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OAA PRESENTATION February 7, 2013. WELCOME AND TEAM INTRODUCTIONS Dave Dennis – ODOT Office of Aviation Jim Bryant – ODOT Office of Aviation Chuck Dyer.

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Presentation on theme: "OAA PRESENTATION February 7, 2013. WELCOME AND TEAM INTRODUCTIONS Dave Dennis – ODOT Office of Aviation Jim Bryant – ODOT Office of Aviation Chuck Dyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 OAA PRESENTATION February 7, 2013

2 WELCOME AND TEAM INTRODUCTIONS Dave Dennis – ODOT Office of Aviation Jim Bryant – ODOT Office of Aviation Chuck Dyer – ODOT Division of Planning Marie Keister – Engage Beth Easterday – Engage Scott Sanders – CDM Smith Eric Laing – CDM Smith Matt Schnelle – RS&H Jack Ray – CCI Dave Dennis – ODOT Office of Aviation Jim Bryant – ODOT Office of Aviation Chuck Dyer – ODOT Division of Planning Marie Keister – Engage Beth Easterday – Engage Scott Sanders – CDM Smith Eric Laing – CDM Smith Matt Schnelle – RS&H Jack Ray – CCI

3 MEETING AGENDA Welcome and introductions Study purpose and context Issue and opportunity identification Other stakeholder input to date Next steps

4 FOCUS STUDY PURPOSE AND GOALS “The Focus Study will be used to optimize investment in Ohio’s airport system with an eye toward safety, efficiency and economic growth. It will identify needed system improvements, develop a framework for prioritizing those projects, and assess the economic impact of each publicly owned airport. The Study’s findings will assist ODOT and FAA in making hard decisions on proposed airport development in a period of limited funding.”

5 WHAT THE STUDY IS/IS NOT IS: About publicly-funded general aviation airports A big picture system plan that identifies federal and state funding priorities An opportunity to quantify economic benefits of system airports IS NOT: About commercial air service or privately-owned airports An airport-specific master plan Going to recommend airport closures

6 FOCUS STUDY: PROCESS Establish PAC Consult stakeholders Performance measures Establish PAC Consult stakeholders Performance measures Set the Stage Data Collection Determine System Needs Recommend Potential Actions Inventory airports Aviation trends Existing airport roles Inventory airports Aviation trends Existing airport roles Forecasts Regional capacity analysis Airport compliance GIS analysis Forecasts Regional capacity analysis Airport compliance GIS analysis System improvements Development costs Recommendations System improvements Development costs Recommendations Identify # jobs, payroll output by airport Airport valuation Identify # jobs, payroll output by airport Airport valuation Economic Impact Study


8 FOCUS STUDY: OHIO’S PUBLIC AIRPORTS System AirportsJobsOhio Regions

9 FOCUS STUDY: DATA COLLECTION System Plan data collection process – Contact airport managers/sponsors – Schedule visits – Send out airport survey – Visit 97 general aviation and 7 commercial airports – Interview airport manager and key tenants Data to be collected: – Airport facilities and services – Airport activity – Tenants on airport – Airport valuation/land use – Economics

10 FOCUS STUDY: EXPECTED OUTCOMES Detail on each of the 97 general aviation airports Evaluation of system efficiencies Summary of economic impacts by airport – Jobs, payroll and output Framework for difficult state and federal funding decisions

11 FOCUS STUDY: PROJECT DELIVERABLES Project deliverables: Technical reports of findings Executive summary of recommendations Individual airport brochures that summarize features and economic impacts

12 SURVEY RESPONSE Surveyed Airports and Economic Development Authorities (EDAs) regarding: – Regional economic conditions – Future economic prospects – Coordination between Airports and EDAs on economic development issues

13 INITIAL STAKEHOLDER INPUT Outreach to 104 airports – 79 responses (76% response rate) Outreach to 88 EDAs (one in each Ohio county) – 61 responses (69% response rate) Received 51 regional responses from both the airport and the respective EDA

14 WHAT WE FOUND In general, airports and economic development agencies agree airports play a positive role in local economic development Airports, however, view themselves as having a higher level of significance than did EDAs Both generally have positive outlook on economy’s future


16 AIRPORT INPUT (EXAMPLE) 66% say facility limitations will restrict future economic growth in the region – Nearly half of the limitations are runway length

17 EDA INPUT (EXAMPLE) The airport enhances our region’s quality of life.

18 EDA INPUT (EXAMPLE) The airport gives our region an edge in attracting business.

19 COMPARING AIRPORT AND EDA VIEWS IssueAirportsEDAs Airport helps attract new business91%84% Airport supports keeping existing business 93%85% Airport limitations will restrict growth66%71% Growth will spur airport activity85%79%

20 COMPARING AIRPORT AND EDA VIEWS IssueAirportsEDAs Region had positive historic growth56%76% Region has positive anticipated growth97%100% Airport involved in economic development plans 65%57% Airport gives positive visitor impression89%71%

21 PUBLIC OUTREACH Three rounds Seven meetings First round: – 321 attendees – 42 airports – Numerous government and economic development agencies – Private individuals

22 PUBLIC OUTREACH Website provided access to those who could not attend public meetings Outreach generated extensive public comments: – Meeting comments highlighted in online summaries – More than 100 written comments submitted after meeting – More than 200 online comments

23 PUBLIC OUTREACH – COMMON THREADS Funding for existing infrastructure is a concern Airports need better marketing – Airports support a mix of business and recreational use – Support economic development grants – Why certain facilities and services are needed – Everyone understands government support for highways; few understand government support for airports Aviation in Ohio generates more than $20 million in sales taxes – why does aviation get less than $1 million in state funding? Coming up with local match for FAA grants is challenging – Innovative funding efforts involving both private and public funds Airports supporting tourism have growth potential

24 NEXT STEPS Continue public outreach Meeting summaries posted on website Respond to online comments Airport inventory Airport inventory surveys distributed Schedule visits for February and March Follow up with airport survey and visits Interview airport managers and key tenants Next series of public meetings: Summer/Fall, 2013

25 CONTINUING COMMUNICATION Check for updates Email us at Keep the conversation going! Check for updates Email us at Keep the conversation going!

26 Thank You

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