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Communication Zone Functional Anthony D. Greer. ICE Breaker.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Zone Functional Anthony D. Greer. ICE Breaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Zone Functional Anthony D. Greer

2 ICE Breaker

3 NSBE Structure

4 The Communication Zone Communication is the backbone of any organization Manage how the board and chapter communicate/interact Responsible for documenting and keeping track of all chapter information and records Develop and approve all publications and content Oversee how the chapter presents itself online

5 Secretary Responsibilities Record minutes for chapter meetings Maintain effective records and administration Keep a calendar of your chapter’s events Enforce the NSBE brand within your chapter Chair the Communications Zone (publications, public relations, telecommunications, etc.) Create and help to maintain chapter email accounts

6 Managing your zone Have frequent meetings with the members of your zone Work to build a family dynamic Have 1:1 meetings to plan for the year Talk to your Regional counterpart regularly – Ask for resources and suggestions

7 Public Relations Chair Functional Anthony D. Greer

8 Agenda About Anthony National PR Chair Logo Policy Recap and Info Being the PR Chair Collaboration Social Media Pages Membership Competition Q&A

9 About Me Chicago, IL University of Missouri – Interdisciplinary Studies IT | Comm | Sociology – Chapter Positions The REB

10 National PR Chair Jonathan Meekins Prairie View A&M NEBPR@NSBE.ORG

11 Logo Policy 90% of Region V Chapters are out of logo compliance on social media. – Logo Spacing – Logo Color – Logo Sizing

12 Being the PR Chair You are the source! – Chapter news comes from the chapter’s page Keep your content simple – Simple logo usage with NSBE spelled out – Clear image (if necessary) – Clear, concise sentences Interact with your audience – Replies and retweets – Mentions: companies, Region V – Take pictures

13 Collaboration Goal Creative Content Portal A collection of resources to properly execute creating content for your chapter Authorized logos Authorized graphic items Logo Use Tips for Videos

14 Social Media Pages Username: @”Chapter”NSBE (i.e @”PV”NSBE) Account Display Name I. “Chapter Name” NSBE Biography I. Mission Statement of the National Society of Black Engineers Website Link I. This section should include a direct link to your chapter’s website (If Applicable) (Talk to National Communications Chairperson, Christopher Cole [] if you need website assistance or establishment for NSBE Jr., Collegiate, and Professional chapter levels)

15 Social Media Recruitment Competition (September and January), to increase chapter, regional, and National numbers. Recruitment pictures (Org Fairs, NSBE Day) Tag @R5NSBE along with #NSBERecruitment. Chapters can post to any one or multiple social media accounts. But will be only counted for once. This competition will contribute to “Which Region Reigns Supreme.”

16 Telecommunications Marlon Taylor Jr.

17 Telecommunications Noun- communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone, or broadcasting. the branch of technology concerned with telecommunication

18 Telecommunication Responsibilities & Duties How to Get Started Tools Techniques & Tactics

19 Telecommunications If not the Telecommunication Chair, these type of responsibilities can be shared with the secretary and the Public Relations/Publications

20 Duties & Responsibilities Shall coordinate and develop the Chapter Website. (Orgsync) Shall serve as administrator of all Chapter listservers.

21 Duties & Responsibilities Shall assist in the development Web Communication Policies with the Chapter Executive Board. Shall reside in the Communications Zone and present periodic reports to the Secretary.

22 Duties & Responsibilities Shall report the Regional Telecommunications Chairperson on an as needed basis. Shall produce an official transition report a the close of the term.

23 How To Get Started Take inventory of your resources and skills If you aren’t sure, please ask You are not alone in this Be courageous

24 Tools OrgSync Bootstrap the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

25 Techniques and Tactics Organization and Simplicity are your best friend. Be concise and consistent Eliminate old Data

26 Techniques and Tactics Make a schedule for making updates Communicate to your board about timelines Give yourself time and be proactive

27 Things to Remember Be Organized and Concise Simplicity is key Communicate and be Consistent You are not alone, use your team!

28 Q&A

29 R5SECRTARY@NSBE.ORG R5PR@NSBE.ORG R5COMM@NSBE.ORG Andrew Galloway Region V Secretary Anthony D. Greer Region V Public Relations/Publications Chair Marlon Taylor Region V Telecommunication Chair

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