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EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Membership Assessment and Support System Drafted by the Task Force on developing a membership review.

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Presentation on theme: "EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Membership Assessment and Support System Drafted by the Task Force on developing a membership review."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Membership Assessment and Support System Drafted by the Task Force on developing a membership review system in EAPN and launched by the EXCO in 2012 EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE

2 Members have been asking for a review already in the previous strategic planning periods. What are our ambitions: rrecognising and using more the expertise of the members + supporting members strengthen (development) eensuring members are strong Anti Poverty Platforms – lobbying and policy-making eensuring people experiencing poverty feel EAPN is their network – participation 3 Goals on influencing policies; on developing the network and on strengthening the participation of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion Current Strategic Plan ambitious vision of stronger and more engaged member-led network

3 SStrong National Anti Poverty Platforms (lobby + development + participation) – Exco guidance AAnalyse the reality DDevelop a set of criteria for what makes a good EAPN National Network : (ability to influence governments for better policies + involvmenet of people experiencing poverty + grow as a National Network and raise the membership base) PPropose a membership review system based on the criteria and the reality that members have and a programme to support members in achieving it Terms of reference approved by the EXCO

4  Starting with Exco guidance on strong National Anti Poverty Networks(lobby + development + participation) tatutory requirements AAnalysis of the following engagements, challenges and interaction between National and EU level work:  Lobbying and policy-making  Ensuring development and growth  Financial management (contracts with EAPN Europe; strengthening project-implementing base)  Participation of people experiencing poverty  Building the base of activists  Communication  Enlargement work and membership application procedure CComparison of the realities of the networks represented on the TF How it was developed

5  Presentation from International Planned Parenthood Federation – one of the practices most valued by their members among Social Platform members  Examples from the countries present in the TF DDecision on the framework of four pillars (following Exco guidance + governance and internal democracy) MMembers of the Task Force submitted first drafts SShaping the MASS – Membership Assessment and Support System – a horizontal peer review process CConsultation and integration of feedback and input. FFinal MASS submitted to the Executive Committee for adoption EEAPN Iceland first network to trial the MASS SSupport visit to EAPN Romania also based on MASS How it was developed continuation

6  A framework proposal to help National Networks grow, based on common understanding of aspirations along the four pillars of strong National Anti Poverty Networks – as indicated by the Executive and as set in the statutes AA set of essential elements universally applicable to any NGO or civil society actor and one that EAPN asks of itself and of its partners – to help members work towards the same vision AA peer-review Support and Accompaniment System by colleagues from other NNs AA basis for development work (to be completed with support tools, templates and to highlight good practice from members) NNot a punitive system NNot a top-down process – horizontal, led by peers NNot a tool to apply only to struggling members, but a reference framework for everyone What the Membership Assessment and Support System is and What It Is Not

7 IInfluence National Governments for better policies: advocacy, lobbying and policy-making linked to European level developments PParticipation of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Internal and External Workings of the National Network DDevelopment and Growth of the Network GGrowth TTraining and capacity building GGood governance and strong internal democracy SStrong internal democracy MManagement of workers and volunteers/activists SStrategic planning/thinking FFunding (starting with contracts with EAPN) Four Pillars of Strong Anti Poverty Networks

8 PProposal of 3 essential indicators for each area and a way to understand how those are being fulfilled (documents, discussions, annual report) AAdditional recommended indicators LLists of documents that can show how the indicators are fulfilled AAdditional lists and examples; templates could be proposed. Highlighted the importance of annual reports which the Bureau has reinstated as a practice already for the GA 2013. From the list of documents, none of them are beyond normal NGO practice. Indicators and Ways to See How Those are Implemented

9  Starting with Exco decision on which NN undergoes MASS elf-reflection as a first stage and basis for the assessment process upport and Accompaniment Teams, involving two representatives from other NNs and support person from secretariat – terms of reference defined jointly with the network undergoing the MASS  Peer review and capacity building visit – learning dialogues with different structures of the NN  Agreement for implementing changes and follow-up  Recognition in EAPN GA or other EAPN Europe space of the process the NN has engaged with. Implementation Process

10  T Trialing and improving it (Some networks have offered to trial it: EAPN Iceland + Italy and Slovakia and it was used in the support visit to EAPN Romania)  Making the MASS a development framework for EAPN National Networks  drawing learning in the process  adapting the training and capacity building agenda based on the MASS pillars and drawing on the learning that happens in process  Using all tools available for the development process (ex: solidarity grants from EAPN Fund; Annual Reports of Networks and all the policy and capacity building work that happens through EAPN Europe work) Next Steps

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