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Building a Social Media Presence Date Instructor Click the microphone icon at the top of the Audio & Video window to enter the Setup Wizard and configure.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Social Media Presence Date Instructor Click the microphone icon at the top of the Audio & Video window to enter the Setup Wizard and configure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Social Media Presence Date Instructor Click the microphone icon at the top of the Audio & Video window to enter the Setup Wizard and configure your speakers and microphone. Welcome! The workshop will begin soon. Please take some time right now to configure your speakers and mic. Feel free to test your microphone by using the Talk button. Remember to turn your mic off after testing! Click the Talk button to activate your mic. Notice a mic will appear on the button when active. Be sure to click the button again when done speaking. This session will be recorded!

2 The Blackboard Collaborate Interface Audio Please use your microphone! Click the Talk button to activate your mic. Notice a mic will appear on the button when active. Be sure to click the button again when done speaking.

3 The Blackboard Collaborate Interface Participants Feedback Away & Raise Hand Polling

4 The Blackboard Collaborate Interface Chat Note: Moderators can see all private chats! Please type your FULL name and School in the Chat area now for attendance and payroll purposes. Main Room or Breakout Room Private Menu Type to Chat

5 The Blackboard Collaborate Interface Whiteboard Select the text tool and click anywhere on the whiteboard to type. When you are finished, or if you need to move something, use the select tool at the top of the toolbar.

6 Managing Multiple Applications You will need to switch between this webinar and your Internet browser. Internet Browser Blackboard Collaborate (Webinar) Limit your multi-tasking… if possible, close all other programs. Be sure to enable all content in your browser.

7 Housekeeping BuildingSocialMedia

8 Any Questions?

9 Building a Social Media Presence Participants will look at the BCPS social media outlets (Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Vimeo, Instagram, blogs) and relevant policies in order to come up with a plan for building their social media presence. Instructor, Title School Date

10 What is Social Media? Miriam-Webster: “forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.”

11 Why Social Media for BCPS? Blueprint 2.0: Develop and implement effective two-way communication for external stakeholders.  Danielson 1d: Demonstrating knowledge of resources to extend content knowledge and pedagogy  Danielson 4c: Communicating with families information about the instructional program  Danielson 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally

12 Why Should Teachers and Schools Use Social Media?  Connect: to build relationships with others  Collaborate: to work jointly with others for producing or creating content or knowledge  Curate: to collect, organize, and display digital resources  Publish: to display thoughts, products, information, or experiences with others

13 Why Should Teachers and Schools Use Social Media?  Connect: to build relationships with others  Collaborate: to work jointly with others for producing or creating content or knowledge  Curate: to collect, organize, and display digital resources  Publish: to display thoughts, products, information, or experiences with others

14 Why Should Schools Consider Branding?  Branding affects external perspectives; schools are integral to community identities. Adapted from by Carlos Antequera Additionally:

15 Why Should Schools Consider Branding?  Branding affects external perspectives; schools are integral to community identities.  Effective branding helps schools connect with parents and guardians who are then more informed when making decisions about their students’ education options.  Branding affects external perspectives; schools are integral to community identities.  Effective branding helps schools connect with parents and guardians who are then more informed when making decisions about their students’ education options. Adapted from by Carlos Antequera Additionally:

16 Why Should Schools Consider Branding?  Branding affects external perspectives; schools are integral to community identities.  Effective branding helps schools connect with parents and guardians who are then more informed when making decisions about their students’ education options.  Branding helps advertise the qualities that are expected in potential students and employees.  Branding affects external perspectives; schools are integral to community identities.  Effective branding helps schools connect with parents and guardians who are then more informed when making decisions about their students’ education options.  Branding helps advertise the qualities that are expected in potential students and employees. Adapted from by Carlos Antequera Additionally:

17 Why Should Schools Consider Branding?  Branding affects external perspectives; schools are integral to community identities.  Effective branding helps schools connect with parents and guardians who are then more informed when making decisions about their students’ education options.  Branding helps advertise the qualities that are expected in potential students and employees.  Branding gives students, faculty, and school leaders a sense of pride and camaraderie for a healthy learning environment.  Branding affects external perspectives; schools are integral to community identities.  Effective branding helps schools connect with parents and guardians who are then more informed when making decisions about their students’ education options.  Branding helps advertise the qualities that are expected in potential students and employees.  Branding gives students, faculty, and school leaders a sense of pride and camaraderie for a healthy learning environment. Adapted from by Carlos Antequera Additionally:

18 Why Should Individuals Consider Branding?  A positive social media presence opens the door to existing and future opportunities. by Haley Osborn

