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Water City —— VENICE. The travel routes 1.The Main Island ( 威尼斯主岛)1.The Main Island 2.The Murano (穆拉诺)2.The Murano 3.The Burano (布拉诺)3.The Burano.

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Presentation on theme: "Water City —— VENICE. The travel routes 1.The Main Island ( 威尼斯主岛)1.The Main Island 2.The Murano (穆拉诺)2.The Murano 3.The Burano (布拉诺)3.The Burano."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water City —— VENICE



4 The travel routes 1.The Main Island ( 威尼斯主岛)1.The Main Island 2.The Murano (穆拉诺)2.The Murano 3.The Burano (布拉诺)3.The Burano 4.The Western Restaurant 5.The Chinese Family Hotel

5 Basic information 118 islands 177 canals 401 bridges Without cars 因水而生 因水而美 因水而兴


7 San Marco Square Basilica San Marco San Marco Library The Campanile The Duke palace Bridge of Sighs

8 San Marco Square

9 About 170 meters long, 80 meters wide. The public activity center of politics, religion and traditional festivals It is the most famous of the city's churches and one of the best known examples of Byzantine architecture A masterpiece of ancient Roman architecture.


11 The corner campanile About 99 meters high The city ordinate

12 Duke Palace Built in 814, Byzantine architecture (拜占庭建筑 ) It burned for several times Built in 15C, Gothic architecture ( 哥特式建筑 ) Decoration :oil paintings, mural paintings, marble (大理石) sculptures and woodcarvings


14 Bridge of Sighs Baroque style Hermetically- sealed(through the window) Connect the court with the prison Prisoners( sentenced to death) Utter a sigh for the loss of freedom

15 Gondola The chief means of transportation In rowing races To carry tourists


17 1 EUR ≈ RMB 40mins ≈ 70 EUR 8


19 A center for glassmaking Government protection Historical and cultural heritage



22 Colorful housesLace Island, mask

23 If someone wishes to paint their home, he must send a request to the government, who will respond by making notice of the certain colors permitted for that lot.






29 pasta 意大利面食


31 Dessert 提拉米苏

32 Digestivo 餐后饮品

33 Hotel~

34 10 英本非师 4 班 100205401 何 秋 梅

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