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Presentation on theme: "QUESTION FORM SIMPLE PAST By: Lic. Luz Zubizarreta."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUESTION FORM SIMPLE PAST By: Lic. Luz Zubizarreta

2 YES / NO QUESTION *Did you go to Rome last year ? Yes,I did / Yes,I went to Rome last year. No,I didn’t. / No,I didn’t go to Rome last year.

3 Did she go shopping yesterday ? Yes, she did. / Yes, she went shopping yesterday.

4 Did you take your medicines last week? No,I didn’t take my medicines last week.

5 *Did Hakan Sukur kick a goal last week ? Yes,he did. / Yes, he kicked a goal last week.

6 Did your grandmother clean the house yesterday ? No, she didn’t. She only watched television and ate chips in her living room yesterday.

7 Question Word AuxiliarySubject Verb infinitiv e object When Why How Where etc. did I you he she it we you they John go to the beach yesterday ? FORMING “ WH “ QUESTIONS

8 What did the nurse bring for the patient ‘ Tom ‘ ? She brought the medicines for him.

9 When did Janet and Jim get married ? They got married three days ago.

10 - Where did Selami and Gonul go for their honeymoon two weeks ago ? - They went to Paris for their honeymoon two weeks ago.

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