19 Why Should Individuals Consider Branding?  A positive social media presence opens the door to existing and future opportunities.  Don’t sell and tell; you need to show and share. By advertising your beliefs and ideas through your actions, you become a leader.  A positive social media presence opens the door to existing and future opportunities.  Don’t sell and tell; you need to show and share. By advertising your beliefs and ideas through your actions, you become a leader. by Haley Osborn

20 Why Should Individuals Consider Branding?  A positive social media presence opens the door to existing and future opportunities.  Don’t sell and tell; you need to show and share. By advertising your beliefs and ideas through your actions, you become a leader.  Social media connections create a network that will be a lifelong source of professional growth and learning.  A positive social media presence opens the door to existing and future opportunities.  Don’t sell and tell; you need to show and share. By advertising your beliefs and ideas through your actions, you become a leader.  Social media connections create a network that will be a lifelong source of professional growth and learning. by Haley Osborn

21 Why Should Individuals Consider Branding?  A positive social media presence opens the door to existing and future opportunities.  Don’t sell and tell; you need to show and share. By advertising your beliefs and ideas through your actions, you become a leader.  Social media connections create a network that will be a lifelong source of professional growth and learning.  Establishing a brand helps achieve goals through attention, influence, and recognition.  A positive social media presence opens the door to existing and future opportunities.  Don’t sell and tell; you need to show and share. By advertising your beliefs and ideas through your actions, you become a leader.  Social media connections create a network that will be a lifelong source of professional growth and learning.  Establishing a brand helps achieve goals through attention, influence, and recognition. by Haley Osborn

22 Best Practices for Building your Presence  Be consistent in your use and make sure communication is two- way.  Share information relevant to your purpose and start conversations around it.  Avoid confrontations and ignore trolls.  Tell a story and involve your followers.  Be transparent.  Be creative.  Be consistent in your use and make sure communication is two- way.  Share information relevant to your purpose and start conversations around it.  Avoid confrontations and ignore trolls.  Tell a story and involve your followers.  Be transparent.  Be creative.  Keep personal and professional accounts separate. Either create two accounts per tool, or use different tools for different purposes.  Determine your purpose, share it, and stick with it.  Make sure your account name and avatar are professional.  Beware who you associate your account with. Do they bolster your brand or detract from it?

23 BCPS Social Media Identify Key Take-aways General Rules of Thumb Policies, Rules, and Forms

24 Twitter  “ Follow us on Twitter @username”  “We will tweet that information”  “Use the hashtag #keyword”  “Please retweet to your followers ”  “ Follow us on Twitter @username”  “We will tweet that information”  “Use the hashtag #keyword”  “Please retweet to your followers ”  Official BCPS Twitter account:  Many schools and teachers have Twitter accounts  You do not need a Twitter account to view tweets  Tweets are limited to 140 characters, so always aim for 120 or less to allow for retweets In Context:Good to know: Microblogging Connect Collaborate Curate Publish  Twitter 101 Twitter 101  4 ways to use Twitter for schools to increase engagement 4 ways to use Twitter for schools to increase engagement  Managing your Twitter Account Managing your Twitter Account

25 Facebook  “You can like us on Facebook”  “We will update our Facebook status ”  “We will post that information on Facebook”  “Please tag us in that photograph when you post it”  “You can like us on Facebook”  “We will update our Facebook status ”  “We will post that information on Facebook”  “Please tag us in that photograph when you post it”  Official BCPS Facebook page:  Many schools have Facebook pages  You do not need a Facebook account to view many public pages In Context:Good to know: Social networking site Connect Collaborate Curate Publish  Facebook 101 Facebook 101  Creating a Dynamic Facebook Page for your School Creating a Dynamic Facebook Page for your School  Help Center: Creating and Managing Facebook Pages Help Center: Creating and Managing Facebook Pages  Facebook 101 Facebook 101  Creating a Dynamic Facebook Page for your School Creating a Dynamic Facebook Page for your School  Help Center: Creating and Managing Facebook Pages Help Center: Creating and Managing Facebook Pages

26 Flickr Digital photo sharing site  “You can follow us on Flickr”  “Look for the pictures on our photostream ”  “We will make a Flickr album for that event”  “Please tag us in that photograph when you post it”  “You can follow us on Flickr”  “Look for the pictures on our photostream ”  “We will make a Flickr album for that event”  “Please tag us in that photograph when you post it”  Official BCPS Flickr page:  Photos posted on Flickr can be shared through Facebook or Twitter  You do not need a Flickr account to view many photostreams  Flickr has various privacy levels and creative commons licensing In Context:Good to know: Connect Collaborate Curate Publish  Get Started with Flickr Get Started with Flickr  13 Ways to Use Flickr in the Classroom 13 Ways to Use Flickr in the Classroom

