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Qt in academic so fare 16 Sept 2009 by Knut Yrvin.

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Presentation on theme: "Qt in academic so fare 16 Sept 2009 by Knut Yrvin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qt in academic so fare 16 Sept 2009 by Knut Yrvin

2 Knut Yrvin Open Source Community Manager, Qt Software ● Telenor in 1986 – technical assistant ● Engineer in electronics – 1992 ● Telenor – project planning – 1993 ● Master in system development - 2000 ● Norwegian Central Securities Depository and a consultant for three years ● Co-founded Skolelinux in 2001 – Now a part of Debian Edu ● Trolltech ASA – 2006, ● Trolltech, a Nokia Company – 2008

3 Agenda ● Engaging students ● Some experiences ● Job market for Open Source ● Please join us

4 FLOSS Impact 2006 The European Commission released a study of the economic impact of Free/Libre or Open Source Software (FLOSS) on the European ICT sector in 2006. Key findings: FLOSS potentially saves industry over 36% in software R&D investments Increased profits, or invest more usefully spent in further innovation Source:

5 Job demographics Only 7% of programmers in the US work in packaged software companies 30% work in sectors producing mainly custom software / integration / support Almost 60% work in the “user sector” - finance, government, manufacturing, retail, etc Source:

6 16% of software spending in the US is on packaged proprietary software (19% in EU) >50% is in-house software development (30% in EU) Rest is custom software Spendings Source:

7 68% incorporated FLOSS in their products in 2006 Rishab Aiyer Ghosh Licensed under: Creative Commons cc-nd-nc Source:

8 Gartner predicts 80% will include Free and Open Source software in their products in 2012

9 Take home You might reduce R&D investments with 34% by reusing software made by volunteers and free or dual license software companies You might increase your market opportunity with more than 50% targeting in-house and custom development with free software Source:

10 Bachelor projects using Qt ● Tower of Defence – by Oisin John McKeown, Trond Grefsrud. Gjøvik University College ● Ninja Jump – by Egil Bradley, Asbjørn Bekkelund, Trond Stokkeland, Øyvind Larsen Nygård, David Tverbak. Hedemark University College ● Network Manager for 3G in KDE – by Peder Osevoll Midthjell, Sveinung Dalatun, Anders Sandven. Bergen University College ● Stopmotion – Bjørn Erik Nilsen, Fredrik Berg Kjølstad. Gjøvik University College

11 Multiplayer games: Tower Defence & Ninja Jump Communication over network (Ethernet, GPRS, whatever) C++ with Qt and Qt Extended

12 Tower Defence

13 Ninja Jump NinjaJump is a simple game developed as a student project. It's main target is smart phones with touchscreen.

14 NinjaJump on the desktop Working well also on desktops as Windows Windows Vista

15 Play versus friends (or foes) through tcp-ip. Crossplatform application that can be used on a pc, cellphone or similar units supported by Qt NinjaJump over the network Linux

16 NinjaJump on your tablet or smart phone The game is controlled by mouse, touchscreen or similar. Nokia N810 Tablet

17 Stopmotion Move objects in steps, taking pictures between each move. Combine it to a movie

18 Built with Qt Best student project 2006

19 They succeeded by ● Heavy use of free software development methods and tools from the start ● Cooperation with others, interacting with real users for evaluation and feedback ● The students listened to both their internal advisor and input from OSS developers ● They used free software tools and methods ● They participated and was active at all the developer gatherings ● They showed up on appointments

20 The academic involvement Open Course Ware Student project, Open Source sites Presenting results on Full Qt out of the box Code sprints & gatherings

21 Dev tools out of the box

22 Hosting student projects

23 Qt-apps

24 Code sprints

25 Mobile Developer Days

26 Qt on devices

27 Open Course Ware

28 Closed

29 Open

30 Thanks Q & A

31 Please join us Getting experience with developing cross device, cross platform software

32 Free us from the silos Today many device manufactures and software developers maintain several code bases for the same application, when targeting different operating systems and devices. Qt can increase Nokia productivity and time to marked, targeting desktop, mobile and embedded platforms with a single code base. Of several benefits with Qt, speed to marked and reduced maintenance cost are great advantages for Nokia and everyone else using Qt.

33 Foundation for future innovation Increased use of Qt, including contributions and feedback from innovative projects, will ensure that Qt is of the highest quality possible. The widespread use of Qt both in free and proprietary projects, translates into greater richness and stability across and between platforms. A continues improvement of Qt gains both Nokia and everyone else who uses it.

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