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Closing the Literacy Gap for ELLs Closing the Literacy Gap for ELLs Which model is most effective? Ashley Martin ED 702.22 Spring 2011 Midterm Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing the Literacy Gap for ELLs Closing the Literacy Gap for ELLs Which model is most effective? Ashley Martin ED 702.22 Spring 2011 Midterm Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing the Literacy Gap for ELLs Closing the Literacy Gap for ELLs Which model is most effective? Ashley Martin ED 702.22 Spring 2011 Midterm Presentation ¡Hola! Hello!

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Research Design Threats to Internal Validity Threats to External Validity Proposed Data Pre-Test/ Post-Test Results Proposed Data Analysis and Correlation Parent and Student Surveys References

3 RESEARCH DESIGN Research Design: Quasi-Experimental Design – Nonequivalent Control Group Design Two groups: – Symbolic Design: O X 1 O O X 2 O – (O) Pre-test, (X 1 ) Treatment for Group 1, (X 2 ) Treatment for Group 2, (O) Post-test Two groups of students at risk for limited English literacy achievement will be pre-tested, with Group 1 being exposed to a treatment (bilingual small group literacy instruction) and then post-tested. Individual selection will not be random. Participants are in existing classroom groups according to the Dual Language 50/50 model. Group assignment, however, WILL be random.

4 THREATS TO INTERNAL VALIDITY History Maturation Testing/ Pre-Test Sensitization Instrumentation Mortality Differential Selection of Subjects

5 THREATS TO EXTERNAL VALIDITY o Ecological: This particular Dual Language Model is not present in all schools serving ELLs. o Generalizable Conditions o Pre-test Treatment o Experimenter Effects o Specificity of Variables o Reactive Arrangements/ Participants Effects o Compensatory Rivalry o Placebo Effect – Parent Surveys

6 PROPOSED DATA Pre and Post Tests – Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (K-2) Level G Nonfiction - Bubbles By Christina Rodriguez Student Surveys – Self-Attitudes, Behaviors, Likes and Dislikes Parent Surveys – Demographics, Attitudes, Duration

7 PRE-TEST/ POST-TEST RESULTS MarchAprilMay PretestPosttestActual Student 16588F Student 292100I Student 39097H Student 48490G Student 55575E Student 699100I Student 796 H Student 88392H Group 1 – Exposed to a Treatment

8 PROJECTED SURVEY RESULTS/ ANALYSIS A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D= 4 E= 5 F = 6 G = 7 H = 8 I = 9 J = 10 K = 11 Student 166 Student 2109 Student 3108 Student 498 Student 585 Student 6109 Student 7108 Student 8118 Group 1 Spanish/English Comparison.75rxy

9 Student Survey Sample Questions Student Survey Student Number: _____ Group: Mets Yankees Circle your answer for YES or NO. Escribe un c í rculo para tu respuesta de SI or NO. 1. I like to read books in Spanish. Me gusta leer libros en espa ñ ol. 1 2 2. I like to be read to in Spanish. Me gusta para escuchar a libros en espa ñ ol. 1 2

10 Parent Survey Sample Questions 1. It is important for my child to speak and learn in Spanish. Es importante para mi hijo/a a hablar y aprender en espa ñ ol. Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree 1234 7. I speak to my child in Spanish. / Hablo con mi hijo/a en español. 0 – 1 days per week 0 – 1 d í as por semana 2 – 3 days per week 2 – 3 d í as por semana 4-5 days per week 4-5 d í as por semana 6-7 days per week 6-7 d í as por semana Attitudes/Behaviors Duration

11 REFERENCES OConnor-Petruso, S. (2010). Descriptive Statistics Threats to Validity [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Fountas, I. C. & Pinnell, G. S. (2008). Benchmark assessment system. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann.

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