27 Vimeo  “Check out the latest on your Vimeo stream ”  “I’ve added that to my Vimeo PD album ”  “You can subscribe to my Vimeo channel ”  “Check out the latest on your Vimeo stream ”  “I’ve added that to my Vimeo PD album ”  “You can subscribe to my Vimeo channel ”  Official BCPS Channel:  Mobile device friendly for playback  Privacy settings allow you to control who can see, share, embed, comment on, and curate your videos In Context:Good to know: Video hosting site Connect Collaborate Curate Publish  Vimeo Basics Vimeo Basics  5 Brand-building Videos Your School’s Website Is Probably Missing 5 Brand-building Videos Your School’s Website Is Probably Missing

28 Instagram Social photo sharing  “You can follow us on Instagram”  “We posted that on Instagram”  “Please tag us in that photograph when you post it”  “You can follow us on Instagram”  “We posted that on Instagram”  “Please tag us in that photograph when you post it”  Official BCPS Instagram Account:  Photos posted on Instagram can be shared through Facebook or Twitter  You do not need an Instagram account to view many posts  Instagram is intended to be used on a mobile device In Context:Good to know: Connect Collaborate Curate Publish  Instagram Tutorial Instagram Tutorial  10 Ways to Use Instagram in the Classroom 10 Ways to Use Instagram in the Classroom  Instagram Tutorial Instagram Tutorial  10 Ways to Use Instagram in the Classroom 10 Ways to Use Instagram in the Classroom

29 WordPress  “Check our blog frequently for updated posts ”  “ Subscribe to our blog for update notifications”  “Check our blog archives ”  “You can leave comments on our blog”  “Check our blog frequently for updated posts ”  “ Subscribe to our blog for update notifications”  “Check our blog archives ”  “You can leave comments on our blog”  Official BCPS Blog:  There are many different blogging platforms, most of which are free  You do not need an account to read blogs In Context:Good to know: Blogging platform Connect Collaborate Curate Publish  Wordpress Resources Wordpress Resources  How to Use Blogs in the Classroom How to Use Blogs in the Classroom

30 Consider your Purpose Do you want to elicit responses and encourage interaction? Do you need a place to store and share photos and videos of your school and students? Do you want to share helpful resources and hyperlinks? Do you just want to share information, news, opinions, etc.?

31 Management  Hootsuite: Free version links up to three accounts, includes basic analytics, allows message scheduling  Google Analytics: Great for tracking data on blogs or webpages  IFTTT: If This, Then That gives you control by connecting multiple social media accounts through “recipes” that are triggered by actions  Hootsuite: Free version links up to three accounts, includes basic analytics, allows message scheduling  Google Analytics: Great for tracking data on blogs or webpages  IFTTT: If This, Then That gives you control by connecting multiple social media accounts through “recipes” that are triggered by actions

32 Guiding Questions as You Build Your Plan  Which tool are you and your administration most familiar with?  What is the purpose for using this social media tool?  What email address will you use to set up the account?  What will your profile image or banner image be?  Who is going to manage the account?  Who else should have access to it?  How will you market it?  How will you know if it’s achieving your purpose?  Which tool are you and your administration most familiar with?  What is the purpose for using this social media tool?  What email address will you use to set up the account?  What will your profile image or banner image be?  Who is going to manage the account?  Who else should have access to it?  How will you market it?  How will you know if it’s achieving your purpose?

33 Q&A Time

34 More Information BCPSODL.PBWORKS.COM

35 More Resources  Social Media 101:  Social Media for Educators Pinboard: educators/ educators/  Social Media for Teachers: educators-matt-davis educators-matt-davis  Party analogy: really-know-what-social-media- is/#2715e4857a0b414e2ad7661f really-know-what-social-media- is/#2715e4857a0b414e2ad7661f  Resources for Parents on Social Media:  Social Media 101:  Social Media for Educators Pinboard: educators/ educators/  Social Media for Teachers: educators-matt-davis educators-matt-davis  Party analogy: really-know-what-social-media- is/#2715e4857a0b414e2ad7661f really-know-what-social-media- is/#2715e4857a0b414e2ad7661f  Resources for Parents on Social Media: You can find these links on the workshop wiki page

36 Thank you!  Please type your full name in the chat box once again  Please complete the workshop survey (which will be emailed to you) in the next 24 hours  If you are enrolled in Digital Learning University, complete a reflection within 10 school days (____) and email it to  Email me any time with questions! instructor  Please type your full name in the chat box once again  Please complete the workshop survey (which will be emailed to you) in the next 24 hours  If you are enrolled in Digital Learning University, complete a reflection within 10 school days (____) and email it to  Email me any time with questions! instructor

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