… CPA/Government updates the professionalism/expertise of each and every retiree and utilises such qualities whenever necessary or refers him/her to other sectors for utilising those qualities Provides counselling services to the retiree regarding his/her post-retirement career and coordinates with other sectors of society where his/her quality can best-contribute Orientation on post-retirement career Establishment of research centres where retirees can work Establishment of retirees’ forum in each organisation so that retirees’ experience can be recognised, shared and utilised


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