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Orientation for English Program Admissions and English Student Service Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation for English Program Admissions and English Student Service Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation for English Program Admissions and English Student Service Center

2 Today’s program – Lecture room I 13:00Greetings by the Dean of the MS & the Dean of the FP, and Prof. Nyitrai, Secretary of the English Program Committee 13:10Admissions and English Student Service Center 13:45Intercultural questionnaire 14:00Registrar’s Office 14:40EGSC & SHS – student charity organization 14:45short break 15:00Info desks in the Aula

3 Today’s program – Lecture room II 13:00Greetings by the Dean of the MS & the Dean of the FP, and Prof. Nyitrai, Secretary of the English Program Committee 13:10Registrar’s Office 13:45Intercultural questionnaire 14:00Admissions and English Student Service Center 14:35EGSC & SHS – student charity organization 14:40short break 15:00Info desks in the Aula

4 Admissions and English Student Service Center  Ms Lívia CSIDEI, Head of Admissions and English Student Service Center  Ms Krisztina HANG, Admissions Support Advisor  Ms Ildikó HUSZÁR, Admissions Support Advisor  E-mail:  Phone: +36 72 536-018, +36 72 536-009, +36 72 536-000/ ext. 31204  Fax: +36 72 536-110

5 Administration  Everything related to admissions  Immigration issues  Medical check-ups  Lockers – from October  Parcels, packages  Any general problem, strictly non-educational Admissions and English Student Service Center Registrar’s Office  Everything educational  Neptun related  course related  exam related  timetable related  tuition fee related  student status certificates and transcripts of studies

6 Administration 2 Opening hours  Monday - Thursday 7:45-12:00 & 13:00-16:00  Friday 7:45-13:30 Admissions and English Student Service Center Registrar’s Office Opening hours  Mon8:00-12:00  Tue12:00-16:00  Wed8:00-12:00  Thu12:00-16:00  Fri8:00-12:00

7 Immigration issues  Europeans (EU, EEA, Switzerland)  residency card  within 90 days  one time registration  Non-Europeans  residence permit for the purpose of studies  within 30/60/90 days  to be renewed annually More info: Showing your residence permit/residency card is a pre- condition for taking exams in the exam period!

8 Immigration issues 2 Europeans:  Valid passport/ID  1.000 HUF revenue stamp (ILLETÉKBÉLYEG)  Application form  Student status certificate – from the RO!!!  Valid rental contract  Valid health insurance

9 Immigration issues 3 Non-Europeans: issuing / renewal  Valid passport/ID  18.000 / 10.000 HUF revenue stamp (ILLETÉKBÉLYEG)  Application form  Student status certificate – from the RO!!!  Valid rental contract  Valid health insurance  Bank statement

10 Compulsory medical check-up  Preliminary and annual check-ups  General medical certificate  Health history form  HIV test result  Vaccination card (Hep B)  Chest X-ray result  This Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, next Monday and Tuesday at: Center for Occupational Health and Hygiene of the University of Pécs Clinical Centre Pécs, Nyár u. 8.  Registration for the dates is in the Student Service Center.


12 Compulsory medical check-up

13 Applying for the student card 1  After matriculation, and after registration at the Immigration Office  Free of charge  Discounts for the monthly bus pass, train fares, in shops, services  Step 1: Getting an address card after registration at the Immigration Office – takes 3-4 weeks  Step 2: Getting a NEK number from the Documentation Office – photo taken and personal and address data registered  Step 3: In Neptun: electronic application for the student card – giving the NEK number and checking your data

14 Applying for the student card 2  Step 4: Getting a temporary student card from the Tudásközpont / Knowledge Center / Central Registrar’s Office  Step 5: Picking up the student card from the Documentation Office – 3-4 weeks after applying for it in Neptun  Step 6: Getting a validating sticker for the card every semester from the Central Registrar’s Office

15 Receiving your post You can have your mail sent to the Student Service Center and pick it up after classes: YOUR NAME c/o English Student Service Center H-7624 Pécs Szigeti street 12. HUNGARY Attention! You cannot give this address as your temporary or mailing address at offices, at authorities or in Neptun!!!

16 Lockers  1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd year students are entitled to have one  In pairs  Active student status is required  You need to register it every semester  Will be available from OCTOBER

17 Medical issues – should you need a doctor…  Uni GP – address and opening hours are available at the Student Service Center  If you need a specialist – we have a list  Health insurance – if you’re not insured from home, full coverage Stúdium insurance by Generali Providencia – we can provide you with the contact data of the insurance agent

18 Other issues – should you need a …  VET  Lawyer or notary public  Repair man  Assistance with small translations, e.g. you receive a formal letter in Hungarian and have no idea what that is about / don’t understand your utility bills  Print out a page and nothing is open  A shoulder to cry on … Contact us before it’s too late!!!

19 Info desks in the Aula – Who & Why?  Admissions and Student Service Centers – English and German > pick up your uni T- shirt, folder & pendrive  Registrar’s Office > group / Neptun username & password / collective enrolment info etc.  Central Registrar’s Office > student card information

20 Info desks in the Aula 2 – Who & Why?  Department of Languages for Specific Purposes > Hungarian-Latin-English classes  Sport Center > what PE courses you can choose from  Pekár Mihály Medical and Life Sciences Library > how to apply for a library card

21 Info desks in the Aula 3 – Who & Why?  Student Researchers’ Society  Health Psychology Counselling  International Relations Office > Erasmus, student mobility  Campus Legal Aid  Dancing University > as PE course

22 Info desks in the Aula 4 – Who & Why?  EGSC – English-German Student Council  Chaperone Program – registration for the campus and city tour  HÖK – Hungarian Student Council  Confabula – faculty magazine by students  HuMSIRC  Banks > OTP  Pécs tourist office / Tourinform Pécs

23 What you shouldn’t forget this week:  Info desks in the Aula from 15:00-17:00  Collective enrolment with your group and RO officer TOMORROW!!!  Medical check-up on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & MONDAY, TUESDAY!!!  Campus & City Tour on SATURDAY from 10:00

24 What you shouldn’t forget 2  Opening ceremony on SUNDAY from 17:00-18:00 formal clothing required  School starts on MONDAY at 8:00 (most probably)

25 Thank you for your attention! See you at the info desk of the Student Service Center in the Aula from 15:00!

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