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Vtoken Generator Application Bowo Prasetyo. Vtoken Generator Application ● Vtoken Generator application (VG) is an application in vtoken generating machine.

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Presentation on theme: "Vtoken Generator Application Bowo Prasetyo. Vtoken Generator Application ● Vtoken Generator application (VG) is an application in vtoken generating machine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vtoken Generator Application Bowo Prasetyo

2 Vtoken Generator Application ● Vtoken Generator application (VG) is an application in vtoken generating machine to generate vtoken for verified voter, and it uses barcode as media to store vtoken. ● EVM is then read vtoken using barcode reader, and validate it before voter can cast vote.

3 Security Features ● Vtoken is digitally signed. – Vtoken cannot be used in another precinct. – Vtoken cannot be used more than once. ● Vtokens are collected into vtoken box in random order, such that it cannot be traced down to the order of voter.

4 Security Features ● Only when voting process is in the place: – vtoken can be generated by administrator. ● Only when voting process is not yet started or is already finished: – vtoken box can be reset by administrator.

5 Security Features ● Anti-crash technology – System may be down during the voting process while all data and application states are retained. – When the system is up again, just startup Vtoken Generator and it will go to the last condition.

6 Other Features ● Voter Generator can be configured easily using extensive configuration file. ● Multi-layout button support, currently: tile and horizontal. ● Multi-language support, currently: English, Indonesian and Japanese. ● All actions by user are recorded in audit log.

7 Installation ● Voter Generator consists of: – a stand alone Java application, – a MySQL database, and – a barcode printer (see manual for installation). ● Copy file VtokenGenerator.jar and vtoken.ini into a directory.

8 Installation ● Rename vtoken-eng.ini / vtoken- ina.ini / vtoken-jp.ini to vtoken.ini for English/Indonesian/Japanese language. ● Execute vtokengenerator.sql to create MySQL database.

9 Configuration ● Modify vtoken.ini to configure EVM with Barcode, which consists of 7 sections: – [database] – [layout] – [administrator] – [precinct] – [institution] – [text] – [font]

10 [database] ; port no. used by database server db_port = 3306 ; database server db_server = localhost ; database name db_name = evoting ; database username db_username = evoting ; password of database username db_password = yQ9JTh8xMMdsW2t7

11 [layout] ; whether to use start page before displaying ballot: 'yes' or 'no' lay_use_start_page = no ; layout of candidate buttons: 'horizontal' or 'tile' lay_candidates = horizontal ; layout of admin buttons: 'horizontal' or 'tile' lay_adm_buttons = tile

12 [administrator] ; long password for administrator to manage voting process adm_password = LZ9Fr5DL9WUcxcxD ; date format in result statistics according to docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat. html date_format = yyyy/MM/dd, HH:mm

13 [precinct] ; precinct no precinct_no = 1 ; room no in precinct precinct_room = 1 ; number of witness in precinct: -1 to set witness number as many as candidate number precinct_witness_num = -1

14 [institution] ; institution name ins_name = Institute of Sweet Fruits ; institution short name ins_short_name = ISF ; election event name ins_event_name = Election of ISF Alumni Association President

15 [text] ; text property is basically a string which may contains: ; - variable of another property as %other_property%, which then is replaced by its value. ; - tag as [tag] --> currently only [candidate] tag is supported, which then is replaced by candidate label when confirming selection. txt_yes = Yes txt_no = No txt_ok = OK txt_reset = Reset txt_start_msg = Start %ins_event_name% %ins_name% txt_select_confirm_msg = Are you sure to vote for [candidate]?

16 [font] ; font uses the format [font name]-[style]- [size], in which: ; [font name]: font name such as Tahoma, DeJavu Sans, Arial, Helvetica etc. ; [style]: font style, one of: Plain, Bold, Italic or BoldItalic. ; [size]: font size in points fnt_start_msg = DeJavu Sans-Bold-48 fnt_select_confirm_msg = DeJavu Sans-Bold-36 fnt_select_confirm_first = Tahoma-Bold-48

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