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World History Unit II Review Renaissance & Reformation.

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1 World History Unit II Review Renaissance & Reformation

2 This is a re-birth of learning and classical knowledge in Europe in the 1500s… Renaissance

3 The Renaissance began in… Northern Italy

4 The Renaissance begins in Northern Italy and eventually spreads to… Northern Europe

5 This invention helped to spread the ideas of both the Renaissance and the Reformation in the 1500’s… The Printing Press

6 The study of human achievement and accomplishments is called… humanism

7 This term means “worldly” or “non-religious” in nature… secular

8 This writer wrote 37 plays and is considered one of the best writers of all time. The most famous of his plays is Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare

9 Many writers began to write in the “common language of the people” also known as… The vernacular

10 Erasmus wrote the book In Praise of Folly. The topic of this book was… Making fun of wealthy merchants and the Church

11 What is the name of this famous piece of artwork? Who was the painter? The Mona Lisa Leonardo Da Vinci

12 What is the name of this famous sculpture? Who chiseled this piece of work? The David Michelangelo

13 What is the name of this famous piece of artwork? Who was the painter? The Last Supper Leonardo Da Vinci

14 What is the name of this famous church? Who painted the ceiling of this church? The Sistine Chapel Michelangelo

15 What is the name of this famous dome? Who was the architect who designed the dome? The Dome of St. Peters Basilica. Michelangelo

16 During the middle ages the institution with the most power and authority in Europe was… The Church

17 The Church was challenged by what four factors in the 1500s? Merchants challenged the church’s view of usury. German and English Kings/princes disliked the power of the Church. Church corruption/sale of indulgences. The Political power and wealth of the church.

18 Martin Luther challenged the church by writing this document in Germany… The 95 Theses

19 The posting of the 95 Theses begins a new branch of Christianity called… Protestantism

20 The three main ideas (beliefs) of Martin Luther & the 95 Theses are… 1. You only win salvation with faith 2. All people of faith are equal before God 3. The Bible (not the Church) is the final authority

21 The Bible was printed in what three common languages during the Reformation? German, French, and English

22 This King of England wanted to divorce his wife in order to have a male heir… - King Henry VIII

23 When the Pope denied Henry’s request for a divorce, he made himself head of both the church and state by signing this act law… The Act of Supremacy

24 Upon taking control of the church in England, Henry divided this among his followers… Church Lands

25 Queen Elizabeth is also known as this because she never married… The “Virgin Queen”

26 Queen Elizabeth officially brought this religion to England. Protestant

27 Queen Elizabeth began this church in England… The Anglican Church

28 Queen Elizabeth’s Anglican Church was known for accepting both Protestants and Catholics. The church was known to be accepting of all or… tolerant

29 Queen Elizabeth defeated this force of 130 ships sent to crush England. The Spanish Armada

30 Queen Elizabeth tried to raise money in the English empire by supporting overseas expansion and… colonialism

31 This man is known for expanding and organizing the new religion of Protestantism. John Calvin

32 This belief of John Calvin states that all men are sinners at by birth and that God chooses or “elects” certain people to be saints. Only these people will be saved. Predestination

33 John Calvin taught that people would reveal their faith through… Hard work and works of righteousness. (protestant ethic)

34 The princes of Germany split into Protestant and Catholics in this way… Protestants – Northern Germany Catholics – Southern Germany

35 The princes of Germany began to fight one another in a religious war called… The 30 Years War

36 In France, the people who accepted the new Protestant religion were called… French Huguenots

37 In France, the Catholic monarchy granted religious freedom of worship in a document called… The Edict of Nantes

38 This French leader changed the focus of the Thirty Years War from a religious to a political conflict. Cardinal Richelieu

39 In response to the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church has its own Reformation. The leaders of the church held this meeting to re-establish Catholic beliefs: Council of Trent

40 Prior to Martin Luther, there were several dissenters who asked that the Catholic Church change their practices. The two most famous were: Jan Huss & John Wycliffe

41 At the council of Trent, the Catholic Church accomplished these three goals. 1.Reaffirmed Catholic beliefs and doctrines. 2.Sent out Catholic Missionaries (Jesuits) 3.Began the Inquisition (Torture of those accused of speaking against the church)

42 Literacy spread widely in Europe in the 1500s because of this invention: The Gutenberg Printing Press

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