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By Eugena Williams EE 505, Technology and Education.

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1 by Eugena Williams EE 505, Technology and Education

2  Assistive technology is any device, equipment, or software that aids someone with a disability in their everyday life whether at school or home.  Assistive technology can be low-tech like a pencil grip or high-tech like a computer (PBS, 2015).

3 Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 - Provided federal funds to states for training and delivery of assistive technology devices. - Required states and territories to develop training programs for technology to be used be individuals with disabilities regardless of the age. - Defined assistive technology and the availability and quality of the devices (Reed, 2000).

4 Assistive Technology Act of 1998  An amendment that stated assistive technology is valuable to individuals with disabilities.  Increased funding to develop permanent statewide programs to give technology training for individuals with disabilities (Reed, 2000).

5 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1990 and 1997  School district is responsible for providing assistive technology to its students with disabilities.  The assistive technology should aid the student with disability in and outside of school (Reed, 2000).

6 Technology that helps remove barriers so students with a seeing impairment can see like their peers. They are able to do homework, research, and read ( American Foundation for the Blind, 2015).

7 Technology that is used in situations where listening is required ( Hearing Loss Association of America, 2015).

8 Technology device that compensates, bypass, or move around a student’s specific learning disability (Standberry & Raskind, 2009).

9  Technology used to assist students that have limited or no mobility.

10 American Foundation for the Blind. (2015). Assistive technology. American Foundation for the Blind. Retrieved from Hearing Loss Association of America. (2015). Hearing assistive technology. Hearing Loss Association of America. Retrieved from PBS broadcasting. (2015). Assistive technology. PBS broadcasting. Retrieved from Reed. (2000). Assistive technology legislation. Assistive Technology Training Online Project. Retrieved from Standberry,K., Raskind, M.H. (2009). Assistive technology for kids with learning disabilities: an overview. Reading Rockets. Retrieved from

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