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Oregon DHS Child Welfare Staff Training June 2016 Senate Bill 1515 Implementation.

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1 Oregon DHS Child Welfare Staff Training June 2016 Senate Bill 1515 Implementation

2 Definitions : Several Definitions in OAR were added, modified or deleted to address the changes consistent with SB 1515 New statutory definitions: Abuse now applies to a child in care and is defined differently than abuse definitions in 419B. Child in Care: Person under 21 residing in or receiving care or services from a CCA or Proctor foster home. Child Caring Agency (CCA): now defined in ORS 418.205 Dispositions to include: SUBSTANTIATED, UNSUBSTANTIATED OR INCONCLUSIVE

3 Screening The changes in screening are structured similarly to how abuse in day care and CW certified foster homes or relative caregivers is handled and utilizes the screening rule along with the rule that is specific to the setting Screeners determine if a report is the responsibility of OAAPI or CW. Screeners are now assigning reports that involve a child in care which includes individuals under 21 years of age (only in this limited context – pursuant to the definition of Child in Care). CW responds: sex abuse when perp is child/child in care residing in CCA; CW responds: abuse to child/child in care not receiving service from CCA; CW responds: perp is employee of Academic Boarding School, Adoption Agency or Homeless, Runaway and Transitional Living Shelters OAAPI responds: child receives services from or lives in, and the perp is proctor foster parent or employee of: Residential Care Agency, Day Treatment Agency, Foster Care Agency, Therapeutic Boarding School, Outdoor Youth Program

4 Screening continued… If OAAPI’s responsibility, CW Screeners forward as always, with email to notify. If CW’s responsibility, use both definitions of abuse to determine CAS or assign. If closed at screening, Screeners convert 307A to PDF, forward to notifications personnel and document notification. ODDS notification – (This change is not related to SB1515).

5 CPS Worker The changes in CPS assessments are structured similarly to how abuse in day care and CW certified foster homes or relative caregivers is handled and utilizes the CPS assessment rule along with the rule that is specific to the setting CPS worker convenes a staffing. CPS worker notifies and interviews authority responsible for the CCA or proctor foster home. CPS worker interviews employees and children, including any child who may be unsafe or have information, when in CCA. Child in care not in DHS or OYA custody worker must notify child in care that they may have their parent/caregiver or attorney present during interview. Child in care not in DHS or OYA custody must gain permission from parent/caregiver to interview child.

6 CPS worker continued… Determine disposition: Substantiated, Unsubstantiated, Inconclusive AND/OR Founded, Unfounded, Unable to Determine When notifications are required pursuant to SB1515 worker notifies specified notifications personnel. ODDS notification (This change is not related to SB 1515).

7 Assigned Caseworker Additional notification and reporting responsibilities Report to LEA when a crime is suspected to have been committed.

8 Additions to Monthly Contact and Monitoring ALL DHS staff must notify specific notifications personnel when they become aware of any concern regarding the well-being of a child in care, or any deficiency, violation or potential breach of contract involving a child in care residing in or receiving services from a CCA or proctor foster home. Document notification and make efforts to address concern.

9 Child-Caring Agencies: List of child-caring agencies child-caring-agencies.html

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