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Technology, Literacy, and Listening Skills Chad Brown & Chris Short Summer Institute August 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology, Literacy, and Listening Skills Chad Brown & Chris Short Summer Institute August 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology, Literacy, and Listening Skills Chad Brown & Chris Short Summer Institute August 2016

2 Ear Reading

3 Eye or Finger Reading

4 Eyes or Ears

5 Sequence of listening Skills Quiets to sound Turns toward sound Reaches toward sound Attends to sounds Responds to auditory directions Locates Stationary sounds Tracks a moving sound

6 Sequence of listening Skills Remembers parts of songs or rhymes Remembers 2 facts from a story Repeats 4 words in correct order Comprehends today, yesterday, and tomorrow when discussed by adult Pre- S chool

7 Activities 1.Call the child’s name before giving a direction or asking a question. 2.At times, give instructions only once. 3.Give listening cues – Use fun phrases, songs, or rhymes to get the students’ attention. “1, 2, 3–eyes on me!” – “If you can hear me… (add activity).” Pre- S chool

8 Activities/Games 4. Sound Bottles: make or order from APH 5. Master Game: Guess what object was dropped 6. Identify Sounds in the Room: 7. Listening Center: Pre- S chool

9 Ideas through a Creative Curriculum 1.Music and Movement: 2.Interactive Read Alouds: 3.Use Songs and Rhymes: Pre- S chool

10 Joy Player


12 use with the personal music player routine in APH’s Sensory Learning Kit (SLK). Leisure activities

13 Joy Player Storage Devices SD Card NLS Cartridge Jump Drive

14 Material Sources – Joy Player Download from Internet Audio from YouTube Videos

15 Material Sources- Joy Player MP3 Songs- Free Downloads Audio books written and read by Robert Munch Great Expectations- National Braille Press dex.html dex.html

16 Sequence of listening Skills Identifies and label sounds Responds to oral instructions Follows along during oral reading activities Listening Stations K- 1 st

17 Sequence of listening Skills Transforms auditory information into a read-back medium – Takes a spelling test – Writes down information as it is read aloud 2nd- 4th

18 Sequence of listening Skills Organizes auditory information into an abbreviated note taking medium that can be read later Organizes brief oral directions into a retrievable medium – Homework assignments – telephone numbers – important dates 5th- 7th

19 Sequence of listening Skills Accesses auditory formats of textbooks on a variety of devices 8th- 12th

20 Sequence of listening Skills Practices active listening when listening to teacher or pre-recorded books and other materials – Takes notes while listening Downloads own materials Uses a Screen Reader - Computer 8th- 12th

21 Audio Formats

22 Material Sources

23 BookShare – Read2Go App Voice Dream Reader App

24 Storage Devices SD Card NLS Cartridge Jump Drive

25 Materials Sources Download favorites: – Music, Stories, Family voices Robert Munch Dream English YouTube

26 NLS Player

27 NLS Player Storage Devices

28 NLS Player Material Sources

29 Book Port DT

30 Book Port DT with Cover

31 Book Port Plus

32 Braille NoteTakers Are personal digital assistants Input is through a Perkins style Braille keyboard or standard QWERTY keyboard May have refreshable braille display

33 Apex

34 Notetakers Braille Sense

35 Notetakers Material Sources Bookshare Learning ally BARD

36 iPod-iPad-iPhone

37 iPad Material Sources Unlimited Read2Go BookShare Learning Ally Voice Dream Reader BARD

38 STEM Tools Talking Calculators Graphing Calculators Thermometers Scales Liquid level indicator

39 Descriptive Video

40 Who can use DCMP? Teachers/interpreters, other professionals, and family members whose use benefits these students qualify to borrow DCMP media through the mail or online. Classroom use of DCMP curricular media must include at least one student who is deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, or deaf- blind in the audience.

41 How do you access audio description? Secondary Audio Program (SAP) Channel – Every TV has different set up—often requires sighted assistance Sometimes have to call local provider or station In the future: one touch audio description contro

42 How do you access audio description? Accessible Television Portal – Housed at Described and Captioned Media Program – Available to any student registered with DCMP – 75 educational series and specials – Multiple episodes of most series – Some in Spanish

43 Descriptive Movies Ray Star’s World php

44 More Resources Listening Activities Teaching Students with Visual Impairments ening-skills.html ening-skills.html Paths to Literacy strategies strategies

45 More Resources Tarheel reader – variety of student and teacher made books that can be modified –

46 Listening = Learning


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