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Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Mapping current and future Child Public Health Research Work Package 2 Measurement and Indicators Start-up.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Mapping current and future Child Public Health Research Work Package 2 Measurement and Indicators Start-up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Mapping current and future Child Public Health Research Work Package 2 Measurement and Indicators Start-up meeting 14-15 June. NHV, Göteborg

2 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Agenda for RICHE WP2 meeting in Göteborg 14-15:th June 2010 Monday 13.30-13.40 Welcome and presentation of participants 13.40-14.15 What is RICHE? Anthony, Michael 14.15-14.30 WP2- an introduction, Anders. Vision towards the future, Michael. 14.30-16.30 Subreport 1 (with Coffee). Inventory of indicators of health and related behaviours. Lennart 16.30-17.30 Subreport 2:. Indicators of equity.Hein 17.30-18.30 Subreport 3: Indicators of disability and need. Discussion based on Allan´s material 19.10 Taxi transfer 19.30 Dinner at Långedrag.

3 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Agenda for RICHE WP2 meeting in Göteborg 14-15:th June 2010 Tuesday 8.30-10.00 Summing up of Subreports 1-3. Short intro of reports 4-7. For each report a team should be formed and the material that should be collected from each country should be defined. Coffee 10.30-11.00 The RICHE Taxonomy, Presentation by Michael and discussion about indicators in this system. 11.00-12.00 Timetable for draft of reports and data collection. Planning of meeting in January-February including which stakeholders to invite. 12-13 Lunch. Departure.

4 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Aim Identifying previous and on-going work on measuring child health and child health indicators (WP2: Indicators).

5 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe “Previous and ongoing work” Work published from 2000 onwards Projects under way Projects actually funded

6 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Focus Measurement of child health and development and its major determinants. How measures of child health and development can be used to promote child health The potential of electronic health records to create new indicators

7 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Expected outcomes/products Report Input to WP3 (Gaps) and WP4 (Road maps) Indicator material (special section/area?) uploaded on RICHE website (WP5)

8 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe

9 Subreports 1-3 1.Inventory of indicators of health and related behaviours (months 3-12). Major! Lead: Lennart Köhler 2.Indicators of equity (ms 3-12). Lead: Hein Raat 3.Indicators of disability and need (ms 3- 12).. Lead: Allan Colver & Matilde Leonardi Workshop (jan-feb 2011)

10 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Subreports 4-5 4. International child health indicators Lead: Denise Alexander (months 12-20) 5. Sub-national indicators (months 12-20) Lead: Mitch Blair Workshop fall 2011 (not funded, at ESSOP meeting?)

11 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Sub-report 6-7 6. Secondary measurement research from routinely collected data (months 12-28) Lead: Anders Hjern 7. Measurement and Statistical Exploitation of Electronic Health Records (months 12-28) Lead: Geir Gunlaugsson Workshop with discussion of final report June 2012

12 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Deliverables 1.Report: Indicators of health status and determinants of health;subreports 1-3. Feb 2011. 2.Report: Subreport 4-7 and Final report July 2012.

13 Research Inventory of Child Health in Europe Time Table; 1’st year; WP 2 2010: June: First meeting July-Sep: Collection of material to reports and website Okt-Dec: Writing of reports 1-3, uploading material to website 2011: Feb: Work shop; Deliverable 1 (Reports 1- 3). Planning of reports 4-7

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