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Sierra Adult Student Support, Education, and Training Services Workgroup Meeting May 6, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Sierra Adult Student Support, Education, and Training Services Workgroup Meeting May 6, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sierra Adult Student Support, Education, and Training Services Workgroup Meeting May 6, 2016

2 Agenda 8:30-8:40Greetings, Announcements 8:40-8:50Consortium Update 8:50-9:00Break 9:00-9:35Workgroup Reports 15-16 9:35-10:00Q & A – Discussion 10:00-10:15Break 10:15-11:30Workgroup Breakout Sessions

3 Greetings and Announcements

4 Consortium Update ●16-17 Budget Allocated Increases for Tahoe Truckee, Roseville Project funding still being negotiated ●Consortium Projects Restored Funding to 50% Tahoe Truckee Marketing Student Support Workgroup Research on Regional Need Additional Staff

5 Break – 10 minutes

6 AWD Workgroup 2015-16 Report

7 Local Research NEED: Unserved and underserved AWD in the region, who and where are they? Missing basic demographics ‘15-’16 WORK: AEBG Researcher? AWD specific position? Ideal: Central, capacity, experienced in both research and disability resources FUTURE: Develop and staff resource/research position for AWD in ‘16-’17, AWD workgroup responsible for making connections via other organizations (e.g. homeless shelters, hospitals)

8 New Partners ●A Touch of Understanding (ATOU): disability awareness programs to educate, understand, respect and accept individuals and the challenges associated with disabilities ●FREED: eliminate barriers for people with disabilities, programs which promote independent living, systemic change, affirming dignity and self determination, gateway to expanded choices and options at any age.

9 Navigator Position NEED: Direct-client services for both families and AWD to navigate confusing, inefficient state/county/local networks ‘15-’16 WORK: Navigator scope of work researched and written, requested tighten focus of position to resource coordinator/specialist, AWD workgroup worked on narrowing scope of work to establish baseline of resources FUTURE: Position to be staffed and resource guide for SASSETS, faculty, staff, families, AWD developed

10 Shared Resources NEED 1: Students/clients need Assistive Technology, but expense, inexperience are barriers to access ‘15-’16 WORK: Sierra College and FREED shared available resources, lending library information FUTURE: Continuing to develop, seek out resources, share those established NEED 2: MIA Partners ‘15-’16 WORK: Attempted communication with those who are unable to attend FUTURE: Workgroup committed to personally reaching out to contacts at MIA organizations to reinvite, reconnect, ask to work on assigning designees

11 Identifying Needs NEED: What is missing? What don’t we know? Specific areas of need for AWD ‘15-’16 WORK: Identifying regional gaps in services that are not filled by available shared resources FUTURE: Concerted efforts to develop strong networks and new programs for AWD in the areas of; literacy skills, self-esteem, finance, transportation, assistive technology and living options

12 CTE Workgroup 2015-16 Report

13 1. Develop Asset Map Progress: ●Identified programs, costs, available funding, eligibility requirements, contact person Challenges: ●Language and terminology ●Lack of cross-workgroup mapping Other Findings: ●Extent of services offered by partners Conclusion: ●Carry-over to 16-17 & add Tahoe-Truckee

14 2. Align Assessment and Intake Instruments Progress: ●Created draft universal form. ●Piloted the form – PSA to CalWorks ●Collaboration with Basic Skills Workgroup. Challenges: ●Lack of Unique Identifier ●Lack of representation. Conclusion: ●Project on hold pending other universal solutions.

15 3. Career Readiness Certification Progress: ●Identified Six Programs Challenges: ●Regional employability skills ●Endorsement by local businesses. Conclusion: ●Carry-over to 2016-17 ●Conduct labor market needs research

16 Adult Basic Skills (ABS) Workgroup 2015-16 Report

17 “Basic Skills”? ABS Key Issue: ●How to better serve the key foundational skills needs of our region’s adult learners Progress: ●Continued conversations & agreements Challenges: ●Tough to strategically plan and follow through on specific “tasks” when ABS can seem so generalized ●If we build it, will they come?

18 “Basic Skills”? Conclusion: ●We know that ABS clientele needs us to help them build their Math and English skills, as well as their ‘Soft’ skills and their overall self-confidence ●Each meeting has seen different people from different agencies, but our mission is the same ●This will definitely continue to be the driving force of our conversation into ‘16-’17

19 Communication ABS Key Issue: ●How to improve communication and connections between our agencies Progress: ●“Transition Specialist” ●In-take process - gaps? similarities? alignment??? Challenges: ●Breaking away from status quo ●Hard to track our clientele! ●Not always the same people at the discussion table

20 Communication Conclusion: ●Transition Specialist on board! ●Counseling group is assembled! ●Continue to discuss tracking into next school year...

21 Professional Development ABS Key Issue: ●How grow/develop as a group practically, strategically, and Progress: ●Get teachers together from our institutions/agencies to agree on and align some curriculum & discuss best practices Challenges: ●Little involvement from classroom instructors and business (employment) leaders at meetings ●Sometimes lack of clarity and/or communication

22 Professional Development Conclusion: ●Curriculum creation & alignment will happen (once everyone commits to it) ●Plan to gather our teachers, tutors, specialists, etc. for an opportunity to share best practices ●ABS members are excited to see what I-Best, 21st Century Skills, or whatever Consortium PD can come our way!

23 ESL Workgroup 2015-16 Report

24 Student Services Workgroup 2015-16 Report

25 See you in September! ●September 16 ●October 14 ●November 4

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