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天の川銀河の中心の星の運動 海王星くらいの 軌道で(5km/秒) 5000km/秒以上 太陽の400万倍 も重いブラック ホールがある.

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Presentation on theme: "天の川銀河の中心の星の運動 海王星くらいの 軌道で(5km/秒) 5000km/秒以上 太陽の400万倍 も重いブラック ホールがある."— Presentation transcript:

1 天の川銀河の中心の星の運動 海王星くらいの 軌道で(5km/秒) 5000km/秒以上 太陽の400万倍 も重いブラック ホールがある

2 銀河中心のX線観測 -その意味と課題ー 銀河中心 銀河内円盤 (1)6.7 keV LIne: 超高温プラズマ(約1億度)の発見

3 XIS: The Best X-ray CCD Suzaku: 180 ksec
ASCA 320 ksec (Koyama et al. 1996) Chandra 600ksec (Muno et al.2004) XMM ksec (Tanaka) XIS: The Best X-ray CCD Si XIII Kα Si XIV Kα Si XIII Kβ S XV Kα S XVI Kα S XV Kβ Suzaku: 180 ksec

4 The Bets-fit column density are; NSi = 4.8x1018 cm-2
Upper:. The best-fit results with the absorption gas in solar abundance Lower: The best-fit results with the absorption gas in non-solar abundance The Bets-fit column density are; NSi = 4.8x1018 cm-2 NS = 9.6x1017 cm-2 NFe = 8.2x1018 cm-2 Then; ZSi = 3.3 solar ZS = 1.4 solar ZFe = 2.9 solar For Si, S: NH = 4.1x1022 cm-2, For Fe "canonical value“: NH = 6x1022 cm-2

5 6 7 8 Fe24+ Kα Fe Kα Fe25+ Kα Ni26+ Kα Fe Kβ Fe24+ Kβ
Table of He-like Iron Triplets Name Transition Energy (eV) Resonance (r)   1s21S0 - 1s2p 1P Intercombination line (x) 1s2 1S0 - 1s2p 3P (y) 1s2 1S0 - 1s2p 3P Forbidden line (f)    1s2 1S0 - 1s2s 3S

6 Origin of the Iron Lines ?
1s2p1P1 Electron Capture = 6666eV 1s2p3P0,1,2 f Resonance (r) 6.703keV 1s2p3P r Forbidden (f) 6.639keV Δl=1,Δs=0 1s2 1S0 Δl=0,Δs=1 l Fine Structure of Fe24+ 6666eV 6685eV Collisional Excitation= 6685 eV FeXXIV FeXXV r f l


8 Collisional Excitation is more Likely
He-like Fe Ka =6679 eV: Close to 6685eV(d =6eV) 6.7keV-Map H-like Ka line is narrow: Width (s) = 17 eV (~ those of Cal Line) Sgr A* 6.4keV-MaP No intensity enhancement at the 6.4 keV cloud (More H2) 30 pc Collisional Excitation is more Likely

9 6 7 8 Sgr A East Fe24+ Kα Fe25+ Kα Fe24+ Kβ
Ionization (He-like/H-like Ka) , Electron (Kb/Ka) Temperatures are both ~6 keV (CIE) Temperatures are nearly Constant at l=-0.4~+0.1 deg ,while decrease at the 6.4 keV Cloud Sgr A East


11 Lyman Series limit

12 Ionization Temperature
He-like Fe Ka/H-like Fe Ka = 5.7~6.6 keV He-like Fe Ka/He-like Ni Ka = 3.5~10 keV (to be revised) Electron Temperature He-like Fe Kb/Ka = 6~10 keV (to be revised)

13 Centroid of He-like Ka moves with Ionization Temperature due to
the satellite lines  From the Observed Centroid, the Ionization temperature is 2.5~6.5 keV (including the systematic error ~5 eV), consistent with He-like Ka/He-like Kb

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